Masjid Baiturrahman Bligo - Kabupaten Pekalongan

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid Baiturrahman Bligo

Address :

Jl. Raya Pekajangan No.393, Kebutuhan, Bligo, Kec. Buaran, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah 51171, Indonesia

Postal code : 51171
Categories :

Jl. Raya Pekajangan No.393, Kebutuhan, Bligo, Kec. Buaran, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah 51171, Indonesia
Muhammad' Amrudien on Google

Masjid Baiturahman Bligo adalah masjid milik Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah (PCM) Bligo yang didirikan tahun 80-an. Masjid ini berada didekat Pasar Ngebrak (nama lain dari Pasar Bligo)
Bligo Baiturahman Mosque is a mosque owned by the Bligo Branch Manager of Muhammadiyah (PCM) which was founded in the 80s. This mosque is located near Ngebrak Market (another name for Bligo Market)
Achmat Faesol on Google

Bagus bersih nyaman aman
Nice clean comfortable safe
werni werni on Google

Bagus nyaman dan tenang .jgn lupa kalo mau masuk baca Allahummaf tahlii abwaaba rohmatik Artinya: "Ya Allah, bukalah untukku pintu-pintu rahmat-Mu"
Good comfortable and quiet. Do not forget if you want to enter read Allahummaf tahlii abwaaba rohmatic Meaning: "O God, open for me the doors of your mercy"
Fikri Wicaksana on Google

Masjidnya nyaman, parkir motor tersedia. Yang kurang adalah parkir mobil. Sehingga kadang parkir di pinggir jalan raya yang menyebabkan keramaian pasca Jumatan
The mosque is comfortable, motorcycle parking is available. What's lacking is car parking. So that sometimes parking on the edge of the highway that causes crowds after Friday
Iffan Arzanul Haq on Google

Masjid warga Bligo dan sekitarnya. Dari tahun ke tahun, masjid semakin rapi, indah, dan nyaman. Parkiran untuk kendaraan roda empat tidak tersedia sehingga menggunakan trotoar.
Bligo residents mosque and surrounding areas. From year to year, the mosque is getting neat, beautiful, and comfortable. Parking for four-wheeled vehicles is not available so use the sidewalk.
Rifka Aga Saputra on Google

Banyak aktifitas disana, area parkir motor luas, ada pengajian utk anak tiap ba'da maghrib, ada kajian tengaj bulanan, ada sepeda sehat di minggu pertama tiap bulan, dll..
Lots of activities there, a large motorbike parking area, there is a study for children every evening, there is a monthly study tour, there is a healthy bicycle in the first week of each month, etc ...
Prasetio 1234 on Google

Tempat sholat berjama'ah dengan lokasi yang strategis.
A congregational prayer place with a strategic location.
Putra Batik City on Google

Masjidnya semakin luas, nyaman u terawih nanti di bulan ramadhan
The mosque is getting wider, you will feel comfortable later in the month of Ramadan

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