Masjid AT TAQWa - Kabupaten Lebak

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid AT TAQWa

Address :

Kampung Bujal, Cipanas, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten 42372, Indonesia

Postal code : 42372
Categories :

Kampung Bujal, Cipanas, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten 42372, Indonesia
Agus Royani on Google

tempat yg pas dimna kala para musafir beristirahat untuk ibadah
the right place when travelers take a break to worship
Slamet Wahyudin on Google

Masjid nyaman, tapi toilet perlu diperbaiki kebersihannya
The mosque is comfortable, but the toilet needs to be improved
Yohanes Himawan on Google

Isoma dulu di Mesjid At,takwa Cipanas Sebelum lanjut ke Negeri di Atas Awan, Gunung Luhur, Citorek, Kab.Lebak
Isoma used to be at the At Mosque, Cipanas piety before continuing to the Country Above the Clouds, Gunung Luhur, Citorek, Lebak Regency
Muykel Alam on Google

Yang lagi kebetulan lewat. Tempat ibadah sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan sambil mengistirahatkan tubuh dan pikiran..
Another one that happened to be passing by. A place of worship before continuing the journey while resting the body and mind..
Madu Bunga on Google

Mesjid yg ramai dikunjungi seantero Bogor, sejuk meski d pinggir jalan dan berdepanan dengan pasar lewiliang.
The mosque is crowded all over Bogor, cool even though the roadside and in front of the Lewiliang market.
Akar Pohon on Google

Tempat wudhu bersih dan tidak bau, wanita dan pria sudah dipisah.
The place for ablution is clean and does not smell bad, women and men have been separated.
Kibun Kibun on Google

Masjidnya sebetulnya bagus, hanya kurang terawat dibeberapa bagian. Tempat wudhu wanita luas tapi sesikit kotor yah, sama tempat sholat wanita diatas terdapat banyak debu. Mjnhkin dibersihkan ketika jumat atau pas saat hati raya gak terlihat perawatan yg setiap hari. Tapi overall mah tergolong masih bersih dan layak yah
The mosque is actually good, just not well maintained in some parts. The place for female ablution is wide but as dirty as it is, the same as the women's prayer place above there is a lot of dust. It is possible to clean it when it's Friday or just when the heart is not looking for care every day. But overall mah is still considered clean and decent
Fajjar Jyulianto on Google

Alhamdulillah Tempatnya pinggir jalan
Alhamdulillah The place is roadside

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