Kiki Hendrawan, syaraf kejepit - Kota Bks

4.7/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Kiki Hendrawan, syaraf kejepit

Address :

Perum. Puri Nusaphala B 19, RT.006/RW.012, Jatiluhur, Kec. Jatiasih, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17425, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +87989
Postal code : 17425
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 9–11AM
Tuesday 9–11AM
Wednesday 9–11AM
Thursday 9–11AM
Friday 9–11AM
Saturday 9–11AM
Sunday 9–11AM
Categories :

Perum. Puri Nusaphala B 19, RT.006/RW.012, Jatiluhur, Kec. Jatiasih, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17425, Indonesia
Wiwik Swwn on Google

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Assalamualaikum wr wb Saya ibu wiwik dr pondok gede yg menderita sakit syaraf kejepit di bagian pinggang, sakit yg saya derita akibat jatuh dr motor th 2009, rentang waktu yg cukup panjang saya sudah berobat kemanaΒ² tp belum menemukan hasil yg membuat saya sembuh dr rasa nyeri, suatu ketika saya main ke rumah temen di Jatiasih dan cerita klo saya sering ngeluh sakit di bagian punggung, temen saya lgs kasih informasi klo ada ahli akupuntur yg bernama bapak Kiki Hendarawan atau terkenal dgn julukan si tangan ajaib Krn dgn 5 menit pengobatan lgs sembuh, julukan itu di berikan dr pasienΒ² yg sembuh oleh beliau, akhirnya say mencoba ikhtiar lagi utk berobat dgn beliau, saya dpt pengobatan utk 2x terapi, terapi pertama dgn melakukan pengobatan di 8 titik syaraf bagian pinggang ternyata dlm 5 menit Alhamdulillah sakit di pinggang saya lgs sembuh, trs selang 1 mingguan krn punggung atas sblah kiri msh sakit utk terapi ke 2 dgn melakukan pengobatan di 7 titik syaraf dan dlm waktu 5 menit juga sakitnya lgs hilang . Dengan kesembuhan saya dengan beliau saya mengucapkan terimakasih sebesar-besarnya kepada bapak Kiki Hendarawan ?? Berkah dan sehat sllu untuk Pak Kiki Hendrawan ??
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings I'm Mrs. Wiwik from Pondok Besar who suffers from pinched nerves in the waist, the pain I suffered from falling from a motorbike in 2009, a long period of time I have been taking treatment everywhere but haven't found any results that make me recover from the pain, one day I I went to a friend's house in Jatiasih and told me that I often complained of back pain, my friend also gave information if there was an acupuncturist named Mr. Kiki Hendarawan or famously known as the magic hand because with 5 minutes of treatment he immediately recovered, that nickname was given From the patients who were cured by him, finally I tried to try again to seek treatment with him, I received treatment for 2x therapy, the first therapy was by doing treatment at 8 nerve points in the waist, it turned out that in 5 minutes, Alhamdulillah, the pain in my back healed immediately, then after 1 weekly because the upper back on the left still hurts for the 2nd therapy by doing treatment at 7 nerve points and within 5 minutes the pain goes away immediately. With my recovery with him I would like to say a big thank you to Mr. Kiki Hendarawan ?? Blessings and good health to Mr. Kiki Hendrawan ??
Bambang Eka on Google

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Alhamdulillah saya ter kena HNP & istri terkena nyeri sendi bahu kiri sendi lutut sakit sekali & tidak bisa pakai baju tangan panjang .... Sekali datang ke Mas Kiki langsung hilang sakitny ada , smg tidak kumat lag???
Thank God I have HNP & my wife has pain in the left shoulder joint, the knee joint hurts so bad & can't wear long sleeves.... Once you come to Mas Kiki, the pain will immediately go away, hopefully it won't come back again???
mayaidna my on Google

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Sy dtg ke pak Kiki sebanyak 2x. Keluhan rasa sakit di tulang belikat sampai leher krn salah posisi tidur dan dugaan syaraf kejepit, jd tidak bisa menoleh ke kanan, sakit luar bisa serasa urat2 tertarik sampai leher. Alhamdulillah, dtg pertama langsung ada perubahan, bisa noleh meski nunduk belum bisa. 3hari kemudian baru mulai bisa nunduk. Dtg kedua kali posisi leher sudah jauh lebih baik 65%-70%. Alhamdulillah...
I came to Pak Kiki twice. Complaints of pain in the shoulder blades to the neck due to the wrong sleeping position and suspected pinched nerves, so can't turn to the right, external pain can feel like the veins are pulled up to the neck. Alhamdulillah, at first there was an immediate change, I could look up even though I couldn't look down. 3 days later it just started to bow. The second time the neck position was much better 65%-70%. Alhamdulillah...
Zybilla Aleftinne on Google

