Klinik Haji Yasin - Kabupaten Bekasi

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Klinik Haji Yasin

Address :

Unnamed Road, Taman Rahayu, Kec. Setu, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17320, Indonesia

Postal code : 17320
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–8PM
Tuesday 7AM–8PM
Wednesday 7AM–8PM
Thursday 7AM–8PM
Friday 7AM–8PM
Saturday 7AM–8PM
Sunday 7AM–2PM
Categories :

Unnamed Road, Taman Rahayu, Kec. Setu, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17320, Indonesia
Aditya Ferdiyansyah on Google

Terapi tradisional bapak H. Yasin, dengan harga yang terjangkau untuk semua kalangan, Alhamdulillah nene saya telah sembuh setelah berobat rutin kesini.
The traditional therapy of Mr. H. Yasin, at an affordable price for all people, Alhamdulillah nene, I have recovered after taking regular medical treatment here.
Ratno jhiem on Google

Parkir luas dan aman. Pasien langsung ditangani dengan baik
Ample and secure parking. The patient is treated immediately
Tris Nowati on Google

Sdh 2 th sy sakit pengapuran, sdh 2 dokter spesialis ortopedi yg menangani penyakit saya...hasilnya nihil... Tetapi setelah melakukan teraphy di Bpk H. Yasin ini selama 3x kunjung...alhamdhulillah...sakit sy sembuh..dan sy tdk perlu ke Dokter lagi.... Semoga bermanfaat untuk pembaca... Terimakasih...
After 2 years of calcification, there are 2 orthopedic specialists who handle my disease ... the results are nil ... But after doing the therapy at Mr. H. Yasin for 3 times visit ... thank God ... I was sick ... I didn't need to go to the doctor anymore ... Hopefully useful for readers ... Thank you...
Tukang bangunan Udin on Google

Berikanlah tepat disisi mu ya Allah. Aammmmiiiinnn
Give it right by your side, O Allah. Aammmiiiinnn
Yayah Silvia on Google

Alhmdulillah mmh saya skt 1bln gk mau mkn sma lemes gk bisa jln,,,alhmdulillah 3x d terapi d klinik hj yasin skrg dh sembuh dan kembali seperti sedia kala...
Alhmdulillah, umh, now I don & apos; t want it to be weak, it can't run ... thank God 3 times the therapy at the hj clinic is now healed and back to normal ...
master auto on Google

Tempat bersih,parkiran luas Ahlinya masalah saraf,stroke,diabet,colesterol,asam urat,ginjal seikhlasnya,semoga berkah,bukan kaleng kaleng,sukses selalu ??
Clean place, spacious parking Expert on nerve problems, stroke, diabetes, cholesterol, uric acid, kidneys sincerely, good luck, not cans, success always ??

Semoga cocok berobat syarat kejepitnya ke bpk.haji yasin .aamiin
Hopefully it's suitable for treatment, the conditions are tight to Mr. Haji Yasin. Amen
Nena Mayang on Google

Lagi sekali ini terapi disini, nganterin suami,sebelumnya daftar dulu, disuruh beli minuman vit mineral seharga 5 ribu, lalu disuruh nunggu sebentar...ga ada 5 menit disuruh utk berbaring ditempat yg sudah disediakan... Belum ada 10 menit dipijat oleh salah satu crew nya, ditinggal sebentar utk merokok dulu..lalu lanjut lagi mijitnya..5 menit lagi berhenti lagi..krn si mas tukang pijetnya memanggil ada tukang jamu lewat...wkwkwk..geli juga liatnya...lagi sekali ini liat orang mijat sambil disambi²... Ga sampai 1 jam ..selesai sudah acara memijat..suami disuruh ke kasir utk beli obat dan membayar seikhlasnya... Harga obat 50 ribu terdiri 2 macam kapsul..katanya obat utk melancarkan peredaran darah..dan menjaga imun... Saya geli juga ndengerinnya...mbak nya kasir bukan dokter tapi bisa memberikan obat semacam itu... Dan herannya...pasiennya banyak juga yg mau pijet..
Once again, this is therapy here, escorting my husband, registering first, told to buy a mineral vitamin drink for 5 thousand, then told to wait for a while... no 5 minutes told to lie down in the provided place... There hasn't been a 10 minute massage by one of the crew, left for a while to smoke first.. then continue the massage.. 5 more minutes to stop again.. because the massage therapist called a herbalist passing by...wkwkwk.. it's amused to see it ...again, seeing people massage while being massaged... Not even 1 hour.. the massage is over.. my husband was told to go to the cashier to buy medicine and pay sincerely... The price of the medicine is 50 thousand consisting of 2 kinds of capsules..the drug is said to improve blood circulation..and maintain immunity... I'm also amused to hear it... the cashier's sis is not a doctor but can give such medicine... And surprisingly ... many patients also want a massage..

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