Kantor Samsat Bantul ( Baru ) - Kabupaten Bantul

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kantor Samsat Bantul ( Baru )

Address :

Jl. Urip Sumoharjo, Bejen, Bantul, Kec. Bantul, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55711, Indonesia

Postal code : 55711
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–1PM
Tuesday 8AM–1PM
Wednesday 8AM–1PM
Thursday 8AM–1PM
Friday 8–11AM
Saturday 8–11AM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Urip Sumoharjo, Bejen, Bantul, Kec. Bantul, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55711, Indonesia
Agus Risna on Google

Kantor baru,bersih,nyaman,pelayanan cepat ?????
New office, clean, comfortable, fast service ?????
Minhatin on Google

Pelayanan makin bagus, tempat lbh tertata dr yg dl, ada taman bermain jg buat anak2
The service is getting better, the place is more organized than the one in, there is a playground for kids

Pelayanan cepat dan baik.. ?
Fast and good service ... ?
Imaduddien Sobri on Google

Pelayanannya cepat, tepat dan pasti. Ruang tunggunya kini luas banget, dan sangat nyaman. Untuk yang bawa anak-anak, bisa sambil memanjakan anak anaknya di playground yang tersedia. Untuk naik ke lt 1 dari lantai ground, tersedia lift, eskalator dan tangga biasa.
The service is fast, precise and sure. The waiting room is now very spacious, and very comfortable. For those who bring children, can while pampering their children in the available playground. To go up to 1st floor from the ground floor, there are lifts, escalators and regular stairs.
Yoga Prayoga on Google

Tempatnya bagus dan nyaman.. setelah sekian lama..baru tau klo samsat bantul sudah maju dan berubah lebih bagus
The place is nice and comfortable ... after all this time ... I just found out that Samsat Bantul has advanced and changed for the better
Ratna Damayanti on Google