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Assalamualaikum...wr.wb Sy Sriyatni, Dan Ibu Musiyah dr pondok Gede. Pertama" sy mengucap syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, yg telah menuntun jln bagi saya bertemu dgn Mas Kiki Hendrawan. Ibu saya menderita HNP L4,L5 sejak 2016. Dulu sempat sembuh dgn metode akupuntur. Bisa beraktifitas kembali. Kemudian kambuh setelah mndpat vaksin covid. Kambuhnya malah lebih parah. Susah duduk, jalan dan ktnya rasanya sangat sakit dari pinggang belakang sblh kanan, menjalar sampai ke pergelangan kaki. Sampai 3 minggu blkgn sdh ngga bisa duduk, berdiri dn berjalan bahkan tidur pun jarang. Kalaupun mau ke kamar kecil harus menyiapkan kekuatan dl untuk melawan rasa sakit. Kemudian stlhnya juga hrs merasakan sakit yg luar biasa. ?Di bawa kembali ke akupunturnya yg dulu sdh 5x ngga ada perubahan. Hari" beliau lewati dgn penuh derita, cm di kurangi dgn obat pereda nyeri saja. Sy cm bisa menyemangati supaya tdk berputus asa. Sempat sy bw terapi gerak dgn biaya 5 juta, baru sekali dtng, tp sakit ktnya. Ditengah kegalauan ,saya buka" internet dan menemukan Pengobatan syaraf kejepit Mas Kiki Hendrawan. Kemudian sy bujuk ibu saya. Krn metode nya akupuntur, beliau takut, sdh kenyang sm sakit nya ktnya. Tp sy bilang jgn berhenti ikhtiar, sy bacakan satu persatu review nya. Akhirnya beliau setuju. Sy lngsng wa dftr utk besok harinya. alhamdulillah masih kebagian kuota, krn Mas Kiki cm kasih kuota 10 orang per 2 jam. Datang pertama tgl 28 Nov 2021. Diterapi Mas Kiki selama 2 menit, MasyaAllah,...setelah nya beliau lngsung bisa berdiri dan berjalan keliling ruang praktek. Pengen nangis sy jadinya, haru dan amazing bgt. padahal waktu berangkat aja nggeletak di mobil itu pun nahan sakit. Diperjalanan pulang beliau duduk dengan antengnya, sesekali sy tanyakan sakit ngga. Ngga ada rasa sakit yg menyiksa ktnya. Ada sedikit saja dekat pergelangan kaki. Sampe rumah beliau naik ke tempat tidur sy minta utk ngga bnyk aktifitas dl. sebentar kemudian sy intip beliau sdng tidur seperti bayi...lelap dan tenang. Hal yg sdh lama beliau ngga rasakan. Ngga henti"nya sy berucap syukur. Bbrp jam kmdn beliau baru bangun....duduk dan sy ambilkan makan. Dengan penuh syukur beliau menikmati mkn siangnya, krn kemarin" mkn nya ngga nafsu krn sakit dan ngejaga spy perut jgn terlalu cepat penuh krn kesulitan utk bergerak ke kamar mandi. Terapi kedua tgl 1 Desember 2021, beliau minta dipercepat krn ingin cepat sembuh (n pulih, dr seharusnya jdwl hr minggu yg akan dtng. Berangkat ke Nusa Pala beliau full duduk di jok mobil. ngga ada keluhan sama sekali. Sampai di tempat terapi jg bisa duduk dibangku antrian. Kalau yg lalu.kan nunggu dimobil aja sambil rebahan. Masuk keruang terapi di terapi di 15 titik. selama lebih kurang 5 menit. kemudian bangun dan diminta berjalan keliling ruangan. Alhamdulillah jauh lebih ringan lagi. Mas Kiki sendiri jg terkejut dgn perkembangan nya. Tidak lupa Mas Kiki jg mendoakan buat kesembuhan beliau. Terima kasih ya Mas... InsyaAllah akan dilanjutkan smpai benar" pulih. Sy dan ibu merekomendasikan Terapi di Mas Kiki Hendrawan untuk penderita HNP dan sejenisnya. InsyaAllah ikhtiarnya berhasil. aamiin.... Sy doakan sehat Terus buat Mas Kiky Hendrawan...?
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings Sy Sriyatni, and Mrs. Musiyah from Pondok Gede. First, I would like to thank Allah SWT, who has led the way for me to meet Mas Kiki Hendrawan. My mother has suffered from HNP L4, L5 since 2016. In the past, she was cured by the acupuncture method. Can work again. Then relapsed after receiving the covid vaccine. His relapse was even worse. It's hard to sit, walk and feel a lot of pain from the back on the right side, radiating to the ankles. Until 3 weeks ago, I couldn't sit, stand and walk, and I rarely even slept. Even if you want to go to the toilet, you have to prepare your strength to fight the pain. Then after that, you have to feel excruciating pain. brought back to the acupuncture that used to be 5 times there was no change. The day he passed was full of pain, only reduced with pain medication. I can only encourage him not to give up. I had motion therapy at a cost of 5 million, only came once, but it hurts. In the midst of confusion, I opened the internet and found the treatment for a pinched nerve, Mas Kiki Hendrawan. Then I persuaded my mother. Because the method is acupuncture, she is afraid, she is full and it hurts. But I said don't stop trying, I read the reviews one by one . Finally he agreed. I immediately signed up for the next day. Thank God I still got the quota, because Mas Kiki only gave a quota of 10 people per 2 hours. Came first on 28 Nov 2021. Mas Kiki was treated for 2 minutes, MasyaAllah, after that he could immediately stand up and walk around the practice room. I want to cry, it's really touching and amazing. even though when I left I just lay in the car and was in pain. On the way home he sat with his calm, occasionally I asked if he was sick or not. There is no excruciating pain. There's a little bit near the ankle. When he got home, he got into bed, I asked him not to do much activity. a moment later I peeked at him sleeping like a baby...sleep and calm. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. I can't stop saying thank you. A few hours before he woke up....sat down and I got him some food. With gratitude he enjoyed his lunch, because yesterday he doesn't want to be sick because he is sick and keeps his stomach from being full too fast because difficulty moving to the bathroom. The second therapy was on December 1, 2021, he asked for it to be accelerated because he wanted to recover quickly (n recover, from it should be the next Sunday. Departing for Nusa Pala he was full sitting in the car seat. No complaints at all. Arriving at the therapy place, you can also sitting on the bench in the queue, the last one, just waiting in the car while lying down. Enter the therapy room in therapy at 15 points. for about 5 minutes. then got up and asked to walk around the room. Thank God it's much lighter. Mas Kiki himself was also surprised by his development. Don't forget Mas Kiki also prays for his recovery. Thank you sir... God willing, it will continue until it is properly recovered. My mother and I recommend therapy at Mas Kiki Hendrawan for patients with HNP and the like. God willing, the efforts will be successful. Amen.... I pray that you will continue to be healthy for Mas Kiky Hendrawan...?
Aphanks Andrew on Google

