Lapangan Badminton Bougenville - Kabupaten Bogor

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lapangan Badminton Bougenville

Address :

Jl. Bougenville Jl. Sela Galih Ciomas Rahayu, Ciomas Rahayu, Kec. Ciomas, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16610, Indonesia

Postal code : 16610
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jl. Bougenville Jl. Sela Galih Ciomas Rahayu, Ciomas Rahayu, Kec. Ciomas, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16610, Indonesia
Tocil ajah on Google

Nova Widiartha on Google

Hasanudin Ending on Google

Aira Arsyifa Salsabila 4-C on Google

gani martono on Google

Fajar Agung Suprapto on Google

Lapangan Badminton Bougenville adalah salah satu lapangan yang terletak di Komplek Perumahan Goodyear RW 08. Letaknya dekat dengan rumah saya. Dulu lapangan ini digunakan bapak bapak komplek untuk bermain badminton setiap malamnya setiap hari. Namun, saat ini bapak bapak komplek sudah jarang bermain badminton disini dikarenakan kesibukan yang semakin banyak. Akhirnya lapangan menjadi tidak terawat dan mulai keropos akibat terkena panas matahari dan air hujan. Lapangan ini juga kerap dijadikan tempat bermain anak anak berlarian kesana kemari dan tertawa. Setelah adzan ashar selalu dipenuhi oleh anak anak disana karena terdapat pula saung yang digunakan untuk bersantai serta pengajian oleh ibu ibu rumah tangga. Selain digunakan untuk bermain, lapangan ini juga digunakan sebagai lapangan parkir jika salah satu rumah mengadakan acara keluarga yang mengharuskan mobil keluarga mereka parkir di lapangan ini. Selain itu, setiap tahun juga digunakan sebagai tempat pemotongan daging qurban yang siap didistribusikan ke warga warga sekitar yang membutuhkan.
Bougenville Badminton Court is one of the fields located in the Goodyear RW 08 Housing Complex. It is close to my house. In the past, this field was used by complex fathers to play badminton every night every day. However, nowadays the complex men rarely play badminton here due to their increasing activity. Finally, the field became neglected and began to porous due to the hot sun and rainwater. This field is also often used as a playground for children running here and there and laughing. After the Asr call to prayer is always filled with children there because there are also huts that are used for relaxing and recitation by housewives. Besides being used for playing, this field is also used as a parking lot if one of the houses holds a family event that requires their family car to park in this field. In addition, every year it is also used as a place for qurban meat slaughter that is ready to be distributed to local residents in need.
dodi mulyadi on Google

mblendhes on Google

Open badminton field, bad condition, now is parking lot

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