Kost Rarita - Kota Depok

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kost Rarita

Address :

Jl. Margonda Raya No.6, RW.3, Pondok Cina, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia

Postal code : 16424
Categories :

Jl. Margonda Raya No.6, RW.3, Pondok Cina, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia
Anjeli Fransiska on Google

Kost termantul
Boarding house reflected
Miftahul Jannah Nst on Google

Alvin Febriansyah on Google

Very nice
babey kangoroo on Google

Sayang sekali tidak ada nilai nol, udara di sekitar kosan sih bagus tpi sayangnya mengelola kosannya tuh toxic bgt. Hanya bisa menyalahkan tpi tidak mau diberikan saran untuk koreksi diri sendiri, dia ga sadar kalau kegiatan dia dan keluarganya juga mengganggu kenyamanan penghuni kosan, tpi kalau penghuni kosan berisik langsung diteriakin. Aduh cara dia menegur sangat tidak manusiawi, sampai pintu kosan digedor, kita dikatain macem2 deh. Padahal dia kan ada mulut untuk menegur secara baik dan benar. Kalau udah marah jadi pendendam sepertinya,, Kosan sih recommended, tpi penjaganya engga banget deh. Kalau pemilik kosan rarita baca review saya, mohon bisa dikonfirmasi ke penjaganya terkait ini yaa, demi kebaikan semua orang.
Too bad there is no zero value, the air around the boarding house is really good but unfortunately managing the boarding house is very toxic. He can only blame but does not want to be given suggestions for self-correction, he is not aware that the activities of him and his family also disturb the comfort of the residents of the boarding house, but if the occupants of the boarding house are noisy, they are immediately shouted at. Ouch, the way he admonished him was very inhumane, until the door of the boarding house was banged, we are called all kinds of things. Even though he has a mouth to admonish him properly. If you get angry, it seems like a grudge, Kosan is recommended, but not really the guard. If the owner of Rarita boarding house reads my review, please confirm this to the guard regarding this, for the good of everyone.
Putri Ayu on Google

Pengelola kosannya suka marah-marah dan sering banget di renovasi jadi berisik, selain berisik renov bapak dan anak2nya sering ngebengkel di depan kosan sampe malem jadi bau bensin dan suara comoressornya ganggu banget. Untuk yg suka ketenangan sih gue ga rekom nih kosan. Untuk kamarnya sih oke2 aja cuma ya gitu kasurnya kasur lama dan lemarinya nempel di tembok jadi lembab baju jadi jamuran, trus kulkasnya juga kotor banget kayaknya sih kulkas bekas gt. Yang terakhir pengelola kosannya jarang bersihin kosan, nyapunya sekali seminggu jadi agak kotor.
The boarding house manager likes to get angry and is often very noisy at renovations, besides being noisy, the father and his children often work in front of the boarding house until late at night so the smell of gasoline and the sound of the comoressor is really annoying. For those who like peace, I don't recommend this boarding house. For the room, it & amp; # 39; s okay, it & amp; # 39; s just that the mattress is old and the cupboard is stuck to the wall so the clothes are damp so the clothes become moldy, then the refrigerator is also really dirty like a used refrigerator. The last one, the boarding house manager rarely cleans the boarding house, it gets a bit dirty once a week.
siti zunuraen on Google

Untuk sirkulasi udara oke banget dan kamarnya luas dan nyaman-nyaman aja, cuma kasurnya kasur lama dan lemarinya nempel tembok samping kamar mandi jadi lembab banget buat baju jamuran dan bau anyep gt baju dan untuk baju-baju yang kancingnya ada besi atau ada unsur besinya cepet banget korosi jadi baju jadi bernoda. Yang paling ngeselin di kosan ini sih penjaga kostnya toxic banget bapak dan keluarganya sering ngebengkel di depan kosan dan sering ngelas gt jadi berisik suara las dan kompressor kadang ga kenal waktu sampe malem jam 10an juga masih gber2 motor dan ga cuma sehari tapi sering banget bisa dalam 2 minggu tiap hari, selain ngebengkel kosannya juga sering banget direnov jadi udah kayak tinggal dipabrik ada suara-suara palu, gergaji dan temen-temenya. selain itu juga buat yang pake kerudung mending hati-hati kalo kos disini bapaknya sama anak2nya yang cowo suka tiba2 muncul gt ga ngasi aba2 padahal kan itu kosan cewe harusnya kalo naik ke atas atau mau ada urusan ke atas kasi tanda kalo ada cowo minimal "bilang ada cowo".
For air circulation it & apos; s really good and the rooms are spacious and comfortable, only the mattress is an old mattress and the cupboard is attached to the side wall of the bathroom so it & amp; # 39; s really damp for moldy clothes and smells bad, gt clothes and for clothes with iron buttons or fast iron elements. really corrosion so the clothes get stained. The most annoying thing in this boarding house is that the boarding house keeper is very toxic, the father and his family often work in front of the boarding house and often class GT, the sound of welding and compressor is noisy, sometimes they don't know the time until evening at 10 o'clock, they still ride motorbikes and not only a day but often really get deep 2 weeks every day, apart from repairing the boarding house, it is also very often renovated, so it's like living in a factory, there are sounds of hammers, saws and their friends. besides that, for those who wear a veil, it's better to be careful if the boarding house here, the father and the boys who like boys suddenly appear, don't give up on cops, even though the girls' boarding house should go upstairs or if there is business to the top, give me a sign if there are men at least "said there is a guy ".
Siti Sopi Widianingsi on Google

khusnul k on Google

This kost is more like a homestay because it feels like home. The atmosphere is fresh, calm and quite lovely. A perfect place and perfect price ?

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