Kidow Manado Resto and Café Bintaro - South Tangerang City

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kidow Manado Resto and Café Bintaro

Address :

Jl. Boulevard Bintaro Jaya, Parigi, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang City, Banten 15220, Indonesia

Phone : 📞 +887
Postal code : 15220
Website :
Categories :

Amel Zakiah on Google

Tempatnya sangat nyaman buat nongki, masakannya enak terutama yang paling rekomendasi adalah rahang tuna bakar rica dan sapi panggang rica. karyawannya sangat ramah kepada customer☺️
The place is very comfortable for nongki, the food is delicious, especially the most recommended ones are the rica grilled tuna jaw and rica roast beef. the employees are very friendly to customers☺️
Marina Ikayanti on Google

Makanannya enak, tempatnya nyaman dan bersih.. udah sering beli makanannya disini karena emg enak.. pertahankan kualitas dan servicenya.. dan di info akan buka cabang di benda kemang ?
The food is delicious, the place is comfortable and clean.. I've often bought the food here because it's really delicious.. keep up the quality and service.. and it was informed that they will open a branch at Benda Kemang
Gatot Wiharto on Google

Luar Biasa ?????????? Kidow Manado Resto & Cafe dgn konsep menu masakan tradisional yg sebagai besar bahan2 nya Autentik Manado Cakalang fufu dgn khas aroma asap nya, Rahang Tuna dgn kemewahan daging di setiap ruas nya, ikan Tude juga dagingnya manis mengemaskan Semua dioleh dgn bumbu khas Manado yg kaya rempah-rempah so ajak lidah Pakita batualang rasakan sensasi rasa yg luar biasa
Amazing ?????????? Kidow Manado Resto & Cafe With the concept of a traditional menu, most of the ingredients are authentic Manado Cakalang fufu with its distinctive smoked aroma, Tuna Jaws with luxurious meat in each segment, Tude fish and sweet meat All obtained with Manado special spices which are rich in spices So take Pakita Batualang's tongue to feel the extraordinary taste sensation
AdzkiaDinda Putrihermawan on Google

Ini resto super masak nya gila lama bgt 45 mnt blm jga jadi..mgkn makanannya enak tp proses itu loh yg bikin kita cape nunggu...pdhl saya cuma 2 org ..Tolong di perbaiki proses masak nya
This is a super restaurant..but the cooking is insane, it takes 45 minutes and it's still not done..maybe the food is delicious but it's the process that makes us tired of waiting...even though I'm only 2 people..Please fix the cooking process
Aku Betewe on Google

Widow Manado Resto and Cafe berada di BTC Bintaro Trade Center - Bintaro Jaya Tangerang Selatan menempati 3 Ruko berlantai 2 dg halaman luar depan Ruko yang cukup luas, cocok untuk tempat nongkrong bersama teman. Pagi itu, Kami ber-12 orang dari Komunitas Sepeda Me12tilang Cycling Club, mencoba menu yang ada setelah bersepeda melintasi Bintaro Loop (Binloop). Mie Goreng Ayam yang Kami pesan, rasanya enak dan harga terjangkau.
Widow Manado Resto and Cafe is located at the BTC Bintaro Trade Center - Bintaro Jaya, South Tangerang. It occupies 3 2-floor shop houses with a fairly spacious front yard outside the shophouse, perfect for hanging out with friends. That morning, the 12 of us from the Me12tilang Cycling Club, tried the menu after cycling across the Bintaro Loop (Binloop). The Chicken Fried Noodles that we ordered, tasted good and the price was affordable.
Octafred Yosi on Google

Great food
Ara rangge on Google

This place is great... Get to know Indonesian taste better. And the place is cozy..
dwi resnhu on Google

good performance,fast respon

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