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Bismillah Assalamualaikum, saya mau share pengalaman berobat di tempat Pak Kiki Hendrawan. Review ini saya buat bukan karena endorse atau lainnya, ini karena real pengalaman saya berobat untuk ayah dan ibu saya. Pasiennya adalah ayah dan ibu saya. Keluhan awal yang dirasakan oleh ayah saya adalah sakit/nyeri dikaki kanan saat berjalan dan tidak kuat untuk berdiri lama bahkan sholatpun harus duduk. Datang ke dokter dan dilakukan ronsen ternyata hasilnya adalah saraf kejepit pada lumbar 3-4 & lumbar 5-6. Syaraf kejepit ini dirasakan ayah saya sejak sebulan belakangan. Kemudian kita coba berobat ke Pak Kiki, hari pertama pengobatan sudah dirasakan perbedaan yg signifikan, nyeri di kaki sudah hilang, tetapi kadang masih ada rasa nyeri. Kemudian seminggu berikutnya datang kembali untuk pengobatan yg kedua, Alhamdulillah sudah sangat lebih baik, dan sampai review ini saya buat, ayah saya sudah tidak merasakan nyeri lagi dan sudah bisa sholat berdiri di masjid. Untuk ibu saya casenya berbeda, keluhannya nyeri disendi kaki kanan dan kiri. Karena sebelumnya untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit saya bawa ke dokter dan dilakukan suntik dan minum obat (kurang lebih 4 tahun) sehingga proses penyembuhan ibu saya sedikit lebih lama. Tapi saya berikhtiar dan saya yakin keluhan nyeri sendi ibu saya bisa sembuh (lebih baik) seperti ayah saya. Alhamdulillah setelah pengobatan yang ke 6 (saat review ini saya tulis) kaki kanan ibu saya sudah lebih baik. Dan saya yakin untuk beberapa kali datang lagi kaki yang kiri juga akan segera sembuh. Mohon doanya ya ?? Sukses dan sehat terus untuk Pak Kiki terima kasih atas bantuannya, hanya Alloh yang bisa balas kebaikan Pak Kiki.
Bismillah Assalamualaikum, I want to share my experience of treatment at Mr. Kiki Hendrawan's place. I made this review not because of an endorsement or anything else, this is because of my real experience of getting treatment for my father and mother. The patients are my father and mother. The initial complaint felt by my father was pain/pain in his right leg when walking and not strong enough to stand for long and even have to sit down to pray. Came to the doctor and did X-rays. The result was a pinched nerve in the lumbar 3-4 & lumbar 5-6. My father has felt this pinched nerve for the past month. Then we tried to go to Pak Kiki for treatment, on the first day of treatment there was a significant difference, the pain in the legs had disappeared, but sometimes there was still pain. Then the following week he came back for the second treatment, Alhamdulillah, he is much better, and until this review I made, my father no longer feels pain and can pray standing in the mosque. For my mother, the case was different, she complained of pain in the right and left leg joints. Because previously to relieve pain I took him to the doctor and had injections and took medicine (approximately 4 years) so that my mother's healing process took a little longer. But I'm trying and I'm sure my mother's joint pain will be cured (better) like my father's. Thank God after the 6th treatment (when I wrote this review) my mother's right leg is better. And I'm sure for a few more times the left leg will also be healed. Please pray for me ?? Continued success and good health for Mr. Kiki, thank you for your help, only Allah can repay Mr. Kiki's kindness.
Aditya Mulyana on Google

