Mega Mall Bekasi

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mega Mall Bekasi

Address :

Marga Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Categories :
City : Jawa Barat

Marga Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Yumei - TRANCEforMindSet on Google

Parkir luas, saya datang untuk ke samsung service center dan mencari aksesoris smartphone, sebagai ganti dari Giant yang sudah tutup, sekarang di isi dengan toko yang kebanyakan menjual busana, sementara di lantai atasnya lebih banyak counter penjual smartphone berbagai jenis termasuk service, ada beberapa pilihan tempat makan seperti AW dan counter kecil menjual minuman dan makanan ringan, prokes tidak terlalu ketat, suasana mall kurang happening...
Spacious parking, I came to the samsung service center and looked for smartphone accessories, instead of Giant which was closed, now filled with shops that mostly sell clothes, while on the top floor there are more counters selling various types of smartphones including service, there are several choices places to eat like AW and small counters selling drinks and snacks, prokes are not too tight, the mall atmosphere is less happening...
Bos Qren on Google

Halte Transjakarta di bekasi terletak di pusat kota kawasan bisnis seberang mall Mega bekasi atau Giant extra Mega bekasi Lokasi sangat strategis Transjakarta keluar pintu tol Bekasi langsung singgah ke halte ini dan yang mau kejakarta bisa juga naik dari halte ini pokoknya letak nya sangat strategis sekali
The Transjakarta bus stop in Bekasi is located in the city center of the business district opposite the Mega Bekasi mall or Giant Extra Mega Bekasi The very strategic location of Transjakarta exit the Bekasi toll gate immediately stops at this stop and those who want the Jakarta can also get up from this bus stop, the location is very strategic
Majelis Khoiru Ummah on Google

Lokasi sangat strategis bagi yg ingin pergi ke Jakarta naik busway dari halte ini. Cuma -/+ 30 menit Bekasi barat ke UKI Jaktim
The location is very strategic for those who want to go to Jakarta by busway from this stop. Only - / + 30 minutes from West Bekasi to UKI East Jakarta
wiwik kiwiw on Google

mall tengah kota bekasi masak eskalator ga nyala Mana AC ga nyala kaliii Panassss bgt Parahhhh iritnya
the mall in the middle of the city of Bekasi cooks the escalator doesn't work Where's the AC not working so hot It's irritating
carmanto sutisna on Google

Sumartias Grab on Google

Hendricusdedy Prihantoro on Google

Nice place
Endang RAB on Google

Crowded on office hour but helpful

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