Klinik dr. Anita Sp.OG - Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

4.1/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Klinik dr. Anita Sp.OG

Address :

Jl. Karangmojo - Wonosari No.Km 2, Selang III, Selang, Kec. Karangmojo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55851, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +877897
Postal code : 55851
Opening hours :
Monday 3–6PM
Tuesday 3–6PM
Wednesday 3–6PM
Thursday 3–6PM
Friday 3–6PM
Saturday 6–8AM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Karangmojo - Wonosari No.Km 2, Selang III, Selang, Kec. Karangmojo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55851, Indonesia
Elfihusnia on Google

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Tempat bersih, nyaman, dan luas. Ada fasilitas Rawat Inap untuk pasien juga. Suasana tenang, dan tidak riuh,, memberi kenyamanan untuk pasien. Ada taman dan kolam di dalam area klinik, dapat menjadi hiburan until pasien maupun anak-anak. Kolam ikanpun sangat bersih dan rapi serta asri.
Clean, comfortable and spacious place. There Inpatient facilities for patients as well. The atmosphere is calm, and not noisy, giving comfort to patients. There is a garden and a pool in the clinic area, can be entertainment until the patient as well as children. Fish ponds are very clean and neat and beautiful.
rossi christiana on Google

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Pengalaman buruk pertama kali kesini. Ternyata ini RSIA, tapi SDM nya tidak memadai. Daftar 1 jam tidak diproses ternyata terselip. Bagian pendaftaran ditinggal2, disambi sama apoteker. Sudah didata, dokter Widodo keluar dan sangat lama sekali. Sudah 3 jam belum bertemu dokter. Sekedar saran,, jika dokter sedang ada urusan, lebih baik bilang di awal praktek hanya sampai jam sekian.. Sehingga tidak membiarkan para bumil lelah menunggu lama.
The first bad experience here. Apparently this is RSIA, but the HR is inadequate. A list of 1 hour not processed turns out to be tucked away. The registration section was left behind, along with the pharmacist. Already recorded, doctor Widodo came out and very long. I haven't seen a doctor for 3 hours. Just a suggestion, if the doctor is on business, it is better to say that at the beginning of the practice only until so many hours ... So as not to let the pregnant women get tired of waiting long.
Tri Oktava on Google

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Tempat kontrol kandungan istri secara rutin sekaligus jadi tempat persalinan melahirkan anakku. Tempat bersih,nyaman,ruang tunggu luas. Kesan saat check kandungan dokter Anita maupun dokter Widodo ramah,suster lumayan ramah juga,cumaa saat konsultasi+usg terlalu tergesa gesa dan penjelasan nya terlalu singkat,kurang santai.. Pengalaman buruk yg dialami istri saat harus melahirkan krna diinduksi tapi sayang sekali tidak ada dokter satupun yg standby sampai saat detik" mau melahirkan.. alhasil istri lahiran hanya dibantu oleh perawat. Baru selang 1hari stelah melahirkan, dokter Anita menyambangi kami dan minta maaf karena hal tsb. Yg terpenting alhamdulillah istri anak selamat tanpa kurang apapun. Perlu dicatat saya memilih lahiran di klinik tsb tadinya percaya dg kualitas dan kinerja paramedisnya dg memilih kelas 1 untuk kenyamanan dan keselamatan istri dan anak. Tetapi ternyata pelayanan seperti itu yang saya dapatkan. Sangat kecewa. Oiyaa saat nemenin kontrol bayi+jahitan ternyata dokter anaknya juga judes kurang ramah Kejadian 13bulan yang lalu. Terlalu panjang untuk diceritakan. Mungkin tidak semua mengalami seperti apa yang sy ceritakan..tapi inilah yg saya dan istri alami. Trmksih
The wife's obstetric control place routinely became the place where labor gave birth to my child. Clean, comfortable place, spacious lounge. The impression during the obstetric check up was that Anita and Doctor Widodo were friendly, the nurse was quite friendly too, only when the consultation + ultrasound was too rushed and the explanation was too short, less relaxed .. Bad experience experienced by the wife when she had to give birth because it was induced but unfortunately there was no doctor who was on standby until the moment "want to give birth ... as a result the birth wife was only assisted by a nurse. Only an interval of 1 day after delivery, doctor Anita visited us and apologized for things Most importantly, thank God, the wife of the child survived without any disadvantage, it should be noted that I chose a birth at the clinic who had believed in the quality and performance of the paramedics by choosing Class 1 for the comfort and safety of my wife and children. . Oiyaa when accompanying baby control + stitching it turns out that his son's doctor was also bitchy less friendly Genesis 13 months ago. Too long to tell. Maybe not all experience what I told you ... but this is what my wife and I experienced. Thank you
Makan Kenyang on Google

