Mbah Hasan Ash'ari - Magelang Regency

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mbah Hasan Ash'ari

Address :

Mangli, Girirejo, Ngablak, Magelang Regency, Central Java 56194, Indonesia

Postal code : 56194
Categories :

Mangli, Girirejo, Ngablak, Magelang Regency, Central Java 56194, Indonesia
Bang Roey on Google

Simbah Hasan Ashari dikenal juga dengan nama Mbah Mangli. Makam beliau terletak di Desa Mangli, Girirejo, Ngablak, Magelang. Makam ini juga berlatar belakang Gunung Andong. Menurut riwayat dari salah satu santri di makam Mbah Mangli, di puncak Gunung Andong terdapat makam Ki Joko Pekik yang ditemukan oleh Mbah Mangli. Perjalanan ke makam ini sangat menantang dengan tanjakannya. Disarankan motor harus kondisi sehat agar tidak terjadi hal yang diinginkan. Sesampainya disana, rombongan ziarah melanjutkan perjalanan dengan berjalan kaki ditemani dengan hawa yang sangat sejuk. Jika cuaca cerah dan bersahabat, maka nampak Gunung Andong, Gunung Sindoro, Gunung Sumbing, dan Gunung Merbabu mengelilingi tempat ini. Ketika sampai ditempat ini, peziarah ditawari berbagai macam Sayuran. Hal ini dikarenakan mayoritas pencaharian penduduk sebagai petani sayur. Nampak sepanjang perjalanan perkebunan sayuran membentang memanjakan mata. Untuk memasuki tempat ini, pengunjung diharapkan memakai peci untuk laki - laki dan memakai rok untuk perempuan. Apabila pengunjung perempuan ada yang memakai celana, maka pihak pengurus sudah menyiapkan sarung sebagai ganti rok. Adapun sarung dan peci disediakan gratis oleh pengurus. Di kompleks makam yang juga merupakan pondok pesantren, pengunjung dianjurkan untuk berwudlu di tempat yang telah disediakan. Adapun ketika memasuki makam, peziarah laki - laki dan perempuan berdo'a ditempat terpisah.
Hasan Ashari's simbah is also known as Mbah Mangli. His tomb is located in Mangli Village, Girirejo, Ngablak, Magelang. This tomb also has an Andong Mountain background. According to the history of one of the students at the tomb of Mbah Mangli, at the top of Mount Andong there is the tomb of Ki Joko Pekik found by Mbah Mangli. The trip to this tomb is very challenging with its incline. It is recommended that the motor must be in a healthy condition so that nothing happens. Arriving there, the pilgrimage group continued the journey on foot accompanied by very cool air. If the weather is sunny and friendly, then the Andong Mountain, Sindoro Mountain, Sumbing Mountain, and Merbabu Mountain surround this place. When they arrived at this place, pilgrims were offered various kinds of vegetables. This is because the majority of the population is living as vegetable farmers. It appears along the way that vegetable plantations stretch to spoil the eyes. To enter this place, visitors are expected to wear caps for men and wear skirts for women. If there are female visitors who wear pants, the administrator has prepared a sarong instead of a skirt. The gloves and caps are provided free by the management. In the tomb complex which is also a boarding school, visitors are encouraged to make ablutions in the places provided. As for entering the tomb, male and female pilgrims pray in separate places.
Luthfi Niam on Google

Wisata Religi Sekaligus Menikmati Keindahan Alam, Tapi Track nya lumayan tidak welcome buat orang tua lanjut usia
Religious Tourism While Enjoying Natural Beauty, but the track is not welcome for elderly parents
Prie Abdul Majid on Google

Wisata religi.. Suasana pegunungan yg sejuk nan asri..
Religious tourism.. Cool and beautiful mountain atmosphere

Team ziarah @rombongan_touring Tempat makam mbah hasan asy'ari ... Banyak juga yg bilang makam mbah mangli . Tempat e nyaman dan tempat ada banyak yg jual sayuran #MUSTOFA_PERCUSSION (Pusat Alat Musik)
Pilgrimage team @rombongan_touring The place of Mbah Hasan Asy'ari's tomb... Many also say Ms. Mangli's tomb is. The place is comfortable and where there are many who sell vegetables #MUSTOFA_PERCUSSION (Musical Instrument Center)
nur anisah on Google

No photo inside, just outside
winda febriani on Google

Iwak Manyung on Google

yohanes martedi on Google

It's a pilgrimage site where Mbah Hasan Ash'ari - a prominent Islamic sufi figure - was burried. Well, honestly I don't really know about that, at least that was what my friend told me. I didn't go inside the main site because it was only for muslims. Also there was a rule not to take picture(s) inside. But just roaming around the site was enough for a great experience because it's located on very beautiful village under a hill. The weather was so cool an the air was so refreshing. The scenery is so epic I could see hills and mount Merbabu surrounding the place. Along the village's street near the site locals were selling their farming products. It was quite cheap too considering you bought them direct from the farmers. Since it's on a small village people have to satisfied to park their vehicle along the small street. If you ride a car in a crowded day you might have to park a little farther along the road before the village. It would be nice if there were some food stalls to eat or just to rest and get some coffee.

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