Klinik Refraksi Mata Sehati - Kota Yogyakarta

3.8/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Klinik Refraksi Mata Sehati

Address :

Jl. Yos Sudarso No.27, Kotabaru, Kec. Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55224, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +7
Postal code : 55224
Opening hours :
Monday 11AM–4PM
Tuesday 11AM–4PM
Wednesday 11AM–4PM
Thursday 11AM–4PM
Friday 11AM–4PM
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Yos Sudarso No.27, Kotabaru, Kec. Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55224, Indonesia
hendrik pristianto on Google

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pernah periksa kan anak di sini... setahun lalu kalau ndak salah mau bertanya , jika utk kasus ptosiss .... salaput mata tdk bs membuka maksimal .. operasi/bedah ... biaya berapa ya? [dari bapak hendrik-Sorong Papua Barat]
never checked the child here ... a year ago if I'm not mistaken I want to ask, if for the Ptosiss case .... the lining of the eye cannot open up optimally .. operation / surgery ... how much does it cost? [from Mr. Hendrik-Sorong West Papua]
Gamer Cho on Google

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Terimakasih mas, mbak dan staff Sehati yang sudah bantu saya. Terutama untuk dokter spesialis Rahajeng yang sudah seperti mama saya saja ? mudah2an selama 3 hari ini mata kiri saya normal kembali ya dok. Bagi yang matanya bermasalah wajib berkunjung ke klinik mata Sehati karena pelayanannya ramah dan konsultasi juga sangat nyaman pokoknya semuanya memuaskan. Untuk info biasa jam periksa dokter dari jam 1 siang - 3 sore tapi jadwal bisa berubah sewaktu2 tergantung schedule dokter. Saya menghabiskan total kurleb 248k, untuk pendaftaran 15k, pemeriksaan mata 60k, konsultasi dgn dokter spesialis 75k, admin poli 35k, obat tetes 2 macam 62k . Tapi kalian sudah ditangani sama staf2 yang ramah dan dokter spesialis yang sangat membantu ?
Thank you sir, Ms. Sis and staff of Sehati for helping me. Especially for Rahajeng specialists who are just like my mom ? hopefully for 3 days my left eye is normal again huh doc. For those whose eyes are problematic, they must visit the Sehati eye clinic because the service is friendly and the consultation is also very convenient, everything is satisfying. For regular information check the doctor from 1 pm - 3 pm but the schedule can change at any time depending on the doctor's schedule. I spent a total of 248k kurleb, for 15k registration, 60k eye examination, consultation with a specialist 75k, admin poly 35k, drops of 2 kinds of 62k. But you have been treated by friendly staff and specialist doctors who are very helpful membantu
Saroh Noor Aisyah on Google

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Pusat pelayan refraksi terbaik di Jogja. Spesialis RGP nya TOP banget
The best refraction service center in Jogja. The RGP specialist is really TOP
Yuliani Wijaya on Google

