Kodim 0702 - Purbalingga - Kabupaten Purbalingga

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Contact Kodim 0702 / Purbalingga

Address :

Jalan Letjen. S. Parman, Bancar, Kec. Purbalingga, Kabupaten Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah 53316, Indonesia

Phone : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 53316
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jalan Letjen. S. Parman, Bancar, Kec. Purbalingga, Kabupaten Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah 53316, Indonesia
Dinda ayu sekar. M on Google

Lokasi strategis..
Strategic location..
Faiz Fadilah Prasetya on Google

Senam maumere di indoor kodim 0702/purbalingga
Maumere gymnastics at the indoor Kodim 0702 / purbalingga
Mrbadhog Channel on Google

Di dpn Kodim inilah dulu q sering menunggu Bus setiap pagi ketika mau berangkat sekolah
It was in this Kodim that I often waited for the bus every morning when I wanted to go to school
Stay Kall on Google

kebetulan pas lewat dowank... kodim nya strategis... berada di pusat kota purbalingga
just happened to pass dowank ... its strategic code ... was in the center of Purbalingga
Sigit Ary Wibowo on Google

TIMESINDONESIA, PURBALINGGA – Penutupan Tentara Manunggal Membangun Desa Sengkuyung (TMMD Sengkuyung) Tahap III Kodim 0702/Purbalingga di lakukan dengan sederhana dan berbeda saat sebelum adanya pandemi. Kegiatan  TMMD yang berlangsung sejak 22 September sampai dengan 21 Oktober 2020, penutupannya hanya ditandai dengan penandatanganan dan penyerahan Berita Acara Penyerahan Hasil Pelaksanaan TMMD Sengkuyung Tahap III Tahun 2020 dari Dandim 0702/Purbalingga Letkol Inf Decky Zulhas, S.H., M.Han kepada Pjs Bupati Purbalingga Sarwa Pramana, S.H., M.Si di Pendopo Dipokusumo. Penutupan ini juga disaksikan oleh Forkopimda, beserta tamu sejumlah tamu undangan yang  terbatas dan  dilanjutkan dengan peninjauan hasil kegiatan TMMD di Desa Karangturi, Kecamatan Mrebet, Kabupaten Purbalingga (21/10/2020). Dalam sambutannya Pjs Bupati Purbalingga menyampaikan terima kasih kepada semua pihak baik yang terlibat secara langsung maupun tidak langsung pada pelaksanaan TMMD Sengkuyung Tahap III tahun 2020 kali ini, terutama kepada Jajaran Kodim 0702/Purbalingga serta warga masyarakat Desa Karangturi Kecamatan Mrebet. "Meskipun di tengah pandemi Covid-19 yang sedang melanda, namun pelaksanaan TMMD tetap berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Kami atas nama pemerintah daerah juga mengimbau agar masyarakat untuk dapat bersama-sama menjaga dan memelihara jalan yang telah dibangun pada TMMD Sengkuyung Tahap III ini. Sehingga manfaat dari pembangunan ini dapat bertahan lama dan dapat terus dirasakan oleh masyarakat,” pesannya. Sementara itu dalam laporan pelaksanaan yang dibacakan oleh Pasiter Kodim 0702/Purbalingga Lettu Inf Iskandar, disampaikan bahwa hasil kegiatan TMMD Sengkuyung Tahap III Tahun 2020 telah selesai 100 %. "Sasaran fisik TMMD berupa membuka jalan penghubung Desa Patemon Kecamatan Bojongsari dan Desa Karangturi Kecamatan Mrebet dengan volume P 1700M X 6M, Pengerasan jalan volume 1700M X 5M dan unsur pendukung lainnnya seperti gorong-gorong termasuk membangun RTLH sebanyak 1 unit telah selesai sesuai target 100 % dan tepat waktu, selanjutnya pada sasaran non fisik juga dapat terselenggara dengan baik," paparnya. Dalam kesempatan Dandim 0702/Purbalingga mengatakan kegiatan TMMD Sengkuyung Tahap III Tahun 2020 ini telah selesai dengan hasil seluruhnya 100 % baik sasaran fisik maupun non fisik. Hasil dari TMMD dapat langsung dirasakan manfaatnya oleh masyarakat. Dia berharap, beberapa daerah yang tadinya terisolir dapat menjadi lebih mudah aksesnya, roda ekonomi masyarakat akan meningkat, hasil panen dapat dengan mudah terdistribusi sehingga kesejahteraan masyarakat makin meningkat. Ucapan terima kasih juga dia sampaikan atas dukungan dari pemerintah kabupaten, warga masyarakat, Forkopimda dan Kepolisian serta semua komponen yang telah berkontribusi pada gelaran TMMD Sengkuyung Tahap III Kodim 0702/Purbalingga ini. "Kedepan, terbukanya akses jalan ini diharapkan dapat diteruskan oleh pemerintah daerah agar masyarakat menjadi semakin sejahtera,” ujarnya.(*)
