Kebon Nanas

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kebon Nanas

Address :

Panunggangan Utara, Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia

Categories :
City : Banten

Panunggangan Utara, Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
Lilie Aby on Google

Tempat tinggal ternyaman, terdekat dari mana pun, tercepat mau kemana mana gampang ??
The most comfortable place to live, the closest from anywhere, the fastest going anywhere is easy ??
rina desiana on Google

Disini yg banyak bus ke tujuan merak kah?
Is there a lot of buses going to the destination of the peacock?
John Ninfo TV on Google

Tempat ini ada dua halte di 2 jalur yg berbeda saling berhadapan yg dihubungkan dengan JPO. Ramai bgt pas hari kerja. Ada yg mau ke Bogor, Serang, Merak bahkan ke Pulau Sumatera. Tersedia pos Polisi.. penjual makanan digerobak.. Bus APTB penghubung Transjakarta pun transit disini..
This place has two stops on 2 different lines facing each other that are connected with JPO. Very crowded on weekdays. Some want to go to Bogor, Serang, Merak and even to the island of Sumatra. There is a Police station available ... food vendors are wheeled over ... Transjakarta liaison APTB buses are also transiting here ..
Ikbal Yantoro on Google

Untuk angkutan yang lewat menurut saya cukup lengkap atau tinggal transit, tapi tempatnya Masih agak kurang tertata
For transportation that passes, in my opinion is quite complete or just in transit, but the place is still a bit less organized
Rochmat Nurhasannurdin on Google

Bus arimbi bagi saya pelayanannya cukup baik. Klo bisa ngetem di pullnya jangan terlalu lama. Mohon di percecepat itu saja
Arimbi bus for me the service is quite good. If you can wait on the pull not too long. Please speed it up
Yanuar P. Wiharja on Google

Halte ini terletak di depan alfamart, di bawah jembatan layang pertama setelah keluar dari jalan tol Tangerang. Pada pagi dan siang hari sangat ramai calon penumpang. Halte ini terhitung kecil ukurannya.
This stop is located in front of Alfamart, under the first overpass after exiting the Tangerang toll road. In the morning and afternoon the passengers were very busy. This stop is relatively small in size.
Yonatan Purba on Google

Halte Kebon Nanas untuk transit yang akan mengarah ke Tol Tangerang-Jakarta
Kebon Nanas Stop for transit that will lead to Tangerang-Jakarta Toll Road
Haikhal Nuri Agung on Google


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