Masjid Jami' Al Ijtihad - Kabupaten Bekasi

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid Jami' Al Ijtihad

Address :

Setiamekar, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia

Postal code : 17510
Categories :

Setiamekar, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia
Edi Supriadi on Google

Tempat beribadah umat islam sedang dalam perbaikan,dan sedang membutuhkan dana untuk membeli lampu hias untuk di kubah masjid,bagi para dermawan ayo kita bantu dengan ikhlas.
Places of worship for Muslims are under repair, and are in need of funds to buy decorative lights for the dome of the mosque, for the benefactors let's help with sincerity.
Maskana Airlangga on Google

Salah satu masjid besar di wilayah desa setia mekar khususnya di wilayah kampung bulu. Suasana masjid sangat asri dan sejuk karna dikelilingi pohon rindang, masjid yang selesai direnovasi pada awal tahun 2019 membuatnya makin indah dan megah karena dihiasi kubah besar yang artistik, tralis chrome yang indah menjadi pembatas yang makin membuat kesan mewah, meskipun beberapa bagian tetap dipertahankan. Kondisi masjid cukup teratur dan nyaman, ditambah penambahan latai atas yang diperkuat agar dapat menampung lebih bayak jemaah yang beribadah menjadi nilai tambah. Karena sebelumny sering kali beberapa jemaah tidak tertampung karena daya tampung lantai 1 kurang memadai, masjid ini juga memiliki pemuda-pemudi masjid yang cukup intens melakukan kegiatan religi dan kesenian yang cukup meramaikan susana masjid, yang tentunya telah disetujui dan didukung oleh pengurus DKM masjid tersebut. Dan ada kegiatan yang cukup unik yang selalu diadakan di masjid ini yang sangat jarang dilakukan baik remaja masjid ataupun DKM masjid lain, yaitu kegiatan broadcast religi lokal menyerupai siaran radio chanel islami pada saat sahur selama bulan ramadhan, so suasana sahur menjadi lebih ringan dan menghibur, dan sudah pasti kegiatn tersebut dibarengi dengan membagunkan sahur keliling dengan alat musik kecil, dikarenakan penggunaan bedug kurang memungkinkan pada kondisi saat ini. Overall masjid al ijtihad kampung bulu ini bagus dan baik.
One of the large mosques in the village area faithfully blooms especially in the fur village area. The atmosphere of the mosque is very beautiful and cool because it is surrounded by shady trees, the mosque which was renovated in early 2019 made it more beautiful and magnificent because it was decorated with a large artistic dome, the beautiful chrome tralis became a barrier that increasingly made a luxurious impression, although some parts were retained. The condition of the mosque is quite regular and comfortable, plus the addition of upper latai which is strengthened to accommodate more worshipers is added value. Because before many times the congregation was not accommodated because the capacity of the 1st floor was inadequate, this mosque also had mosque youths who were quite intense in carrying out religious activities and arts which quite enlivened the mosque's existence, which of course had been approved and supported by the DKM committee of the mosque. And there are quite unique activities that are always held in this mosque which are very rarely done either by mosques or other DKM mosques, namely local religious broadcast activities resembling Islamic radio broadcasts at sahur during the month of Ramadan, so the sahur atmosphere becomes lighter and entertaining, and it is certain that this activity is accompanied by building around the dawn with small musical instruments, because the use of drum is not possible in the current conditions. Overall the al ijtihad mosque in this fur village is good and good.
Yusrizal ie-zal on Google

Pembangunan di prakarsai pahlawan nasional almaghfurlah kh noor ali...
Development at the initiative of the national hero almaghfurlah kh noor ali...
Nur Hidayat on Google

Tempat ibadah yang cukup nyaman dengan program kegiatannya..
A place of worship that is quite comfortable with a program of activities..
abangfuad real on Google

Faris Ac on Google

Santri Channel on Google

Good Area
franz hurulean on Google

Good mosque

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