Klinik Prima Medika - Kabupaten Karawang

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Klinik Prima Medika

Address :

Jl. Kenanga No.3, Nagasari, Kec. Karawang Bar., Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41314, Indonesia

Postal code : 41314
Categories :

Jl. Kenanga No.3, Nagasari, Kec. Karawang Bar., Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41314, Indonesia
Fatahillah nazar on Google

Kliniknya bagus
The clinic is good
syarif muhammad on Google

Pelayanan dokter sangat tidak ramah saran saya pindahkan faskes 1 nya ke klinik lain
The doctor's service is very unfriendly, my advice is to move the health facility 1 to another clinic
Didi Royadi on Google

Periksa 1. Dokter laki" mudah baik dan ramah, periksa yg ke 2. Dokter perempuan baik dan ramah, periksa yg ke 3. Dokter yg meriksanya ga ada penjelasan smaa sekali, buruk pelayanan dokter yg ke 3 ini.
Check 1. The male doctor is easy, kind and friendly, check the second one. The female doctor is kind and friendly, check the third one. The doctor who examined him had no explanation at all, the service of this third doctor was bad.
Bayu Susanto on Google

Pelayanan dokternya kurang memuaskan
The doctor's service is not satisfactory
budis saputra on Google

Kemaren saya mendapatkan perlakuan tidak mengenakan dari dokternya mulai dari pertama hingga selesai periksa. 1) awal masuk ruangan nada bicaranya nyolot. 2) pemeriksaan hanya menyuruh membuka mulut saja( itupun dengan nada tinggi) 3) tidak menjelaskan penyebab penyakit yg saya derita 4) tidak menjelaskan secara terperinci penyakit yg di derita 5) tidak memberikan saran penyembuhan. Saya tidak akan menyebutkan nama dokternya siapa, Mohon pelayanannya di perbaiki, terutama untuk dokter kami pasien kami datang berharap sembuh, ingin di perlakukan sewajarnya pasien, tolong dokternya beprilaku dengan baik dan benar.
Yesterday I received the treatment of not wearing it from the doctor from the first to the end of the examination. 1) the beginning of entering the room, his tone was gloomy. 2) the examination only ordered to open the mouth (and even then with a high tone) 3) did not explain the cause of the disease that I suffered 4) does not explain in detail the disease suffered 5) does not provide healing advice. I will not name the doctor who, Please improve the service, especially for our doctors, our patients come hoping for a recovery, want to be treated appropriately by the patient, please help the doctor behave properly and correctly.
Andri Irawan on Google

Dokternya masih muda2.. Susah dapet SKD, tapi pelayanan admin cepat.
The doctor is still young It's hard to get SKD, but admin service is fast.
Syarif Muhammad on Google

Perlakuan dokter dokter sangat tidak baik tidak ramah seperti tidak beratitude. Tadi saya berobat setelah selesai memaparkan apa yang dirasa dengan lengkap dokternya malah marah marah dan dia bilang mas lagi nguji saya beberapa kali, lah pasien datang buat berobat bukan buat nguji dokter, kalau merasa sedang di uji buktikan bahwa anda layak menjadi dokter bukan malah suudzon sama orang dan memeriksa dengan perlakuan tidak mengenakan.
The treatment of doctors is not very good, not friendly, like not having an attitude. Earlier, after I finished my treatment, after fully explaining what I felt, the doctor got angry and he said he was testing me several times, the patient came for treatment, not to test the doctor, if you feel you are being tested, prove that you are worthy to be a doctor, not even suggesting the same people and check with unfavorable treatment.
lumos dacosta on Google

Pelayanan dokter yg laki-laki amat sangat buruk.. Gak usah mendongakkan kepala dan nada tinggi kalau menjelaskan karena penjelasan nya pun sebenernya tidak sesuai dengan kondisi pasien.. Bagaimanapun pasien/keluarga berhak mendapatkan informasi kondisinya secara utuh.. Mohon pihak klinik memberikan evaluasi dan edukasi terhadap karyawannya (perawat dan dokter) bagaimana menghadapi pasien secara baik karena bagaimanapun juga nama klinik akan selalu menempel.. Berikan pelajaran apa itu service excellent.. Mudah2an bisa diperbaiki tentang pelayanan nya
The service of a male doctor is very, very bad.. You don't need to raise your head and have a high tone when explaining because the explanation is actually not in accordance with the patient's condition.. After all, the patient/family has the right to get complete information on their condition.. Please give the clinic an evaluation and educating its employees (nurses and doctors) how to deal with patients well because after all the name of the clinic will always stick.. Give a lesson about what service excellent is.. Hopefully the service can be improved

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