Lurah Office of Batu Ampar - East Jakarta - East Jakarta City

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lurah Office of Batu Ampar - East Jakarta

Address :

Jl. Batu Ampar II No.8, RT.8/RW.3, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13520, Indonesia

Postal code : 13520
Categories :

Jl. Batu Ampar II No.8, RT.8/RW.3, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13520, Indonesia
Ilham Eka on Google

Pelayanan yg sangat baik dan ramah Kalo lama proses pembuatan nya sabar aja di tunggu atau bisa cek rutin setiap bulan
Very good and friendly service If the manufacturing process takes a long time, just wait patiently or you can check regularly every month
cipto otoy on Google

Keluarga saya tinggal di jln batu sari 5 rt 9/rw 02..dapat program pembuatan sertifikat tanah gratis tapi pas saat pengukuran tanah kluarga kami diminta uang 100rb/Rumah oleh pak rt setempat..apakah itu bayar ...kan katanya lagi pemutihan.. Kan katanya gratis...
My family lives in sari sari 5 rt 9 / rw 02 ... the program for making land certificates is free but when we measure the land for the family we are asked 100 thousand rupiah / house by the local household chief ... is it paying ... it's said it's bleaching. It says, it's free ...
Abdullah Izzuddiin Alqassam on Google

Suasananya nyaman. Sudah menggunakan sistem antrian elektronik sehingga tidak perlu rebutan lagi. Umumnya permintaan kebutuhan dilayani dengan cepat. Namun, terkadang butuh waktu lebih lama jika perlu tanda tangan Ka. Lurah. Parkirannya tidak terlalu luas. Bersiap untuk parkir di pinggir jalan jika membawa mobil.
The atmosphere is comfortable. Already using an electronic queue system so there is no need to fight anymore. Generally requests for needs are served quickly. However, sometimes it takes longer if you need Ka's signature. Headman. Parking is not too broad. Get ready to park on the side of the road if you bring a car.
Hasan Yahya on Google

Sangat mengapresiasi pelayanan KK dan KTP di masa PSBB. Pelayanan melalui pesan WA responsif dan selesai dalam beberapa hari, terima kasih. Terus tingkatkan pelayanan ??
Highly appreciate KK and KTP services during the PSBB period. The service via WA is responsive and finishes within a few days, thank you. Continue to improve service ??
Abbrisam Abbasy on Google

nunggu ngurus ktp lama banget ...dri 2014 bikin gak tau nya belum electrik ...makanya dri kemarin bikin bpjs ndak bisa2 ...kalo gak ngambil rumah gak tau kalo ktp istri belum electrik padahal bikin nya di sini juga ...
waiting for the ID card is really long ... from 2014, I don't even know it's electric ... so yesterday I made it difficult ...
Rimy Nugroho on Google

Ngurus surat lewat jakevo cepet banget terus ada notif by SMS, WA, dan email. Benar pelayanan yang mantap bahkan urus surat secara langsung juga ramah banget.
Taking care of letters via jakevo is very fast and there are notifications by SMS, WA, and email. It's true that the service is solid, even taking care of the mail directly is also very friendly.
Rezky Farhan on Google

25 February 2022 Mau mengurus KTP Rusak Harus menunggu terlebih dahulu. Info dari orang kelurahan ada 400an yang sedang menunggu.
25 February 2022 Want to take care of a damaged ID card Have to wait first. Information from the village people there are 400s who are waiting.
Jason Frederick on Google

informative and supportive

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