LAPANGAN BOLA SERANG - Kabupaten Cirebon

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Serang, Kec. Klangenan, Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat 45156, Indonesia

Postal code : 45156
Categories :

Serang, Kec. Klangenan, Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat 45156, Indonesia
Hardianto Crb on Google

Lapanganya rapih tapi sayang tribun penonton minim
The field is neat but unfortunately the audience stands are minimal
Rekha Dewantara on Google

Rumah alm kakek dan nenek?, tempat ayahanda dibesarkan.., kangen suasana disana, apalagi saat adanya pesta desa, udah lama tidak kesana.., biarpun jauh disana, tpi darah mengalir orang sana
The house of the late grandfather and grandmother, the place where my father grew up ..., I miss the atmosphere there, especially when there is a village party, I haven't been there for a long time ...
Api Hanapi on Google

Lapangan terawat
Manicured field
Sutrisno Saja on Google

Lapangan bolanya luas, cukup nyaman, biasa digunakan untuk latihan, turnamen tarkam, diklat sepak bola, maupun kegiatan kesenian atau kebudayaan masyarakata serang atau ngunjung buyut serang. Lokasinya berada tepat di depan situs buyut serang desa serang kecamatan klangenan kabupaten cirebon.
The ball field is wide, quite comfortable, usually used for training, tarkam tournaments, soccer training, as well as arts or cultural activities for the people of attack or ngunjung buyut attack. The location is right in front of the Buyut Serang site, Serang Village, Klangenan District, Cirebon Regency.
Dedi Riyadi on Google

Lapangan sepak bola yg cukup.bagus utk tingkat Desa / Kecamatan di Kec. Klangenan Kab. Cirebon. Semoga senantiasa dipelihara dgn baik sehingga bermanfaat bagi masyarakat (khususnya generasi muda) dengan harapan bisa lahir bibit bibit unggul pemain sepak bola....Aamiiin YRA...
Good enough football field for the Village / District level in the Kec. Klangenan Kab. Cirebon. Hopefully it will always be maintained properly so that it will be useful for the community (especially the younger generation) in the hope that the seeds of superior soccer players will be born.... Aamiin YRA...
Alda Nur Kholidah on Google

I like it
Zee Salman on Google

Is the best
Dragon Young on Google


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