Masjid At-Tawwaabiin - Depok City

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid At-Tawwaabiin

Address :

Jl. Cilangkap No.8, Cilangkap, Tapos, Depok City, West Java 16458, Indonesia

Postal code : 16458
Categories :

Jl. Cilangkap No.8, Cilangkap, Tapos, Depok City, West Java 16458, Indonesia
Ape Arafat on Google

Ada juga sekolah Madrasahnya di sekitar Masjid..
There is also a Madrasa school around the mosque ...
Murodih Monanov on Google

Rumahnya Allah Swt, tiada yang datang melainkan Hambannya yang Shaleh.
His home is Allah Swt, no one comes except his Salal Shaleh.
Ganda De on Google

Mesjid yg nyaman..ada sekolahan smp nya..
A comfortable mosque.. there is a junior high school..
Damhuri Osela on Google

Tempatnya nyaman, bersih, parkiran luas dan aman, ibadahpun, nyaman...???
The place is comfortable, clean, spacious and safe parking, worship, comfortable ... ???
Bang Ipool on Google

Lokasinya dari pertigaan cilangkap tapos, lurus terus. Posisi masjid ada di sebelah kiri jalan. Parkiran tidak terlalu luas, cukup 3 - 4 mobil saja.
The location is from a junction cilangkap tapos, keep going straight. The position of the mosque is on the left side of the road. Parking is not too wide, just 3-4 cars.
Wanuzulan Indonesia on Google

Kejebak hujan tiba-tiba deras... Allah menunjukkan harus solat ashar berjamaah disini... Masjidnya sederhana dan nyaman.. ✔️
Suddenly caught in the rain... Allah shows you have to pray Asr in congregation here... The mosque is simple and comfortable.. ️
Sumarno Abu Fadhil on Google

Mr cctv on Google


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