Kampus IPB - Kabupaten Bogor

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kampus IPB

Address :

Babakan, Kec. Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16680, Indonesia

Postal code : 16680
Categories :

Babakan, Kec. Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16680, Indonesia
yadi supriadi on Google

Gilang Fajar Ramadhan on Google

Wajah baru penampakan Jl Agatis Lingkar Kampus IPB Darmaga depan Masjid Al Hurriyah ... Menjadi lebih teratur untuk dilalui kendaraan ... Semoga beberapa tahun ke depan sudah tumbuh pepohonanya agar lebih sejuk untuk pejalan kaki.
The new face of the appearance of Jl Agatis Lingkar Campus of IPB Darmaga in front of the Al Hurriyah Mosque ... Becomes more organized for vehicles to travel ... Hopefully the next few years have grown its trees to make it cooler for pedestrians.
Faqih N. Umam Seferagic on Google

Titik koordinat tidak sinkron dengan foto yang ditampilkan dan keterangan tempatnya tidak sesuai.
The coordinate points are out of sync with the displayed photo and their place descriptions don't match.
Sito Warsito on Google

Enak.udara sejuk.kampus ternama. Ipb.trek sepeda
Delicious. Cool air. Famous campus. Ipb. bike track
Maman Maman on Google

Coba di ipb jual alat pertanian,seperty mesin taman padi mesin panen padi,mesin tanam singkong mesin cabut panen singkong,dan mesin2 pertanian lain,tlong publikasi apa aja yg di jual dr ipb hasil penelitaan,beras,daging sapi,olahan susu,hasil pertanian,hasil penelitian perkebunan,sy rasa kmpus ipb mafaat y belum terasa ke masarakat dramaga
Try ipb selling agricultural equipment, such as rice garden machines, rice harvesting machines, cassava planting machines, cassava harvesting machines, and other agricultural machines, please publish what are sold from ipb research results, rice, beef, dairy products, agricultural products , the results of plantation research, I think the benefits of IPB Campus have not yet been felt by the Dramaga community
Faska Yudisthira on Google

temapat yg sangat luas dengan banyaknya taman dan jalur sepeda. fasilitas untuk kegiatan olahraga juga sangan banyak dengan afanya gedung olahraga dan lapangan sepak bola. terdapat danau untuk memanjakan mata dan apabila ingin membeli makanan banyak terdapat kantin dan cafe yg tersedia.
a very wide area with many parks and bicycle paths. Facilities for sports activities are also very plentiful, including sports halls and soccer fields. there is a lake to pamper the eyes and if you want to buy food there are lots of canteens and cafes available.
Pacoll Cifuja on Google

As wrb...smga ajh Ada Yg kenal..udah berpah Thun saya mncri dia.. klu knal hubungi aku.. 085891230642
As wrb...hopefully someone knows.. it's been a long time since I'm looking for him.. if you know, call me.. 085891230642
Melani L. Lestari on Google

Jalanan di sekitar sini bersih dan suka dihiasi berbagai macam tanaman di pinggir jalannya.
The streets around here are clean and love to be decorated with various kinds of plants on the side of the road.

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