Masjid Agung Pengasih - Kulon Progo Regency

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid Agung Pengasih

Address :

Pengasih, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55652, Indonesia

Postal code : 55652
Categories :

Pengasih, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55652, Indonesia
Azhar Fattah Abdillah on Google

Masjidnya agak masuk dari pinggir jalan, tapi masih kelihatan dari jalan. Parkiran cukup luas untuk motor tapi kalau untuk mobil mending di luar aja, takut gk bisa keluar ?.. Kamar mandi lumayan bersih dan terawat, ruangan bagian dalam ber AC jadi jngn lupa tutup pintu... Kalau mau shlat jumat disini jangn lupa bawa amplop soalnya kota infaqnya transparan. Jadi tau kalau masukin uang cuma 2k atau kurang ?
The mosque was rather entered from the roadside, but still visible from the road. Parking is wide enough for motorbikes, but if the car is just outside, fear it can't come out ? ... The bathroom is quite clean and maintained, the inner room is air conditioned so you can't forget to close the door ... If you want to shlat Friday, here you have forgotten to bring an envelope because the infaq city is transparent. So know that entering money is only 2k or less ?
Muhammad Mhmd on Google

Masjid ini nyaman dan bersih. Di dalam ruangan dilengkapi ac sehingga lebih sejuk dan membuat nyaman saat sholat. Tersedia tempat wudhu cukup banyak dan toilet. Namun lokasi masjid ini kurang strategis karena tidak tepat di pinggir jalan melainkan agak masuk ke dalam sehingga bagi orang yang belum pernah kesini agak sulit menemukannya.
This mosque is comfortable and clean. In the room is equipped with ac so it is cooler and makes it comfortable when praying. There are plenty of ablutions and toilets. However, the location of this mosque is less strategic because it is not right on the side of the road but rather goes inside so that for people who have never been here it is rather difficult to find it.
Bang Doy on Google

tempat luas dan nyaman. apalagi setelah ditambahkan halaman menjadi ruang sembahyang, makin betah untuk sembahyang disini..?
spacious and comfortable place. especially after adding the page to be a prayer room, the more comfortable it is to pray here..?
Ferias Dwi Sembodo on Google

Masjid cukup bersih, tempat wudu tersedia banyak, kamar mandi ada, ada gapura pemberitahuan di samping jalan sehingga utk orang yg baru pertama kali lewat bisa ter notice, jamaah masjid cukup banyak
The mosque is quite clean, there are many places for ablution, there are bathrooms, there is a notification gate beside the road so that people who are passing by for the first time can get a notice, quite a lot of mosque congregations
Cahya Gama on Google

hendrik sahari on Google

Febri Arif Saputra on Google

mas To on Google


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