Masjid LDII "Al-Firdaus" - Central Jakarta City

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid LDII "Al-Firdaus"

Address :

Jl. Kalibaru Timur Dalam Gg. IVA No.205, RT.10/RW.5, Bungur, Senen, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10460, Indonesia

Postal code : 10460
Website :
Categories :

Jl. Kalibaru Timur Dalam Gg. IVA No.205, RT.10/RW.5, Bungur, Senen, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10460, Indonesia
Ilham Azza Muqoddam on Google

Ini adalah masjid yang terletak didekat stasiun pasar senin. Tempat ini biasa digunakan untuk ibadah seperti sholat wajib sholat sunah. Selain itu ada kegiatan lain seperti halaqoh, tahfidz, majelis taklim, ibadah jumatan. Guru-guru di masjid ini juga sangat mumpuni dalam menyalurkan ilmunya. Tempatnya juga bersih, nyaman, ber AC, toiletnya bersih, warga komplek yang ramah. Masjid ini terletak di jakarta pusat. Dekat dengan percetakan-percetakan. Banyak orang-orang pekerja keras disini, termasuk penghuni masjid yang bekerja keras dengan tanpa melupakan kewajiban ibadah.
This is a mosque which is located near the Pasar Senin station. This place is usually used for worship such as obligatory prayers for sunnah prayers. In addition, there are other activities such as halaqoh, tahfidz, majelis taklim, and Friday services. The teachers in this mosque are also very capable in imparting their knowledge. The place is also clean, comfortable, air-conditioned, clean toilets, friendly residents of the complex. This mosque is located in central Jakarta. Close to printeries. There are many hardworking people here, including mosque residents who work hard without forgetting their obligation to worship.
Goni Alkhoir on Google

Mohon maaf bagi para pengunjung/tamu untuk saat ini masjid Al firdaus sementara waktu tidak menerima tamu untuk menginap sampai waktu yang belum ditentukan, kurang lebihnya kami mohon maaf??
Sorry for the visitors/guests, for now the Al Firdaus mosque is temporarily not accepting guests to stay until an undetermined time, more or less we apologize??
Panji Laksono on Google

Dari senin lebih dekat melalui jln pintas pul bus ke jln kali baru timur
From Monday it is closer through the bus bypass bus to the new East Road
Fakhry Abdillah on Google

Bisa jadi tempat jujukan, dekat dgn stasiun pasar senin
Could be a place of destination, close to the Monday market station
im am on Google

Indarto Yusuf on Google

fajar sidiq on Google

Great place to learn Islam
Noer F Rakhman on Google

My Fav. Place

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