Klinik Cempaka 24 Jam - East Jakarta City

3.2/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Klinik Cempaka 24 Jam

Address :

Jl. Raya Pulo Gebang No.99, RW.6, Pulo Gebang, Cakung, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13950, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +8888
Postal code : 13950
Categories :

Jl. Raya Pulo Gebang No.99, RW.6, Pulo Gebang, Cakung, East Jakarta City, Jakarta 13950, Indonesia
Akun Syifa on Google

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Pelayanannya sangat ramah, tempatnya juga nyaman, Bidan Yani nya menjelaskan dengan detail jadi paham
The service is very friendly, the place is also comfortable, the midwife Yani explains in detail so you understand
Dian Permatasari Sari on Google

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Bagus sekali penjelasannya dapat dimengerti dipahami dapat banyak pengetahuan dari bu bidan yati yg saya tidak tahu dan dimengerti
It's very good that the explanation is understandable. I can understand a lot of knowledge from the yati midwife, which I don't know and understand
Lie Kim Lan on Google

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Saya peserta BPJS, sebelumnya faskes Saya di puskesmas, lalu Saya pindah ke Klinik Cempaka, karena lebih dekat dengan rumah. Untuk Dokter Umum di Klinik Cempaka, Saya biasa dengan Dokter Roza, untuk berobat Saya, suami dan anak Saya. Dokternya ramah, menjawab dengan sabar, menjelaskan dengan detail, mau menjawab pertanyaan2 apabila Saya WA mengenai sakit. Untuk yg saat ini, Dokter umumnya baru2 dan masih muda, maaf Saya dan suami kurang sreg. Saat ini Saya sedang mengandung, Saya periksakan kesehatan kandungan Saya dengan Bidan Lusy. Bidannya ramah, setiap pertemuan dikasih penjelasan detail, tanggap dalam menjawab WA Saya, sangat membantu dan memberi saran yg baik kalau Saya khawatir dengan kandungan Saya, overall okay...? Untuk pelayanan Klinik Cempakanya sendiri, so far so good, kliniknya juga bersih, dan saran saja untuk disediakan tempat sampah di dalam klinik, dan di toilet ada disediakan tissue dan juga sabun untuk cuci tangan... Sukses terus untuk Klinik Cempaka dan terus berkembang untuk membantu orang banyak yang sedang membutuhkan pertolongan, God Bless ?
I am a BPJS participant, previously my health facility was at the puskesmas, then I moved to the Cempaka Clinic, because it was closer to home. For General Practitioners at Cempaka Clinic, I usually work with Doctor Roza, for treatment for me, my husband and children. The doctor is friendly, answers patiently, explains in detail, is willing to answer questions if I am WA about illness. For those who are currently, doctors are generally new and young, sorry, my husband and I are not comfortable. I'm currently pregnant, I checked my health with Midwife Lusy. The midwife is friendly, every meeting is given a detailed explanation, responsive in answering my WA, very helpful and gives good advice if I am worried about my womb, overall okay...? For the Cempaka Clinic service itself, so far so good, the clinic is also clean, and the only suggestion is to provide a trash can in the clinic, and in the toilet there are provided tissues and soap for washing hands... Continued success for Cempaka Clinic and continues to grow to help many people who are in need of help, God Bless
Etalase Dovi on Google

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Alhamdulillah pelayanan kebidanan disini cekatan banget, tidak dipersulit dan bu bidan nya disini sangat komunikatif sama pasien. Padahal pengen bgt bisa lahiran diklinik ini sama bu bidan lusi yang penjelasanya mantap, tp belum ada persalinan. Alhasil dirujuk ke rs dan langsung gercep ditindak. Terimakasih ? poli bidanya super rekomen yang dihandle sm bidan lusi ???
Alhamdulillah, the midwifery service here is very nimble, not complicated and the midwife here is very communicative with patients. Even though I really want to be able to give birth in this clinic with Mrs. Warsi, whose explanation is solid, but there is no delivery yet. As a result, he was referred to the hospital and immediately acted upon. Thank you the midwife is super recommended which is handled by the wars midwife ???
Yulian Syarif on Google

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Klinik 24 jam gk sesuai dengan namanya 24 jam baru...ada istrhat nya mulai dr jam 17.30 smp 19.00 baru buka bagaimana klo kondisi pasien harus segera di tangani ??? Ap harus menunggu smp selsai israhat ????
The 24-hour clinic doesn't match the name, the new 24 hours...there is a break starting from 17.30 to 19.00 when it opens, what if the patient's condition must be treated immediately??? Do you have to wait until after your break???
Elsa Sa on Google

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Pelayanannya bagus,lebih mudah karena klinik menyatu dengan apotik jadi gak perlu jauh2 beli obatnya... Langganan kesini selalu puas dengan pelayanan nya..
The service is good, it's easier because the clinic is integrated with the pharmacy so you don't have to go far to buy the medicine... Subscribe here always satisfied with the service..
Clinton Lumbanraja on Google

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Pelayanan nya tidak bagus. Buruk kata nya 24 Jam, tapi petugas nya malah pada tidur semua. Rawat inap tapi gak di cek kondisi pasien ny malah pada tdur klu gitu jgn bilang 24 Jam . Giliran pembayaran membengkak dari Jam 12 mlm sampai Jam 7 pagi sekitar 1 juta. Gak Di ksh mnum dan makan klu gitu jgn trima rawat inap klu pelayanan ny tidak sesuai.
The service is not good. Bad he said 24 hours, but the officers were all sleeping. Hospitalization but not checking the patient's condition, even sleeping, don't say 24 hours. Payouts swelled from 12 pm to 7 am about 1 million. It's not allowed to drink and eat, then don't accept hospitalization if the service is not appropriate.
Eddy Pasaribu on Google

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Rekomended untuk perawatan dan kesehatan gigi. Kliniknya bersih dan nyaman. Persoalannya mslh perparkiran, parkirnya sempit. Sekedar saran: saat memanggil nama pasien sebaiknya disertai dengan kata Bapak atau Ibu, Tuan atau Nyonya. Jangan teriak2 dengan nama pasien saja, karena kadang2 gak enak mendengarnya kalau yang dipanggil sudah lanjut usia. Masalah jam operasional 24 jam perlu ditinjau lagi, apakah betul ada pelayanan 24 jam.
Recommended for dental care and health. The clinic is clean and comfortable. The problem is parking, the parking is narrow. Just a suggestion: when calling a patient's name it should be accompanied by the words Mr or Mrs, Mr or Mrs. Don't just shout with the patient's name, because sometimes it's not good to hear it if the person being called is an elderly person. The problem of 24-hour operational hours needs to be reviewed again, is there really 24-hour service.

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