Klinik Ginekologi dan Infertilitas - Kota Jakarta Pusat

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Klinik Ginekologi dan Infertilitas

Address :

Jalan Ternate No.14C Belakang ITC Roxi Mas, RT.9/RW.6, Cideng, Kecamatan Gambir, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10150, Indonesia

Postal code : 10150
Website : https://klinik-ginekologi-dan-infertilitas-jakarta.business.site/
Categories :

Jalan Ternate No.14C Belakang ITC Roxi Mas, RT.9/RW.6, Cideng, Kecamatan Gambir, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10150, Indonesia
Fitria Sriwahyuni on Google

Penantian 7,5 tahun akhirnya membuahkan hasil. Alhamdulilah terima kasih ya Allah, melalui dokter Harianto dan dr Cindy bisa sukses untuk promilnya.semoga pasien pasien lain yang blm berhasil segera mendapat tiket + yaa. Aamiin
The 7.5 year wait finally paid off. Alhamdulilah, thank you, O Allah, through Doctor Harianto and Dr. Cindy you can be successful in their promotion. I hope other patients who have not succeeded will get tickets soon. Aamiin
Gisma Gis on Google

Antrian ke 1, janji 08.30 ternyata dokternya baru dateng jam 10. Jd Nunggu 1,5jam. Pas periksa dokternya buru2 banget krn mau pergi lagi, cuma berapa menit doang selesai dgn biaya 700rb. Padahal pengen banget dijelasin pelan2.
The 1st queue, the appointment at 8:30 am, it turns out that the doctor has just arrived at 10. So wait for 1.5 hours. When I checked the doctor, I was really in a hurry because I wanted to go again, it only took a few minutes to finish at a cost of 700 thousand. Even though I really want to be explained slowly.
Vip on Google

Buat yg baru pertama kesini, jangan kaget, kalau disuruh dtg misal jam 10, itu bukan jam 10 ketemu dokternya, tp jam 10 daftar antriannya. Kalau lg banyak antrian, bisa jam 12 baru ketemu dokter. Krn pasiennya memang banyak, dan dokternya udah secepat mungkin nanganin pasien2.
For those who are here for the first time, don't be surprised, if you are told to come, for example at 10 o'clock, it is not 10 o'clock to see the doctor, but at 10 o'clock the queue list. If there are lots of queues, it can be 12 o'clock before I see a doctor. Because there are a lot of patients, and the doctors are already treating them as quickly as possible.
Lintang Wisesa on Google

Klinik Dr. Cindy & Dr. Harianto memang paling favorit. Pelayanan baik, kedua dokternya ramah & berpengalaman.
Dr. Clinic Cindy & Dr. Harianto is indeed the most favorite. Good service, both doctors are friendly & experienced.
Dr MB on Google

Dengan dr.Cindy sangat puas, bagus dan profesional. Tapi sangat kecewa dengan dokter pengganti, namanya dr.J. Saya udah sering USG di beberapa dokter di RS berbeda m, pengalaman terparah itu dgn dr.J. Kasar sekali pas USG. Probe USG keluar dari miss V, udah diluar lho ketemu angin, dr.J masih ga sadar, masih liat layar dan nyari2 lama. Padahal saya juga bisa liat layarnya udah ga keliatan apa2, wong probe USG nya udah diluar miss V kok ! Keliatan sekali ga pengalaman dan ga profesional ! Habis itu masukin lagi cari2 lagi. Harusnya dr.Cindy cari dokter pengganti dokter yg pengalaman dan profesional, apalagi dokter pengganti bayarannya disamain dengan dr.Cindy yang pinter dan bagus. Ga worth it klo dengan si dokter pengganti
With dr.Cindy very satisfied, nice and professional. But very disappointed with the substitute doctor, his name is dr.J. I've often had ultrasounds at several doctors in different hospitals, but the worst experience was with dr.J. Very rough on ultrasound. The ultrasound probe came out of miss V, you know the wind was outside, dr.J was still unconscious, still looking at the screen and looking for a long time. Even though I can also see that the screen doesn't look like anything, the ultrasound probe is already outside of Miss V! Looks very inexperienced and unprofessional! After that enter again looking for more. Dr. Cindy should be looking for a substitute doctor who is experienced and professional, moreover the paid replacement doctor is the same as Dr. Cindy who is smart and good. Not worth it with the substitute doctor
Aurora Dweena Kinanti Larasati on Google

Ada yg tau no tlp kliniknya? Karena sdh hampir 3 minggu hasil tes papsmear sy tdk ada kabar. Padahal info dr mreka hasil akan di dapat dlm 10 hr. Mohon bantuan no tlp kliniknya, terima kasih
Anyone know the phone number of the clinic? Because it's been almost 3 weeks, I have no news on the results of the Pap smear test. Even though the information from them will be obtained in 10 days. Please help with the clinic's phone number, thank you
Heavenly on Google

Pelayanan dokter Cindy dan dokter Harianto sangat baik dan excellent. Pemeriksaan dilakukan secara detail dan informasi yg diberikan sangat jelas dan disampaikan dengan baik yang juga mengedukasi pasien sehingga pasien jadi tenang, tidak panik. Dokter yang rendah hati dan murah hati dalam pelayanannya. Tuhan memberkati pelayanan dokter Harianto dan dokter Cindy selalu menolong banyak orang ❤
Doctor Cindy and Doctor Harianto's service is very good and excellent. The examination was carried out in detail and the information provided was very clear and well conveyed which also educates the patient so that the patient becomes calm, does not panic. A doctor who is humble and generous in his service. God bless the service of doctor Harianto and doctor Cindy always helps many people ❤
Erwin Aldino Oktora on Google

I've been here since my wife's first pregnancy last year. To be honest, dr. Cindy's service has always been above excellent, she gave us both a good indepth explanation about my wife's pregnancy and how our baby's progress. Her service really came out from her deep empathy and care for her patients. In summary, it has always been above Excellent.

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