Nasi bebek Sinjay - East Jakarta City

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Nasi bebek Sinjay

Address :

RT.1/RW.15, East Pisangan, Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13230, Indonesia

Postal code : 13230
Categories :

RT.1/RW.15, East Pisangan, Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13230, Indonesia
wahyu guteng on Google

Akhirnya kumenemukanmu dope bebek sambel item kesukaan. Murce pake nasi 17
Finally I found you Dope Duck sauce favorite item. Murce uses rice 17
Uud Ragil on Google

Lumayan enak.. cuma porsi nya sedikit.. Sesuai dengan harga nya sich .
Pretty good .. just a little portion .. In accordance with the price, sich.
maya eka on Google

Ada bebek.. ayam bakar.. ati ampela juga.. rasa mah ga usah di ragukan.. yg pasti Dine in nya bukan untuk kongkow lama lama.. antri sama yg lain soalnya..
There are ducks .. grilled chicken .. liver gizzard too .. the taste is not doubted .. what is certain is that Dine in is not for a long hangout .. queuing with others because
Muhamad Surya_X_MIPA4 on Google

Enak murah tapi kualiatas kurang menjamin
It's cheap, but the quality is not guaranteed
khurin nurlaili on Google

Ini adalah street food langganan saya selama saya kost di bujana tirta. Harganya relatif murah. Bumbu hitam bebeknya sangat gurih dan kaya rempah. Bebeknya tidak keras namun memang ukurannya sedikit kecil. Namun sepadan untuk ukuran 17k. Pelayanannya pun baik ?? Rekomendasi sekali untuk anak kost yang suka nasi bebek.
This is my favorite street food during my boarding in Bujana Tirta. The price is relatively cheap. The duck black seasoning is very tasty and rich in spices. The duck is not hard but the size is a little small. But worth the 17k size. The service is good ?? A very recommendation for boarding children who like duck rice.
Muhammad Iqbal Putra Yudia on Google

Enak, murah dan banyak. Bumbu bebeknya pedes tapi bikin nagih, ditambah sama sambel ijo yang ga begitu pedes dan ga begitu pait. Jadi perpaduan yang pas. Rekomen buat makan malem. Terutama kalo lagi di sekitaram rawamangun/bea cukai.
Tasty, cheap and lots of it. The spices of the duck are spicy but make it collect, plus the green chili sauce that is not so spicy and not so pait. So the right combination. Recommend for eating late. Especially if it's around rawamangun / customs.
Indra Dwitya on Google

Nasi bebeknya enak tapi nasi gak begitu pulen, agak kesel aja abangnya sama sekali gak ramah, diajak ngomong soal maps yg salah titik (btw jauh bgt dari titik di maps ini) padahal udah depan muka ga di jawab sama sekali cuma diliat doang muka gua sambil lewatin gua buat beresin piring gua. Ga mau balik lagi btw wkwkwk
The duck rice is delicious but the rice is not so fluffy, I'm a bit annoyed, the brother is not friendly at all, asked to talk about maps at the wrong point (btw it's very far from the point on this map) even though in front of the face there is no answer at all, just look at my face while pass me to clean my plate. Don't want to come back again btw wkwkwk
yudhi pramono on Google


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