Masjid AL AMIN widuri - Pemalang Regency

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid AL AMIN widuri

Address :

Widuri, Pemalang, Pemalang Regency, Central Java 52314, Indonesia

Postal code : 52314
Categories :

Widuri, Pemalang, Pemalang Regency, Central Java 52314, Indonesia
Taufiq Kurniawan on Google

Enak ada wifinya
There are delicious snacks
Kades Indonesia on Google

Salah satu masjid tertua di kecamatan pemalang
One of the oldest mosques in Pemalang District
Ikhwanul Hakim on Google

Nyaman dan tenang. Semoga proses renovasi berjalan lancar. Amin... Amin.... Ya robbal alamin
Comfortable and calm. Hopefully the renovation process will run smoothly. Amen ... Amin ... Yes robbal alamin
Jamal Is Smile on Google

Tiap jumatan selalu di sini meskipun agak jauh dari kantor, masjidnya nyaman, adem.
Every friday is always here even though it is a bit far from the office, the mosque is comfortable, cool.
Yan Andhinaya Ardika on Google

Masjid nya Adem, Banyak angin nya terus kalo sholat pingin tidur
The mosque is cool, a lot of the wind keeps on praying when I want to sleep
Chairil Anwar on Google

Dengan penuh harap dan doa kami yang tulus kami panjatkan kehadirat-Mu Ya Allah akan petunjuk serta Ridha-Mu. Semoga kegiatan rehab pembangunan masjid Al Amin Kel. Widuri berjalan lancar dan dapat di laksanakan sesuai jadwal waktu yang di rencanakan.
With great hope and our sincere prayers, we pray for Your presence, O Allah, for Your guidance and Your grace. Hopefully the rehabilitation activities for the construction of the Al Amin Kel mosque. The thistle is running smoothly and can be carried out according to the planned time schedule.
Yuhanida Hodijah on Google

Mesjid nya keren banget oii di pinggir pantai??
The mosque is really cool oii on the beach
Joko Purbowo on Google

Mesjid terbesar Di loka wisata widuri bersih luas dan nyaman karena tempatnya diluar area wisata ,bagi pengunjung Muslim yang berada di pantai wisata bila mau menunaikan shalat tinggal keluar dari area wisata kira2 400m belok kanan sedikit mesjid ada di sebelah kiri jalan
The biggest mosque at the widuri tourist area, clean, spacious and comfortable because the place is outside the tourist area, for Muslim visitors who are on the tourist beach if you want to pray, stay out of the tourist area, about 400m turn right, a little mosque is on the left side of the road

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