Masjid Albarokah - Kabupaten Pemalang

4.3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Masjid Albarokah

Address :

Plandongan Dua, Losari, Kec. Ampelgading, Kabupaten Pemalang, Jawa Tengah 52364, Indonesia

Postal code : 52364
Categories :

Plandongan Dua, Losari, Kec. Ampelgading, Kabupaten Pemalang, Jawa Tengah 52364, Indonesia
Raden Mas Jaya on Google

Masjid bersejarah
Historic mosque
Imam Fahrudin on Google

Menuju surgaNya dengan menjalankan perintahNya, beribadah di Masjid Albarokah, menyejukkan hati, pikiran, dengan menyebut namamu, menyembah, dan menjauhi larangannya, niscaya kita termasuk dalam golongan yang dilindunginya, amien.
Towards His heaven by carrying out His commands, worshiping in Albarokah Mosque, cooling the heart, mind, by mentioning your name, worshiping, and avoiding its prohibitions, surely we belong to the group that He protects, amen.
Rizal d'zamal on Google

masjid cukup besar, terletak dipinggir jalan raya desa Losari Ampelgading Pemalang, bisa buat parkir mobil dan motor, namun kebersihannya kurang terjaga
the mosque is quite large, located alongside the Losari Ampelgading Pemalang village road, it can make parking for cars and motorbikes, but the cleanliness is not maintained

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