Masjid Al Hidayah - Tangerang City

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid Al Hidayah

Address :

Jl. Sasak, RT.003/RW.003, Poris Plawad Indah, Cipondoh, Tangerang City, Banten 15142, Indonesia

Postal code : 15142
Categories :

Jl. Sasak, RT.003/RW.003, Poris Plawad Indah, Cipondoh, Tangerang City, Banten 15142, Indonesia
Syamsi Sual on Google

Mesjid ini sedang renovasi, insya-Allah , menjadi lebih bagus dan indah
This mosque is currently being renovated, God willing, it is becoming better and more beautiful
Anton Suhendi on Google

Luar biasa, diberi kesempatan berinfaq di pembangunan masjid ini, asyiklah bisa bikin harta yg kaga seberapa inih berguna, kali ajah bisa nolongin di sonoh kelak.
Incredible, given the opportunity to work in the construction of this mosque, it's fun to be able to make a treasure that is still useful, this time I can help in Sonoh later.
saifuddin Zuhri on Google

masjid al Hidayah ppi adalah sebuah bangunan masjid yg berdiri sekitar tahun 1999 an di bangun diatas tanah wakaf oleh masyarakat yg ada di blok padang sebagian masy cipete, masy. pinggir rawa dan masy. di sekitar jalan H. Ba'an, dan jln. Al Hidayah (dahulu Jl. sasak). penggerak bendirinya bangunan masjid ini terbagi menjadi beberapa kekuatan : 1. kekuatan kiyahi, 2. umaro, lurah 3. asatidz, 4. tokoh masyarakat 5. pemuda 6. masy. awam enam elemen inilah yg menjadi garda terdepan dalam mewujudkan pembangunan masjid al hidayah ini sampai berdiri kokoh dan menjadi maajid jami pada masanya, sosok kyai yg paling berperan adalah Kh. Manshur, dr kalangan ustd. (alm) H. abdurrahman Ba'an, (alm)H. M. Rais, (alm) H. abd. Mutholib, H. Sahruwardi, dr kalangan tokoh masy. (alm) H. M. Ilyas Ba'an, HM. Nuoer, H. Abdullah Ba'an, HM. Ali Jaya, HM. Nisan, dr kalangan pemuda saifuddin zuhri, ahmad Dhina, pa Dedih, bersambung
al Hidayah mosque ppi is a mosque building which was established around 1999 and was built on waqf land by the people in the padang block, some of them are masy cipete, masy. edge of swamp and masy. around the H. Ba'an road, and jln. Al Hidayah (formerly Jl. Sasak). the driving force of the mosque building is divided into several forces: 1. the power of martyrdom, 2. umaro, lurah 3. asatidz, 4. community leaders 5. youth 6. masy. lay these six elements are the frontline in realizing the construction of the mosque of Al Hidayah until it stands firm and becomes the master of Islam in its time, the figure of the most important clerics is Kh. Manshur, from Ustad. (late) H. abdurrahman Ba'an, (late) H. M. Rais, (late) H. abd. Mutholib, H. Sahruwardi, from the masy figures. (late) H. M. Ilyas Ba'an, HM. Nuoer, H. Abdullah Ba'an, HM. Ali Jaya, HM. Nisan, from the youth of Saifuddin Zuhri, Ahmad Dhina, Pa Dedih, continued
hai Sabili on Google

Bagus tempat nya semoga banyak rezeki nya amin
It's a good place, hopefully there will be a lot of sustenance, amen
Bang Parel Rasa kari ayam on Google

Masjid yg selalu hidup dalam 24 jam karena di lingkungan masjid ada dua pondok pesantren (ponpes salafiyah Darul Ibtida dan ponpes Almansyuriyah) juga di penuhi oleh orang-orang Soleh para Guru kiyai & Ustadz
Mosques that always live in 24 hours because in the mosque area there are two Islamic boarding schools (Islamic boarding school salafiyah Darul Ibtida and Almansyuriyah Islamic Boarding School) also filled by people Syai & Ustadz Teachers
Fadhillah Noer on Google

Masjid ini lokasinya berada d daerah Sasak dekat juga dengan Perumahan Banjar wijaya..Masjid ini sepertinya bagian dari komplek Pondok Pesantren(lupa nama pesantrennya)belum lama saya shlat isya berjamaah di Masjid ini???
This mosque is located in the Sasak area, close to the Banjar Wijaya Housing. This mosque seems to be part of the Pondok Pesantren complex (forgot the name of the pesantren). I recently prayed for a long time at this mosque???
Wawan Ramadhan on Google

Muazin nya juga suara nya bagus, masjid dilingkungan pesantren. Bersih, terbuka 24 jam nonstop untuk umum. Bebas bagi kaum musafir.
The muezzin also sounds good, the mosque is within the boarding school environment. Clean, open 24 hours nonstop for public. Free for travelers.
Dedy Permana on Google

Mesjidnya masih dalam proses renovasi. Jika dilihat dari rangka besi yang sudah terpasang dan gambar proyeknya, mesjidnya akan jadi cukup megah dan besar. Oleh karenanya butuh biaya yang cukup besar dan progressnya terasa lambat. Mesjidnya masih bisa di gunakan untuk sholat seperti biasa, termasuk tempat wudhu dan toilet. Hanya saja karena sedang dibangun, masih semrawut dan kurang rapih. Sholat wajib biasanya ada 2 shaf yang di dominasi anak kecil atau para santri.
The mosque is still under renovation. Judging from the iron frame that has been installed and the project drawings, the mosque will be quite grand and large. Therefore, it requires a large amount of money and progress is slow. The mosque can still be used for prayer as usual, including a place for ablution and toilets. It's just that because it's being built, it's still messy and not tidy. Compulsory prayer usually has 2 rows which are dominated by small children or students.

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