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Alhamdulillah, setelah kurang lebih 6tahun saraf kejepit di dekat tulang ekor kanan pulih. 2x pertemuan ke tmpt Pak Kiki sembuh, rasa sakit dan ngilu di area tulang ekor kanan dan paha hilang, tinggal area kaki bawah sedikit lagi. Semoga Pak Kiki dan tim sehat selalu ?
Alhamdulillah, after about 6 years the pinched nerve near the right tailbone has recovered. 2x meetings at the place where Pak Kiki recovered, the pain and aches in the right tailbone area and thigh disappeared, only the lower leg area left a little more. Hopefully Pak Kiki and the team are always healthy ?
Eleanor ID on Google

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Uda coba muter-muter fisioterapi/urut pergelangan tangan ga ada yg se instant ini untuk penyembuhan nya. Luar biasa???? Di saranin sebelum dateng pastiin dulu titik sakit nya abis itu langsung infoiin keluhan dan titik sakit pada saat datang, karena pengobatannya menggunakan akupuntur
Uda try muter-muter physiotherapy / sequence wrist se ga ada yg this instant for her healing. outside biasa???? In saranin before dateng first pastiin his sore point after it directly infoiin complaint and a sore point in time to come, because the treatment uses acupuncture
dailyfashion id on Google

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Bener2 totally amazing! If theres more than 5 star i would give more than that! Can u imagine? My dad had pinched nerve more that half of his age ( he 57 yo now ) and we been search treatment everywhere in the world. 3 yrs ago we been to LA ( to the best doc in Los angeles! Lol for only pinched nerve, not saying how much it cost but u know everything in LA cost sooo expensive! Seingat saya it cost $750/ visit. Yeah its like close to 10 jt/ visit ) huhu! Dan apakah baikan? Cuma 1 hari aja! Abis itu balik lagi! We also tried few doctor di PENANG and also... singapore. All failed. 100% gagal. Until i found mas kiki! Oh thank you internet! Thank you GOD! Papa saya 100% SEMBUH TOTAL!!! kalau kata anak2 skrg JUJURLY gak tau mau bilang apa lagi! Segitu hebatnya! Dan kasus di saya sendiri. Saya over workout dan ( hampir ) punya kasus yg sama , kaya papa saya. Been trying treatment in Sydney and also New york ( lol lol same everything failed ) dan sembuhnya di MAS KIKI! mas kiki you are truly an angel! Pahalanya pasti banyak bgt! You guys if u have same case like me or my paps. Trust me, surgery is worst way! Cos surgery have too many risk ait? Try mas kiki. Thank me later! Cos i only write review once in a while. And when i wrote one means i really feel good about it!

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