Kecamatan Tanah Abang - Kota Jakarta Pusat

3.1/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Kecamatan Tanah Abang

Address :

Kb. Melati,

Categories :

Kb. Melati,
River Defender on Google

Mesjidattaqwa Mesjidattaqwa on Google

Aditya Bayu on Google

Stasiun kecil, bersih, begitu kelyar banyak makanan
The station is small, clean, so a lot of food
John H on Google

Perlu penambahan bangku duduk mengingat padatnya penumpang dan waktu tunggu lbh lama
Need to add a seat to sit, remembering the density of passengers and longer waiting times
Arif Petualang on Google

Area ini sangat ramai lalu lintas nya. Lokasi yang strategis dekat makam karet. Transportasi bisa kereta Commuter, Transjakarta, Ojol
This area is very busy with traffic. Strategic location near the rubber tomb. Transportation can be Commuter, Transjakarta, Ojol
Rita Anita on Google

Stasiun kecil tapi sangat strategis.. jika mau ke Tamrin Citi, Sudirman Park. Lalu lintas sangat macet.. tersedia fasilitas umum seperti musholla dan toilet dengan kebersihan yang cukup baik. Tersedia minimarket didalam stasiun. Mudah mencari alternatif angkutan didepan stasiun. Tersedia angkot, ojek pangkalan maupun ojek online
The station is small but very strategic ... if you want to go to Tamrin Citi, Sudirman Park. Traffic is very jammed .. public facilities such as prayer rooms and toilets are available with good enough hygiene. There is a convenience store inside the station. Easy to find alternative transportation in front of the station. There are public transportation, base ojek and online motorcycle taxi available
Sita Utia on Google

Jika naik kereta, turun di stasiun karet dan cukup jalan ke arah kanan sedikit lalu tinggal menyebrang. Tempatnya cukup nyaman untuk dipakai pelatihan atau acara semacam seminar. Tersedia fasilitas seperti toilet dan mushola juga. Namun sayang, pendingin ruangannya kurang sehingga ruangan menjadi agak panas
If taking the train, get off at the rubber station and just walk to the right a little then just cross. The place is comfortable enough for training or events such as seminars. Facilities such as toilets and prayer rooms are also available. But unfortunately, the air conditioner is lacking so the room gets a bit hot

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