Klinik Pratama Fitri Griya Husada - Kabupaten Bantul

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Klinik Pratama Fitri Griya Husada

Address :

Jl. Sultan Agung No.18, Ngentak, Timbulharjo, Kec. Sewon, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55185, Indonesia

Postal code : 55185
Categories :

Jl. Sultan Agung No.18, Ngentak, Timbulharjo, Kec. Sewon, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55185, Indonesia
Wahyu Kunto Aji on Google

Very nice
Juntrung Puji Ananto on Google

Aji on Google

Populer: Bu Sudar
Popular: Bu Sudar
Wahyu Rubiyanto on Google

Klinik berobat
Clinic treatment
Supartinem Sup on Google

First impression sama mbk penjaga di di depan manner kurang.pelayanan kurang bagus.maaf tidak recomended ?
First impression with mbk guard in front of the manner is lacking. Service is not good. Sorry not recommended ?
Genta Nasyayumna on Google

Pelayanan kurang baik, khususnya yg di depan mbak nya yg tinggi kurus cara bicaranya tdk sopan.. Nggetak.. Lg datang langsung bilang "kenapa mbak"'? Dg suara keras menantang.. Harusnya selamat datang ada yg bisa di bantu.. Tolong di didik yg di depan supaya bisa lebih sopan lg . thanks
The service is not good, especially the one in front of the tall, thin sister who speaks impolite way .. Not .. Lg came right away and said "why miss" '? With a loud defiant voice .. Should be welcome, someone can help .. Please teach the students in front so they can be more polite. thanks
Hari Andana on Google

Klinik untuk cek kesehatan ibu hamil dan balita, dengan bidan yang susah berpengalaman dalam hal tersebut. Klinik ini juga merupakan klinik bersalin atau klinik melahirkan. Dengan bidan yang sudah terkenal di kalangan warga sekitar, yaitu Bu Sudar. Dan dibantu oleh perawat-perawat. Klinik yang awalnya adalah rumah tinggal, lalu dibangun menjadi klinik. Untuk harga juga murah, sesuai dengan market warga sekitar. Untuk biaya USG ( Nopember 2017 ) sebesar Rp 70ribu, dan vitamin Rp. 50 ribu ( semoga belum ada kenaikan hehehehe...) Untuk jadwal USG ada sendiri yaitu : setiap hari sabtu akhir bulan mulai jam 18.00 wib, namun dokternya laki-laki.
Clinic to check the health of pregnant women and toddlers, with midwives who are difficult to experience in this regard. This clinic is also a maternity clinic or birthing clinic. With a midwife who is already well-known among the local residents, namely Mrs. Sudar. And assisted by nurses. The clinic which was originally a residential house, was later built into a clinic. The price is also cheap, according to the local residents' market. For the USG fee (November 2017) of Rp. 70 thousand, and vitamins Rp. 50 thousand (hopefully there hasn't been an increase hehehehe ...) For the USG schedule there is itself, namely: every Saturday the end of the month starting at 18:00 WIB, but the doctor is male.
Azzura -tech on Google

Klinik berobat juga persalinan , tenaga medis siap 24 jam
The clinic also gave birth treatment, medical staff were ready 24 hours

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