Masjid Al Muhajirin - Bekasi City

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid Al Muhajirin

Address :

Jl. Palem VIIIC, RT.003/RW.008, Jaka Mulya, Bekasi Selatan, Bekasi City, West Java 17146, Indonesia

Postal code : 17146
Categories :

Jl. Palem VIIIC, RT.003/RW.008, Jaka Mulya, Bekasi Selatan, Bekasi City, West Java 17146, Indonesia
Zaenal Abidin on Google

Dulu ini tempat saya ngaji bertahun tahun tahun mengapa di ambil alih oleh oknum salafi lalu kami tidak boleh lagi bikin kajian disana...disitu kadang saya merasa sedih
Previously, this was the place where I chanted for years, why was it taken over by salafi people then we could no longer make studies there ... sometimes I felt sad
YPS Partners on Google

Tempat Ibadah dan mendalami pelajaran ilmu agama, di sini ada pelajaran Bahasa Arab, mempelajari tafsir Al Qur'an, Tahfiz dan lain sebagainya. Semoga makin makmur. Aamiiin Yaa Robbal'alamiiin...
Places of Worship and study of religious science, here are Arabic lessons, learning the interpretation of the Qur'an, Tahfiz and so on. May you prosper. Aamiiin Yaa Robbal'alamiiin ...
Ridwan Alyaa on Google

Sedang dalam renovasi, dimesjid ini untuk yang selalu puasa senin dan kamis...ada takjil yang selalu tersedia.
Under renovation, this mosque is for those who always fast on Monday and Thursday ... there is takjil that is always available.
Mochamad Nurhadi on Google

Bagi anda yg hendak shodaqoh utk proyek pembangunan masjid Al-Muhajirin, di perum masnaga cikunir Bekasi selatan, silahkan salurkan langsung donasi anda ke panitia pembangunan masjid tsb ke alamat masjid Al-Muhajirin d/a jln Palem 8 perum masnaga cikunir Bekasi selatan.
For those of you who want to shodaqoh for the construction of the Al-Muhajirin mosque, at the Perum Masikir Bekasi Selatan, please direct your donation to the mosque construction committee to the address of the Al-Muhajirin mosque in Palem 8 Perum Masnaga Cikunir South Bekasi.
Kiki Arisanti on Google

Much better, masjid bagian depan SDH di semen jadi bisa menampung jamaah lebih paket AC.pdhl masjidnya g terlalu besar.Alhamdulillah jd lebih konsentrasi ibadahnya
Much better, the mosque in the front of SDH in cement can accommodate more worshipers. Plus the AC.pdhl package of the mosque is too big. Alhamdulillah, the concentration of his worship is more
d Light on Google

Masjid yang nyaman, sejuk dan wangi. hampir setiap sholat wajib AC nya dinyalakan. Dan setiap hari sabtu di minggu ganjil ada kajian ceramah yang digelar untuk PT. Whoto Indonesia Sejahtera
Comfortable, cool and fragrant mosque. almost every obligatory prayer the AC is turned on. And every Saturday in the odd week there is a talk study held for PT. Whoto Indonesia Sejahtera
Dzame Game17 on Google

good mosque,,
Alraid Bambang on Google

Very good mosque,

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