Lokasi tambang pasir - Bogor Regency

4.3/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Lokasi tambang pasir

Address :

Karehkel, Leuwiliang, Bogor Regency, West Java 16640, Indonesia

Postal code : 16640
Categories :

Karehkel, Leuwiliang, Bogor Regency, West Java 16640, Indonesia
Radha Gayana on Google

Muhammad Wardiman M on Google

Menuju Keberkahan on Google

Chakil Hunter on Google

Spot berburu
Spot Hunting
Ahmad Suhermansyah on Google

Jalannya hancur, susah untuk dilewati
The road is destroyed, difficult to pass
eka candri channel on Google

tempat berburu yng bagus banyak hama babi,merusak kebun petani
a good hunting ground for pig pests, destroying farmers' gardens

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