Kolam Renang Ceria - Kabupaten Sleman

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kolam Renang Ceria

Address :

78PV+V5F Kolam Renang Ceria, Paten, Tridadi,, Paten, Sumberadi, Kec. Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55511, Indonesia

Postal code : 55511
Categories :

78PV+V5F Kolam Renang Ceria, Paten, Tridadi,, Paten, Sumberadi, Kec. Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55511, Indonesia
hanafi ahmad on Google

Kolam renang buat anak-anak Kolam renang kecil deket kota Sleman. Cukup sulit mencari pintu masuk. Fasilitas cukup lengkap namun perlu perbaikan. Kolam renang yang khusus diperuntukan untuk anak-anak. Tempat parkir cukup luas. Dekat dengan pom bensin.
Swimming pool for children The small swimming pool near the city of Sleman. Quite difficult to find the entrance. The facilities are quite complete but need improvement. Swimming pool specifically intended for children. Ample parking area. Close to the gas station.
Imud Channel on Google

Untuk pemula yang sedang belajar renang cocok karena kolamnya menyatu antara yang dangkal dan dalam, walaupun bau kaporitnya menyengat ?..kamar mandi dan toilet lancar airnya..walaupun sebagian pintu susah untuk ditutup..
For beginners who are learning to swim, it is suitable because the pool is a mix between shallow and deep, even though the smell of chlorine is strong .. the bathroom and toilet run smoothly.. even though some doors are difficult to close..
Ditto Anggoro on Google

Sekarang Kurang Terawat, Mungkin Karena Habis Tutup Karena Pandemi Covid-19 ini Jadi Kurang Perawatan. Air Kolamnya Agak Kotor dan Kamar Mandinya Pun Juga Kurang Dibersihkan.
Now it is poorly maintained, maybe because it is closed because of the Covid-19 pandemic, so it is less maintenance. The pool water is rather dirty and the bathroom is also poorly cleaned.
Kaisa Narilla on Google

Fun dan cukup lah buat nyenengin anak. Kolam nya bersih. Tersedia tiga jenis kolam, kolam berendam untuk baby, kolam bermain anak dan kolam dalam untuk orang dewasa. Bea masuk sangat terjangkau dan bila lapar setelah berenang pun ada penjaja makanan dan minuman, mulai dari snack hingga makanan berat. Hanya saja kamar mandi sangat kurang penerangan.
Fun and enough to please children. The pool is clean. There are three types of ponds, a plunge pool for babies, children's playgrounds and deep pools for adults. Import duty is very affordable and if you are hungry after swimming there are food and drink vendors, ranging from snacks to heavy meals. It's just that the bathroom is very poorly lit.
amalia sulistyowati on Google

Murah, 8rb sudah termasuk parkir, kolam juga tidak terlalu dalam, cocok ajak anak-anak berenang disini... suasana juga nyaman, enak berenang sore-sore disini.... Cuma keramiknya kebanyakan sudah retak, sehingga cukup berbahaya.. suami saya luka, kulit dibawah lutut sedikit terkelupas karena tergores keramik saat mengajari anak berenang, saya juga sedikit lecet di kaki... Sebelumnya jari anak saya juga pernah terluka.. Jadi harus hati-hati sekali... Mungkin perlu sedikit perbaikan...?
Cheap, 8 thousand including parking, the pool is also not too deep, suitable for taking the children to swim here... the atmosphere is also comfortable, it's nice to swim in the afternoon here.... Only the ceramics are mostly cracked, so it's quite dangerous... my husband the wound, the skin under the knee peeled a little because I was scratched by ceramic when teaching my child to swim, I also had a few abrasions on the foot... Previously my child's finger was also injured.. So I have to be very careful... Maybe it needs a little repair...?
Indriana Hidayah on Google

Good enough for chill out
Rima Amalia Eka Widya on Google

Alternative place to spend your holiday with the family
Ahmad Ali Fahmi on Google

Very suitable for baby and kids. There are also a small restaurant and playing ground. Wide parking area.

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