Kerennnn... Tempatnya bagus, nyaman. Pelayanan cepat. Klw mau pajak 5thn an brgkt pagi gaes. Cek fisiiknya blangkonya terbatas. Aku nyampe sini jam 7.55 udah dpt nomor 54. Stlh hari sebelumnya gagal dpt nomer antrian..wkwkwk Pembayarannya antrinya cepet. Stlh cek fisik k ruangan di sblh brtnya, ngumpulin berkas cek fisik, bpkb, stnk, ktp, fotocopy annya. Trs nunggu dpanggil, kumpulin lg diloket sblhnya, nunggu dipanggil bayar. Aku sih bayar 160rb. Kayanya yg buat 5tahunan sgitu. Udah kan, dpt form lg, diisi lg. Kumpulin ke lantai 2 sblh timur di loket 1. Ambil nmr antrian, berkasnya kumpulin lg. Nunggu dipanggil, trs pindah k sblh barat d loket 3. Kumpulin berkas, nunggu dpgl sesuai nomor. Bayar lg, sesuai yg di stnk. Aku si 198.500. Beat tahun 2014. Trs nunggu ddpn loket 4, cuma sblh utaranya dikit. Nunggu dipanggil buat ambil stnk nya. Stlh dipanggil by name, biasanya barengan banyak gt. K bawah lagi, langsung ambil plat. LANGSUNG JADII EUYYY.. Ke bawah di loket pengambilan plat, sblhnya tmpt bayar habis cek fisik. Ngumpulin lembaran coklat yg pajak tahunan. Trs nunggu dipanggil. Kelarr dehh.. Kesan pertama naik di lantai 2, ruangannya cukup mewah. Mirip2 sm bank yg bukan di cabang. Sofa ijonyaa banyak empuk2 gaes. Wkkwkw.. Klw kehabisan sofa, d blkg jg ada kursi yg bukan sofa. Tp ttp ada empuuk2nya.. Enaakk dah Nyaman banget nunggunya.. Nomor antrian ditampilkan di layar. Ada tv 2 guede2. Ada tempat ngecas hp gratis jugak di bawah tv. 2 spot colokannya banyakkk. Wow.. Belom ngecek ada wifi apa engga. Wkkwwk Ada playgroundnya jugaa looo. D sblh selatan loket2. Yg bawa anak kecil g bakal rewel dah. Mantep banget... Oiya yg mo cek fisik pastiin ya, ban standar, lampu nyala semua, rem, lampu depan, spion, lampu sign. Klw g nyala suruh benerin dl. G dilayani sblm nyala atau lengkap. Foto blanko terlampir yaa.. Jd pas dateng pertama khusus yg 5thnn lngsung parkir di basement. Ambil form ada di lorong masuk ke basement. Trs diisi lengkap.
Kerennnn ... The place is nice, comfortable. Fast service. I want to tax the 5th of the morning, guys. The physique check is limited. I arrived here at 7.55, already number 54. After the previous day failed the queue number ... wkwkwk The payment is fast. After checking the physical space before the ticket, collect the physical check file, BPKB, STK, ID card, copy and copy. When waiting to be called, you need to collect it in the sky before, waiting to be called to pay. I pay 160bb. It's like the one for 5 years. Already, can the form be loaded, it's filled with lg. Kumpulin to the 2nd floor before east at the counter 1. Take the queue number, the file is loaded lg. Wait to be called, then move to west d counter 3. Collect the file, wait for the dpgl to match the number. Pay again, according to the station. I'm 198,500. Beat in 2014. Trs wait for the 4th window, just before the little one. Wait to be called to get the station. It's called by name, usually with lots of gt. K down again, immediately grab the plate. DIRECT JADII EUYYY .. Down at the license pick-up counter, before paying for the physical check. Collect chocolate sheets which are annual taxes. Trs is waiting to be called. Let's go ... The first impression goes up on the 2nd floor, the room is quite luxurious. Similar to a bank that is not in a branch. A lot of sofa sofas are soft. Wkkwkw ... I have run out of couches, but there are chairs that aren't couches. But there are still empuuk2 ... Really Very convenient to support it ... Queue number is displayed on the screen. There are 2 tv guede2. There is a place for free cellphone jugak under the tv. 2 spot plugs many people. Wow .. Belom checked whether there was wifi or not. Wkkwwk There is also a playground too. D before south counter2. Those who carry small children will be fussy. Very nice coat ... Oiya who checks physically, of course yes, standard tires, all lights, brakes, headlights, mirrors, sign lights. When it starts, tell it to correct dl. G served is on or complete. The photo of the blank is attached ... So when the first special arrived, the 5th parking lot is in the basement. Take the form in the entrance to the basement. Trs is complete.
podo_ moroo on Google

Waktu masuk pertama kali ke samsat ini terkejut karena tmptnya besar banget ?, dan bingung sendiri mau pajak 5 tahunan itu gimana caranya, akhirnya langsung deh cek fisik dulu, pas cek fisik gak taunya lampu motor yang belakang mati ya sudah deh nyari bengkel terdekat dulu, abis itu balik ke samsat bantul lagi, pelayanan di samsat bantul ini sangat memuaskan, seneng kalau kita gk tau apa2 misal nya kayak saya td saya langsung tanya2 ke petugasnya jadi kalau mau urus apa2 gak usah pake calo ya, petugasnya ramah2 semua kok, plat nomornya juga langsung jadi hari itu juga ternyata, baru tahu sih, padahal berangkat dari rumah sedayu jam 9 pagi jam 11.30 sdh selesai semuanya termasuk plat nya
When I first arrived at Samsat, I was surprised because it seemed so large, and confused myself, I wanted to do the 5-year tax how to do it. Finally, I immediately went for a physical check, when I checked physically, I didn't know that the backlight of the motorbike had turned off. after that back to samsat Bantul again, the service at samsat Bantul is very satisfying, happy if we don't know anything for example like me but I immediately asked the officer so if I want to take care of anything, there is no need to use brokers, the officers are all friendly, the number plates also immediately turned out that day too, just found out anyway, even though leaving home at sedayu at 9 am at 11.30 sdh finished everything including the plate
Dimz Poetra on Google

Pelayan lebih cepat ruang tunggu diatas nyaman berAC....proses cek fisik utk roda 2 cepat,pengambilan plat nomor juga bisa langsung jadi..Mantaaaapp???
Waiters are faster, the waiting room above is comfortable with air conditioning....the physical check process for 2 wheels is fast, the number plate can also be taken right away..Mantaaaapp???

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