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Saran saya dibatasi jumlah pasien per harinya agar dapat maksimal memberikan konsultasi & edukasi pada pasien-pasien yang telah datang dari segala penjuru gunungkidul agar tau kondisi lengkap dan komplit tentang bumil & buah hatinya, karena banyak dari pasien yang belum paham tentang kondisi kesehatan kehamilan & buah hatinya. Karena pengalaman saat di periksa waktunya berasa cepat sekali seperti terburu buru atau mungkin agar semua pasien dapat terlayani. Terima kasih
My advice is limited to the number of patients per day in order to be able to provide maximum consultation & education to patients who have come from all directions gunungkidul to know the complete and complete condition about pregnant women & their babies, because many of the patients do not understand about the health condition of pregnancy & fruit his heart. Because the experience when examined feels very fast like rush or maybe so that all patients can be served. thank you
Citra Central on Google

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Sebenarnya dr.Anita sangat ramah. Namun sayangnya, pelayanan di kliniknya kayak kurang terstruktur. Terakhir sy kecewa karena sudah mengantri dr jam setengah 4 sore (sebelumnya sudah mendaftar), nunggu lama banget sampai pasien membludak, banyak yg ga dapet tempat duduk, ramai (padahal lg masa pandemi). Jam 8 malam baru dipanggil. Eh pas masuk yg meriksa ibu2 (ga tau bidan atau apa), dr Anita tidak ada. Pas sy di bagian pembayaran, sy tanya ternyata dokternya lg ada tindakan darurat. Sebenarnya hal seperti ini dimaklumi sih, tp alangkah baiknya jika dokter sedang ada tindakan, diinfokan dr awal agar pasien tidak perlu menunggu sampai 4jam lebih... Karena pasien berhak memilih jadi periksa atau tidak apabila yg menangani bukan dokter anita.
Actually Dr. Anita was very friendly. But unfortunately, the service at the clinic seems less structured. Finally, I was disappointed because I had queued from half past 4 in the afternoon (I had already registered), waited a long time for the patient to burst, many couldn't get a seat, it was crowded (even though it was during the pandemic). At 8 PM it was just called. Uh, when I came to check on the women (I didn't know the midwife or anything), Dr. Anita was not there. When I was in the payment section, I asked that the doctor had an emergency measure again. Actually things like this are understandable, but it would be nice if the doctor is taking action, informed from the start so that the patient does not have to wait for more than 4 hours ... Because the patient has the right to choose whether to check or not if the doctor is not treating Anita.
Ayuningsihratna Ayuu on Google

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Pelayanan buruk , SDM nya kurang dokter kandungannya hanya satu. Tidak ramah untuk konsultasi cenderung terburu buru. Harusnya setingkat RSIA harus ada pembenahan dan penambahan SDM.
Poor service, lack of human resources, only one obstetrician. Unfriendly for consultations tend to be rushed. There should be at the RSIA level there must be improvement and additional human resources.
Rizki Baro on Google

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Pelayanan tidak sesuai urutan, dipanggil untuk tensi malah yg datang belakangan, yg dilayanan tensi setiap ditanya hanya nomor urut 12 padahal ditanya pada jam 5 sama jam 6 dengan jawaban sama, seperti mau cari aman saja, Mohon diperbaiki untuk nomor antrian dan layanan nyaa agar lebih berurutan.
The service is not in order, called for tension instead of those who come later, which is served with tension every time you are asked only serial number 12 even though you are asked at 5 and 6 with the same answer, like looking for safety, Please fix the queue number and service to make it more sequential.
mukita sari on Google

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Saya lahiran di sini blm ada tanda2 ingin mengejan ..tp sama bu dokter suruh mengejan, tp bayi tdk keluar2 sampai capek...akhirnya di suruh rujuk SC..lha smp ruang operasi perasaan ingin megejan tiba2 ada, tp katanya suruh jgn mengejan..akhirnya di SC jahitanku letter T krn bayi sudah smp dlm ?Cm agak kecewa knp terburu2 di SC, tp ya sudah saya cm manut dokter lbh byk pengalaman di bidang ini..Dokter ramah, perawat ramah, ruangan rawat inap kelas hotel kelas 1. cm antriannya lma klo pas periksa kandungan. pas konsultasi cm sebentar. tp intropeksi diri krn antrian jg byk..
I was born here, there are no signs of wanting to push.. but the doctor told me to push, but the baby didn't come out until it was tired... finally I was told to refer to SC.. In the operating room, the feeling of wanting to push was suddenly there, but he said not to push. .finally in SC my stitches were letter T because the baby had arrived in high school Cm a bit disappointed why the rush in SC, but yes I have followed the doctor more experience in this field..Doctors are friendly, nurses are friendly, inpatient room is class 1 hotel class. cm the queue is long when I check the content. after a brief consultation. but self introspection because there are too many queues..

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