TIMESINDONESIA, PURBALINGGA - Closure of the Manunggal Army Building Sengkuyung Village (TMMD Sengkuyung) Phase III Kodim 0702 / Purbalingga was carried out in a simple and different way before the pandemic. The TMMD activity which took place from September 22 to October 21 2020, the closing was only marked by the signing and submission of the Minutes of the Submission of the Results of the Implementation of the Phase III TMMD Sengkuyung 2020 from Dandim 0702 / Purbalingga Lt. Col. Inf. Decky Zulhas, SH, M.Han to the Acting Regent of Purbalingga Sarwa Pramana, SH, M.Si at the Pendopo Dipokusumo. The closure was also witnessed by Forkopimda, along with a limited number of invited guests and continued with a review of the results of TMMD activities in Karangturi Village, Mrebet District, Purbalingga Regency (21/10/2020). In his remarks, the Acting Regent of Purbalingga expressed his gratitude to all parties, either directly or indirectly involved in the implementation of TMMD Sengkuyung Phase III 2020 this time, especially to the Kodim 0702 / Purbalingga ranks and the community members of the Karangturi Village, Mrebet District. "Even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic that is currently hitting, the implementation of TMMD continues to run smoothly and smoothly. We on behalf of the local government also urge the community to jointly guard and maintain the roads that have been built in TMMD Sengkuyung Phase III. So that the benefits of this development can last a long time and can continue to be felt by the community, "he said. Meanwhile in the implementation report read by Pasiter Kodim 0702 / Purbalingga Lettu Inf Iskandar, it was stated that the results of TMMD Sengkuyung Phase III 2020 activities had been 100% completed. "The physical targets of TMMD are to open roads that connect Patemon Village, Bojongsari District and Karangturi Village, Mrebet District with a volume of P 1700M X 6M, road paving volume 1700M X 5M and other supporting elements such as culverts including building RTLH of 1 unit which has been completed according to the target 100%. and on time, then on non-physical targets can also be well organized, "he explained. On the occasion of the Dandim 0702 / Purbalingga said the TMMD Sengkuyung Phase III 2020 activity had been completed with 100% total results both physical and non-physical targets. The benefits of TMMD can be immediately felt by the community. He hopes that some areas that were previously isolated can become easier to access, the wheels of the community's economy will increase, crop yields can be easily distributed so that people's welfare will increase. He also expressed his gratitude for the support from the district government, community members, Forkopimda and the Police and all components who have contributed to the Sengkuyung Phase III TMMD Kodim 0702 / Purbalingga. "In the future, it is hoped that the opening of this road access can be continued by the local government so that the community will be more prosperous," he said. (*)
hkmh hndyn on Google

Kodim purbalingga.. Berlokasi strategis selain itu tentaranya disiplin disiplin.. Salah satunya terlihat banget waktu hari senin.. Upacara selalu berlangsung dan dikarenakan lokasi yang bagus lalu lintas diberhentikan untuk menghormati sang merah putih.
Kodim purbalingga .. Strategically located apart from that the troops are disciplined in discipline .. One of them really looks like Monday ... The ceremony was always going on and due to the good location traffic was stopped in honor of the red and white.
Arif Setiawan on Google

Serbuan Vaksin gaess Ramai bggt tp ttp tertib Joss bggt lah Bpk TNI nya Semangat y Pak Terimakasih
Vaccine raid guys Very crowded but still orderly Joss is great Mr. TNI Cheers sir Thank you
Wahyu Ernawan - Bekasi on Google


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