Masjid Jami' Godang - Kabupaten Jepara

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid Jami' Godang

Address :

JL Mindahan, Batealit, Godang, Mindahan, Kec. Pecangaan, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah 59461, Indonesia

Postal code : 59461
Categories :

JL Mindahan, Batealit, Godang, Mindahan, Kec. Pecangaan, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah 59461, Indonesia
Ersa Prastrya on Google

Masjidnya sudah diperbaiki
The mosque has been repaired
denis supriyanto on Google

Kaji an kutab ihya' oleh kuya i adif fatah setiap minggu pon
Review the kutab ihya 'by kuya i adif fatah every week pound

setelah di bangun ulang kenapa malah menghadap lurus ke barat?
after being rebuilt why instead facing straight to the west?
hiburan kita on Google

Sampai sekarang proses pembangunannya belum jadi.
Until now the construction process has not been completed.
Iswahyudi SE on Google

Masjidnya bagus tapi masih dalam proses penyelesaian
The mosque is nice but still in the process of being completed
Anak Pramuka Indonesia on Google

sementar masih dalam pembangunan, masjid dengan 2 lantai dengan desain yang megah dan berbagai ukiran
while still under construction, the mosque with 2 floors with a magnificent design and various carvings
Jurnal Aisyah on Google

Masih proses dibangun. Struktur bangunannya megah.
Still a process under construction. The structure of the building is magnificent.
Ulum Fauziah on Google

Masjidnya semakin lama semakin bagus, melewati pembangjnna bertahun2, tempat yang nyaman buat singgah, Sayang, ada tulisan dilarang tidur di dalam masjid, Bolehlah dkasih tulisan istirahat di teras sebelah mana gitu, Masjid rumahnya Allah, Mereka yang dtang semua tamunya Allah. Mukena kurang rapi, Tempat wudhu perempuan yang dilewati laki2
The mosque is getting better and better, going through years of construction, a comfortable place to stop, Unfortunately, there is an inscription forbidden to sleep in the mosque, Can you give me a break on which side of the terrace? the mosque of Allah's house, Those who come are all guests of Allah. Mukena is not neat, A place for women's ablution that is passed by men

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