Muhammadiyah Elementary School Karangwaru - Yogyakarta City

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Contact Muhammadiyah Elementary School Karangwaru

Address :

Jl. Gotong Royong Lor TR II No.14, Karangwaru, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55241, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +778
Postal code : 55241
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–3PM
Tuesday 7AM–3PM
Wednesday 7AM–3PM
Thursday 7AM–3PM
Friday 7AM–3PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Gotong Royong Lor TR II No.14, Karangwaru, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55241, Indonesia
Yuni Sari on Google

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Sekolah yang mengajarkan pelajaran agama yg tidak ada di sekolah lain
Schools that teach religious subjects that do not exist in other schools
Wahyu Trah Utomo on Google

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Taqwa, smart, achievement
Channel BOCIL on Google

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Sweet Yvone on Google

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Sekolahnya bagus dan berkualitas. Guru-gurunya baik dan ramah. Jika hendak menjemput anak hendaknya tidak berhenti di depan gerbang sekolah, namun ada lahan parkir yang cukup luas disediakan pihak sekolah. SD Muhammadiyah Karangwaru, cerdas berilmu, santun budi pekerti, untuk menjadi generasi islami.
The school is good and quality. The teachers are kind and friendly. If you want to pick up a child, you should not stop in front of the school gate, but there is a large parking lot provided by the school. Muhammadiyah Karangwaru Elementary School, intelligent and knowledgeable, well mannered, to become Islamic generation.
1112shop on Google

