Lapangan Pabelan - Sukoharjo Regency

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lapangan Pabelan

Address :

Jl. A. Yani No.225, Banaran, Pabelan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java 57169, Indonesia

Postal code : 57169
Categories :

Jl. A. Yani No.225, Banaran, Pabelan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java 57169, Indonesia
Siti Azizah on Google

Luas, nyaman.. biasanya pagi dan sore untuk jogging dan bermain sepakbola
Spacious, comfortable.. usually morning and evening for jogging and playing football
Poetra Sang Praboe on Google

Tempatnya bagus.... Lapangannya luas dan lagi di sekitarnya banyak pedagang jadi tidak usah repot kalo mau nyari minum
The place is good .... The field is wide and there are lots of traders around it so you don't have to bother looking for a drink
dHikis Mahardhika on Google

Remen mawon menawi ningali wonten tiang nem bal
I'd love to see six footballs
Bayan Klegen on Google

Selalu ramai pemanfaat lapangan namun sayang masih banyak tanaman dan rumput liar yang tumbuh menimbulkan kesan kurang terawat
Always busy using the field, but unfortunately there are still many plants and weeds that grow, giving the impression of being poorly maintained
Fachreza Nasrul Hidayat on Google

Letaknya kurang strategis karena dekat dengan jalan yang ramai di lewati oleh orang-orang. Dan tidak ada tembok pembatas/jaring pengaman agar supaya bola tidak keluar ke jalan dan mengganggu orang yang sedang berkendara. Masih banyak putri malu didalam lapangan sehingga agak berbahaya jika tidak menggunakan alas kaki. Kondisi tanah lumayan rata dan rumputnya juga lumayan bagus, tidak terlalu panjang. Disamping lapangan ada semacam jogging track, ada juga parkir untuk sepeda motor. Tidak ada bangku/tempat duduk untuk menonton. Tapi kalau untuk main-main bola masih aman dan bagus.
The location is not strategic because it is close to a busy street passed by people. And there is no parapet/safety net so that the ball doesn't go out onto the road and disturb people who are driving. There are still many shy girls in the field so it's a bit dangerous not to wear footwear. The condition of the ground is pretty flat and the grass is also pretty good, not too long. Besides the field there is a kind of jogging track, there is also parking for motorbikes. No benches/seats to watch. But for playing ball it's still safe and good.
Sri Suharmi on Google

Lumayan lap pabelan.dr sudut kebersihan msh kurang.jln keliling penuh rumput ini disemprot.dan sisi lapangan rumput2 liar harusnya dibersihkan.agar lbih nyaman.posisinya lapangan bagus .kebecekan lapangan jg diusahakan baik yaa .semangat yaahijau .rata .lapangan pabelan ok mks
Not bad, from a cleaning point of view, it's still lacking. The road around is full of grass being sprayed. And the side of the field of weeds should be cleaned. To make it more comfortable. The position of the field is good. The smoothness of the field is also done well. The spirit is green. Even the Pabelan field is ok, thanks
Sholeh Sholeh on Google

Deasy Meong on Google


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