LAPANGAN BENDUNGAN - Kabupaten Kulon Progo

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No.19, Sanggrahan Kidul, Bendungan, Kec. Wates, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55651, Indonesia

Postal code : 55651
Categories :

Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No.19, Sanggrahan Kidul, Bendungan, Kec. Wates, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55651, Indonesia
Yudha Brata on Google

Lapangan milik warga masyarakat Bendungan, semoga kedepan tertata apik.. ???
The field belongs to the people of the Dam community, hopefully in the future it will be well organized.. ???
Guas Channel on Google

Pas kebetulan lgi ada sarlem jd sempatkanlah bt mampir
When it happened that there was a gym and a time to stop by
Mulyadi Abraham on Google

Lapangan menjadi lebih bagus sekarang setelah direnovasi dan setiap sore ada pertandingan sepak bola, bagus buat masyarakat sekitar Bendungan. Baiknya tidak boleh utk latihan setir mobil dan gembalakan ternak, supaya rumputnya dan lapangannya terjaga kondisinya tetap bagus
The field is getting better now that it is renovated and every afternoon there are soccer matches, which is good for the people around the Dam. It's better not to practice driving and grazing cattle, so that the grass and the field are maintained in good condition
Yunan Priyanto on Google

Tempat strategis... dipinggir jalan...lapangan cukup rata...rumput bagus...mungkin drainase harus diperhatikan biar disaat musim hujan tidak menggenang
Strategic place... on the side of the road... the field is quite flat... the grass is good... maybe the drainage should be considered so that during the rainy season it doesn't stagnate
Tofa Muhammad on Google

Lapangan untuk olahraga, acara, dan kegiatan kegiatan lainnya. Ukurannya luas dan area sekitar masih asri dan bersih, sehingga nyaman ketika berada di sini.
Field for sports, events and other activities. The size is spacious and the surrounding area is still beautiful and clean, so it's comfortable when you're here.
Antonius Wisnu Yoga on Google

Lapangan sepak bola yang ada di desa Bendungan, kecamatan Wates. Biasa dipakai untuk pertandingan sepakbola, bahkan juga dipakai untuk pertandingan liga lokal. Lapangan ini terletak di sebelah utara jalan raya penghubung menuju ke arah Bantul. Selain untuk sepak bola, bisa juga dipakai untuk jogging dan bermain bersama anak.
A soccer field in Bendungan village, Wates sub-district. Usually used for football matches, even used for local league matches. This field is located to the north of the connecting highway to Bantul. In addition to soccer, it can also be used for jogging and playing with children.
Anto Media on Google

Rapi nyaman, tp maaf drainase kurang tertata Klo hujan lebat pasti tergenang air
Neat, comfortable, but sorry for the poor drainage If it rains heavily, it will be flooded
Manda Putra on Google


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