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SD Muhammadiyah Karangwaru berdiri pada tanggal 6 Januari 1969, terletak di Karangwaru Lor, Tegalrejo, Kota Yogyakarta. Pada awal berdirinya hingga tahun 2000 sekolah ini belum menampakkan kemajuan yang berarti. Prestasi sekolah masih minim, jumlah siswapun masih sedikit. Keadaan tersebut membuat prihatin Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah Kota Yogyakarta, tokoh Muhammadiyah Tegalrejo, dan para pemerhati pendidikan setempat. Selanjutnya pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2000 SD Muhammadiyah Karangwaru secara resmi diserahkan langsung pembinaannya kepada SD Muhammadiyah Sapen. Bapak H. Sutrisno, selaku Kepala SD Muhammadiyah Sapen saat itu langsung melakukan pembenahan yang nyata untuk meningkatkan mutu sekolah. Diantaranya adalah dengan mengubah pola pikir dan kinerja guru yang masih stagnan dan sulit diajak untuk maju. Upaya itu didukung oleh Bapak H. Saijan, S.Ag selaku koordinator sekolah yang selalu mengarahkan dan memotivasi guru agar bekerja lebih baik. Sejak saat itulah sekolah mulai berkembang pesat dan mulai banyak dilirik oleh masyarakat. Secara perlahan tapi pasti wajah sekolah mulai berubah. Gedung sekolah yang semula memprihatinkan dan kurang layak untuk belajar mulai diperbaiki, bahkan dibuat bertingkat hingga 3 lantai mengingat keterbatasan lahan yang dimiliki saat itu. Sarana dan prasarana belajarpun semakin ditingkatkan. Secara kuantitas, jumlah siswapun mengalami pertambahan. Kalau sebelumnya jumlah siswa hanya belasan, maka kini meningkat hingga lebih dari ratusan siswa. Tercatat pada tahun ajaran 2016/2017 SD Muhammadiyah Karangwaru memiliki 440 siswa dan 30 guru. Seiring dengan itu berbagai prestasi siswa dalam bidang akademik maupun non akademik pun juga mulai nampak. Hingga pada akhirnya pada tahun 2004 sekolah inipun dilepas dari SD Muhammadiyah Sapen sebagai sekolah yang mandiri. Selepas dari SD Muhammadiyah Sapen, SD ini dipimpin oleh Bapak Bambang Harnowo, S.S., yang dilanjutkan oleh Bapak Mulyono, S.Pd. Di bawah kepemimpinan kedua kepala sekolah tersebut sekolah terus mengalami kemajuan yang pesat. Pada tahun 2016 Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah Kota Yogyakarta memberikan amanah kepada Bapak M. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd. untuk memimpin sekolah ini. Alumnus Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta yang pernah meraih juara I Lomba Guru Berprestasi Tingkat Kota Yogyakarta ini berupaya untuk lebih gencar lagi dalam mewujudkan sekolah unggulan. Berbagai langkah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan mutu sekolah. Pertama, Menjalin kerjasama dengan beberapa sekolah unggulan di luar negeri. Kerjasama tersebut tertuang dalam MOU dengan beberapa sekolah di Malaysia dan Singapura. Misalnya pada bulan Nopember 2016, Kepala SD Muhammadiyah Karangwaru pergi ke Malaysia untuk menjalin kerjasama dengan Sekolah Kiblah. Kerjasama dengan beberapa sekolah tersebut dipandang penting untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan.agar tidak ketinggalan dengan sekolah luar negeri. Selain itu juga sebagai upaya mengenalkan SD Muhammadiyah Karangwaru di luar negeri. Kedua, Peningkatan kualitas pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan. Dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, sekolah selalu mendorong dan memberi motivasi kepada guru dan karyawan untuk meningkatkan kompetensinya. Guru yang belum memenuhi kualifikasi S1 didorong untuk melanjutkan studi S1. Sedangkan bagi guru yang telah lulus S1 juga didorong untuk melanjutkan studi jenjang S2. Hasilnya saat ini sudah ada 2 guru yang berijazah S2, dan selebihnya berkualifikasi S1. Selain itu sekolah juga mendukung guru mengembangkan kompetensinya, baik melalui keikutsertaan diklat, seminar, simposium, maupun forum ilmiah lainnya. Ketiga, Peningkatan proses dan layanan pendidikan. SD Muhammadiyah Karangwaru berusaha memberikan layanan prima kepada para siswa. Sejalan dengan visi sekolah, Pendidikan yang dilaksanakan di SD Muhammadiyah Karangwaru bertujuan untuk agar siswa dapat mengamalkan ajaran agama islam yang utuh sebagai hasil proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan pembiasaan, siswa dapat meraih prestasi akademik maupun non akademik minimal tingkat kota Yogyakarta, siswa dapat menguasai dasa
Muhammadiyah SD Karangwaru was founded on January 6, 1969, located in Karangwaru Lor, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta City. At the beginning of its establishment until 2000 this school had not shown significant progress. School achievement is still minimal, the number of students is still small. This situation made the regional leaders of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta City, Muhammadiyah Tegalrejo leaders and local education observers concerned. Furthermore, on October 1, 2000 SD Muhammadiyah Karangwaru was officially handed over its guidance directly to SD Muhammadiyah Sapen. Mr. H. Sutrisno, as the Principal of Muhammadiyah Sapen Elementary School at that time immediately made real improvements to improve the quality of the school. Among them are changing the mindset and performance of teachers who are still stagnant and difficult to get ahead of. This effort is supported by Mr. H. Saijan, S.Ag as the school coordinator who always directs and motivates teachers to work better. Since then, the school began to develop rapidly and began to be looked at by the community. Slowly but surely the face of the school began to change. The school building, which was initially apprehensive and unsuitable for studying, began to be repaired, even made up to 3 floors, considering the limited land at that time. Learning facilities and infrastructure are also being improved. In terms of quantity, the number of students has also increased. If previously the number of students was only a dozen, now it has increased to more than hundreds of students. It was recorded that in the 2016/2017 academic year SD Muhammadiyah Karangwaru had 440 students and 30 teachers. Along with that, various student achievements in both academic and non-academic fields also began to appear. Until finally in 2004 this school was released from Muhammadiyah Sapen Elementary School as an independent school. After SD Muhammadiyah Sapen, this SD was led by Mr. Bambang Harnowo, S.S., followed by Mr. Mulyono, S.Pd. Under the leadership of the two school principals, the school continued to experience rapid progress. In 2016 the Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders of the City of Yogyakarta gave a mandate to Mr. M. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd. to lead this school. This alumnus of Yogyakarta State University, who won first place in the Yogyakarta City Level Teacher Achievement Competition, is trying to be even more aggressive in realizing excellent schools. Various steps were taken to improve the quality of schools. First, collaborating with several leading schools abroad. The cooperation is contained in the MOU with several schools in Malaysia and Singapore. For example, in November 2016, the Principal of SD Muhammadiyah Karangwaru went to Malaysia to collaborate with the Kiblah School. Collaboration with some of these schools is seen as important to improve the quality of education so that it is not left behind with foreign schools. Besides that, it is also an effort to introduce the Muhammadiyah SD Karangwaru abroad. Second, improving the quality of educators and educational personnel. In an effort to improve the quality of educators and education personnel, schools always encourage and motivate teachers and employees to improve their competence. Teachers who do not meet the S1 qualifications are encouraged to continue their undergraduate studies. Meanwhile, teachers who have graduated from S1 are also encouraged to continue their studies at the S2 level. The result is that currently there are 2 teachers with S2 certificates, and the rest are undergraduate qualifications. In addition, schools also support teachers to develop their competence, either through participation in training, seminars, symposia, and other scientific forums. Third, improving education processes and services. Muhammadiyah SD Karangwaru strives to provide excellent service to students. In line with the vision of the school, education carried out at SD Muhammadiyah Karangwaru aims to enable students to practice the complete teachings of the Islamic religion as a result of the learning process and habituation activities, students can achieve at least academic and non-academic achievements at the city level of Yogyakarta, students can master basic knowledge.
okashi ikaru on Google

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Sekolah sy dlu, disini ada lapangan luas, perpusatakaan, dn kelas yg layak,
My school used to have a wide field, library, and proper classes.
dzaky surya on Google

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The real favorit school
MAMITAKA on Google

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Excellent school for kids learn about basic subjects with additional knowledge of attitude and religi. This is one od many elementary school of muhammadiyah, the biggest islamic organisation in indonesia. In the morning, the road is very bussy. So, it is recommended you take shouth to north direction in front of the school. The raod is very narrow for two car.

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