4.4/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Cinangka, Kec. Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16620, Indonesia

Postal code : 16620
Categories :

Cinangka, Kec. Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16620, Indonesia
firdy adha on Google

banyak promo menarik buruan serbuu
lots of interesting promos hurry up
Afwan Rinaldi on Google

Sudah ada loundry karpet dan kiloan ...
There is already a carpet and kilo loundry ...
Haris Siswanto on Google

Dari suasana lingkungan sekitar luar biasa cma ya itu jalannya saja yg agak lmyan parah kudu di aspal tp suasana ny sngat sejuk
From the atmosphere of the surrounding environment, it's extraordinary, yes, the road is a bit slow, it has to be on the asphalt, but the atmosphere is very cool
0906 _Khairul on Google

Perumahan yang awalnya ditujukan untuk anggota kepolisian namun akhirnya dibuka untuk umum. Perumahan yang harganya masih terjangkau dan dekat dengan berbagai destinasi wisata ini juga memiliki udara yang bagus karena jauh dari keramaian. Sayangnya banyak rumah yang terbengkalai karena tidak dihuni sejak awal atau karena ditinggalkan pemiliknya, rerumputan tumbuh dimana-mana menunjukkan bahwa pemukiman ini kurang terawat. Jalanan pun rusak disana-sini. Seandainya ada pengembang yang berani mengembangkannya, saya yakin akan banyak yang berminat, karena mudahnya akses ke pasar, sekolah, klinik, dan lainnya. Namun saat ini penduduknya sudah banyak, dari 1 blok saja rasionya 65% terisi dan 35% kosong atau tidak dihuni. Untuk mengakses perumahan ini bisa dengan angkutan umum Tunaritis lalu turun di pengkolan ojek cikalancing, bisa ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki sekitar 10 menit atu bisa pula menggunakan jasa ojek dengan membayar sekitar 5-10 ribu.
The housing was originally intended for members of the police force but was eventually opened to the public. Housing that is still affordable and close to various tourist destinations also has good air because it is far from the crowds. Unfortunately, many houses are abandoned because they were not inhabited from the start or because they were abandoned by their owners, grass growing everywhere indicates that this settlement is poorly maintained. The roads were damaged here and there. If there are developers who dare to develop it, I'm sure many will be interested, because of the easy access to markets, schools, clinics, and others. However, currently the population is large, from just 1 block the ratio is 65% filled and 35% empty or unoccupied. To access this housing, you can use Tunaritis public transportation and then get off at the Cikalancing motorcycle taxi, can be reached by foot for about 10 minutes or you can also use a motorcycle taxi service by paying around 5-10 thousand.
Farid Pro 72 on Google

cuaca dan udara segar,sekolah tersedia,mini market pasar dekat,tempat ibadah ada,angkutan umum tersedia.ke tempat wisata gk jauh
weather and fresh air, schools are available, mini markets are close by, places of worship are available, public transportation is available. to tourist attractions are not far
Ayuni on Google

Lingkungan perumahan cukup asri. Viewnya gunung. Dibelakang perumahan masih banyak terdapat sawah. Dekat dengan lokasi curug.
The residential environment is quite beautiful. Mountain view. Behind the housing there are still many rice fields. Close to the location of the waterfall.
Malik Ibrahim on Google

Komplek ini terletak di kecamatan ciampea, dari jalan abdul Fatah. Aga masuk kedalam lagi, lalu akan ada telihat gapura dan batu besar yang menjadi ciri khas komplek GSA (griya salak asri). Komplek ini sudah ada sejak dlu. Dan sudah banyak penghuni nya.
This complex is located in the Ciampea sub-district, off Jalan Abdul Fatah. If you go inside again, then you will see a gate and a large stone that is the hallmark of the GSA complex (Griya Salak Asri). This complex has been around for a long time. And it has many residents.
Dana on Google


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