Kantor Kecamatan Losari - Brebes - Kabupaten Brebes

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kantor Kecamatan Losari - Brebes

Address :

Jl. Raya Pantura No.19, Losari Lor, Kec. Losari, Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52255, Indonesia

Postal code : 52255
Categories :

Jl. Raya Pantura No.19, Losari Lor, Kec. Losari, Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52255, Indonesia
iwan kenclenx on Google

Tolong jangan mempersulit orang lah,.mau benerin KK aja dibikin sulit.,
Please do not make it difficult for people, you just need to make KK difficult.
Sari Mufirezaky on Google

Tugas wajib,,, semoga musholanya cepet jadi sehingga tidak jauh2 sholat ke sebrang di SPBU
Mandatory duty ... hopefully the prayer time will be so that it is not far from praying to the other side at the gas station
Heni Triyana on Google

Pelayanan ngga profesional,ngurus KTP dari tahun 2014 smpe sekarang ngga pernah bener. Alasannya blanko abis,duplikat recort, hrs ke capil,harus ke mendagri.tolong kualitas dan profesionalitasnya di benerin lah.sistem ada itu mempermudah masyarakat bukan malah mempersulit.gaji anda juga di byar oleh masyarakt loh ya
The service is not professional, taking care of ID cards from 2014 until now, it's never right. The reason is blank, duplicate recort, it must be to capil, it must go to the minister of domestic affairs. Please correct the quality and professionalism.
Saadiah Malili on Google

Cetak KTP elektronik baru dua-tiga hari kerja selesai, setelah daftar online terlebih dahulu. Good job! Sukses dan berkah untuk semua karyawan
Print the electronic KTP in only two or three working days after registering online first. Good job! Success and blessings to all employees
Umi Yatun on Google

Udah mau sbulan bikin kk ko g jd".....mau d pke pnting ne gmn sih ktnya klo dah jd d sms atw lewt gmail gmn sih sms g ada gmail pun g ada kpn ne jd ny.
Already want a month to make it, why not "..... want to make it important, what does it do if it has been sent via SMS or via Gmail, how come there is no SMS, there is no Gmail.
Oesman on Google

Aman tentram petugas ramah siap melayani anda dan juga cekatan..
Safe and peaceful, friendly staff are ready to serve you and are also agile..
Evand ganiez channel on Google

Kenapa ya, cm betulin KK untk update yg baru aja lemot banget..apalagi bikin KK baru,,,pdhal pekerja dikntor kecamatan itu orgnya banyak...tpi alasannya inilah itulah...gak profesional...dan etah smpe kpn udah dua minggu, gak jelas kbr nya...
Why is it, cm betulin KK to update the new one is really slow ... especially making a new KK ... even though there are many workers at the sub-district office ... but the reason is this ... not professional ... and already two week, it's not clear how come ...
Kang Toyib on Google


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