Kantor Kelurahan Utan Kayu Utara - DKI Jakarta

3.8/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Kantor Kelurahan Utan Kayu Utara

Address :

Jl. Kemuning No. 42, Utan Kayu Utara, Matraman, RT.4/RW.7, Utan Kayu Utara, Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13120, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +8
Postal code : 13120
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–3PM
Tuesday 8AM–3PM
Wednesday 8AM–3PM
Thursday 8AM–3PM
Friday 8AM–3PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Kemuning No. 42, Utan Kayu Utara, Matraman, RT.4/RW.7, Utan Kayu Utara, Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13120, Indonesia
Rara Taman on Google

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Pelayanan nya baik banget, informatif banget, pokonya semua udah perfect. Cuma 1 doang dari 8 tahun yang lalu masalahnya selalu sama. Lurah nya ga pernah ada di tempat. Gue tahu mungkin beliau sibuk, tapi masa sih tiap hari ga pernah ada di kantor. Terus kan semua warna yg kesitu dan butuh ttd nya harus nunggu sampai besoknya. Kita juga sibuk dan sempetin waktu, ga bisa dibuatin cap ttd gitu sebagai perwakilan atau pengganti. Yg bisa buat warga ga harus ribet bolak balik
The service is really good, very informative, everything is perfect. Only 1 out of 8 years ago the problem was always the same. The Lurah was never there. I know maybe he is busy, but really every day he is never in the office. Then all the colors that are there and need a sign must wait until the next day. We are also busy and have a short time, we can't make a sign as a representative or substitute. What can make residents don't have to bother going back and forth
Zafar Zen on Google

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Pelayanan Ramah, Koperatif, Tanggap (Sisi Baik). ? Kurang memberikan info secara komprehensif dan terstuktur terkait pelengkapan pengurusan berkas, sekiranya agar penataan manajemen dari petugas pelayanan info lebih akurat dan jelas sejelas-jelasnya dalam memberikan seputar informasi. (Sisi Kurang Optimal) ?
Friendly Service, Cooperative, Responsive (Good Side). ? Lack of providing comprehensive and structured information regarding the completeness of file management, if it is so that the management arrangement of the information service officer is more accurate and clear as clearly as possible in providing information regarding information. (Less Optimal Side) ?
Galih D. Putranto on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Kantor kelurahan yang nyaman dan rapi. Yang amat patut diapresiasi di sini adalah PTSPnya, alias Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu. Dengan layanan ini, pengurusan apapun yang dilakukan di kelurahan ditampung sehingga tidak perlu berpindah loket. Parkir memadai, sistem antrean jelas, dan ruang tunggu AC. Mantap.
The village office is comfortable and neat. What really deserves to be appreciated here is the PTSP, aka the One Stop Integrated Service. With this service, any arrangements carried out in the kelurahan are accommodated so there is no need to move the counters. Adequate parking, clear queue system, and AC waiting room. Steady.
Muhammad Ikhsan Al Farraby on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Pengalaman mengurus KK pindah baru, KTP, Akte Kelahiran Anak, Kartu Identitas Anak selesai dalam satu waktu. Puas sekali dengan pelayanannya yang cepat dan petugas yang akomodatif. Pada saat PPKM Darurat ini (3-20 Juli 2021) Kantor Kelurahan Utan Kayu Utara tutup, tetapi pelayanan tetap ada dengan terlebih dahulu menghubungi petugas melalui WhatsApp. Penyerahan berkas juga bisa dilakukan tanpa kontak langsung karena di halaman kantor disediakan box untuk menaruh berkas kita.
The experience of taking care of a new moving KK, KTP, Child Birth Certificate, Child Identity Card is completed in one time. Very satisfied with the fast service and accommodating staff. During this Emergency PPKM (3-20 July 2021) the Utan Kayu Utara Urban Village Office was closed, but services were still available by first contacting the officer via WhatsApp. Submission of files can also be done without direct contact because in the office page there is a box to put our files.
Cyberz z on Google

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Pelayanan sangat Buruk, Kantor sedang tutup karena PPKM, padahal di pintu terdapat selebaran bahwa pelayanan bisa dilakukan via WA. Saya WA salah satu nomor yang melayani domisili, tanya baik2 mengenai kebutuhan saya berusaha sangat sopan, tapi beliau menjawab dengan singkat dan ketus, padahal saya bertanya di hari kerja, setelah itu saya di blok. Punya masalah apa Bu? Pelayanan macam apa ini? Apa perlu saya sebutkan nama staffnya?
Very Bad Service, The office is closed because of PPKM, even though there is a leaflet at the door that services can be done via WA. I am WA, one of the numbers that serves domicile, asked nicely about my needs, I tried to be very polite, but he answered briefly and curtly, even though I asked on weekdays, after that I was blocked. What's the problem ma'am? What kind of service is this? Do I need to mention the name of the staff?
arif nurjaman on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Kantor kelurahan Utan Kayu Utara , di dalemnya ada PTSP dan Dukcapil untuk pelayanan KTP dan Perijinan-perijinan,,, sekarang lebih mudah simpel dan cepat dalam mengurus ijin apapun karna sudah ada yg namanya AJIP bisa antar jemput smua Perijinan,,, mantap kann
Utan Kayu Utara sub-district office, inside there are PTSP and Dukcapil for ID cards and permits, now it's easier, simpler and faster to take care of any permits because there is already an AJIP that can pick up all permits,,, great, right?
Tri Sutrisno on Google

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Kelurahan yang bagus dan bersih Lt.1 ada ruang dukcapil,pol pp,ptsp dan ruang aula Lt.2 ruang lurah,sekel dan ruang rapat Lt.3 ruang staff, pkk dan mushola
Nice and clean village On the 1st floor there is a dukcapil room, pol pp, ptsp and hall room 2nd floor lurah room, sekel and meeting room 3rd floor staff room, pkk and prayer room
Guntur Guntoro on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…


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