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Nyobain periksa mata disini untuk saya & anak saya, periksa minus & cek bbrp hari lalu ada sakit mata, pemeriksaan awal dilakukan oleh petugas dengan komputer & manual, menurut saya sudah bagus & teliti, kemudian selanjutnya dengan dokter, (Dr. Rahajeng) ini hanya dilihat saja hasil pemeriksaan sebelumnya, dokternya malah nanya ke saya, apakah perlu resep?? Saya cerita soal bbrp hari lalu ada sakit mata blablabla, hanya ditanggapi seadanya dan diresepkan tetes mata standar saja, lalu saya yg minta dicek kornea (kalo tidak minta ya tidak dicek) dan hanya dilihat bbrp detik saja menggunakan senter.. Anak saya malah gak dicek apapun lagi, tapi tagihan yg keluar ada biaya pemeriksaan awal 60rb, konsultasi dokter 75rb, koreksi resep 40rb untuk masing2 pasien, dll total untuk 2 pasien 480rb, yg bikin saya bingung, masa dokter gak ngapa2in ada tagihan 75rb?? saya tanyakan ke kasir katanya memang seperti itu, malah merekomendasikan dokter lain, kalo koreksi resep itu krn ada resep kacamatanya.. Ok deh cukup pertama & terakhir kalinya ke klinik ini. Saran saya kalo tetap mau kesini & keperluannya hanya mau cek minus, gak usah sama daftar dengan dokter, cukup dengan petugasnya aja, itupun udah 100rban, cukup mahal dibanding cek di optik yg kebanyakan gratiss ?
Try an eye check here for me & my child, check minus & check a few days ago there was eye pain, the initial examination was carried out by officers with computer & manual, in my opinion it was good & thorough, then next with the doctor, (Dr. Rahajeng) this is only Just look at the results of the previous examination, the doctor even asked me, do you need a prescription ?? I told you about a few days ago when there was a blablabla eye pain, it was only taken in moderation and prescribed only standard eye drops, then I asked for the cornea to be checked (if I didn't ask, it wasn't checked) and only saw it for a few seconds using a flashlight .. My son wasn't even checked whatever else, but the bill that came out was an initial examination fee of 60 thousand, 75 thousand doctor consultation, correction of 40 thousand prescriptions for each patient, etc. The total for 2 patients was 480 thousand, which made me confused, why is it okay for doctors to have a bill of 75 thousand ?? I asked the cashier he said it was like that, instead he recommended another doctor, if I corrected the prescription because there was a prescription for his glasses .. Ok, it's enough for the first & last time to this clinic. My advice is if you still want to come here and you only need a minus check, you don't have to register with the doctor, just the staff, it's 100 thousand, quite expensive compared to checking in optics which are mostly free ?
Hon BookStore on Google

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Klinik Mata Sehati., klinik pemeriksaan dan perawatan mata yang sangat professional. Dokter yang menangani pun berkompeten di bidangnya. Pelayanan dari pendaftaran hingga pengambilan sangat baik dan ramah sekali. Tempatnya benar2 bersih, luas, dan membuat betah yang menunggu panggilan pemeriksaan mata. Antrinya tidak banyak jadwal dokternya ada yang pagi, siang maupun sore. Bisa membuat janji dulu dengan dokternya. Saat pemeriksaan dengan dokter di klinik sehati, rasanya bisa sharing apa yang dirasakan dan dokternya pun merespon dengan baik dan sabar. Pokoknya berbeda dengan salah satu rumah sakit yang pernah aku gunakan untuk periksa mata sebelumnya. Untuk biayanya pun lebih murah daripada salah satu rumah sakit mata terkenal di Jogja.
Sehati Eye Clinic, a very professional eye examination and care clinic. The treating doctor is competent in his field. The service from registration to collection is very good and very friendly. The place is really clean, spacious, and makes you feel at home waiting for an eye exam call. The doctors don't have much schedule in the morning, afternoon or evening. Can make an appointment with the doctor first. When I checked with a doctor at the same clinic, I felt like I could share what I felt and the doctor responded with kindness and patience. Anyway, it's different from one of the hospitals I've used to check my eyes before. The cost is even cheaper than one of the famous eye hospitals in Yogyakarta.
Tommy Sayoga on Google

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khusus untuk konsultasi dengan dr Sagung Gede Indrawati Sp.M (K) harus appointment dulu sehari sebelum konsultasi. beliau spesialis lensa kontak RGP praktik hari selasa dan kamis
specifically for consultation with Dr. Sagung Gede Indrawati Sp.M (K) must make an appointment the day before the consultation. he is a specialist in RGP contact lenses practicing on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Anggri Pristya Kirana on Google

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Good service
Stella A on Google

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Despite this eye care clinic is not very large, but it has comprehensive service. There are 4 specialist who in charge every week. The staffs are friendly and fast response. When I came around 1 PM, the customer is not very crowded, I am happy. The doctor is patient and tries her best to counsel her patient. Overall, I like this professional clinic.

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