J & T Headquarters - Kota Jakarta Pusat

1.6/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact J & T Headquarters

Address :

Jl. Kepu Timur No.38, RW.4, Kemayoran, Kec. Kemayoran, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Sulawesi Tengah 10620, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +88
Postal code : 10620
Categories :

Jl. Kepu Timur No.38, RW.4, Kemayoran, Kec. Kemayoran, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Sulawesi Tengah 10620, Indonesia
Dekiindrah Mayu on Google

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Tolong pihak yg punya perusahaan pengiriman j&t, untuk wilayah Sarolangun Jambi bnyak penerima yg mengeluh,barang sudah sampai,tapi tidak diantar ke alamat,kurir lelet banyak alasan,mohon kerjasama yg baik,TKS
Please those who have a J&T delivery company, for the Sarolangun Jambi area there are many recipients who complain, the goods have arrived, but were not delivered to the address, the courier is slow for many reasons, please cooperate well, TKS
novita damayanti on Google

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Paket Bekasi-Bogor dikirim dari tanggal 30 Des 2021,tanggal 31 Desember sampai tanggal 6 Januari 2022 paket tidak bergerak.Komplain 3x via CS tapi tidak juga ada pergerakan,pulsa terbuang percuma.Tiba-tiba tanggal 07 Januari 2022 dapat notif paket dikembalikan ke seller dengan alasan "yang tidak jelas" dan pesanan di MP cancel otomatis padahal alamat,dll jelas sesuai yg di MP,padahal batal otomatis karena jasa kirim tidak tepat waktu pengantaran.Dan lucunya seharusnya paket dikembalikan ke saya sebagai seller sesuai instruksi dari shop** eh ini malah dikirim kembali ke buyer pada tanggal 8 Januari 2022 padahal status di MP sudah batal dan dana pembeli sudah kembali ,jasa kirim paling parah yang pernah ada ??.Komplain via email juga tidak ada tanggapan,via WA yang menjawab robot,via FB juga tidak direspon
The Bekasi-Bogor package was sent from December 30, 2021, December 31 to January 6, 2022, the package didn't move. Complained 3x via CS but there was no movement, the credit was wasted. Suddenly, on January 7, 2022, I received a notification that the package was returned to the seller with "unclear" reasons and the order in the MP cancels automatically even though the address, etc. clearly matches the one in the MP, even though it cancels automatically because the delivery service doesn't deliver on time. And the funny thing is that the package should be returned to me as a seller according to the instructions from the shop** eh This was instead sent back to the buyer on January 8, 2022 even though the status in MP has been canceled and the buyer's funds have returned, the worst shipping service ever . Complaint via email also no response, via WA who answered the robot, via FB too not responded
Sepeda Berkat on Google

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Status paket pas waktu di-tracking telah diterima atas nama saya sendiri, padahal faktanya paket tsb tidak ada saya terima. Kok bisaΒ²nya kurir kalian melakukan penipuan seperti ini. Paket saya tsb isinya dokumen penting, dan saya sangat butuh dokumen tsb. Saya sudah menghubungi CS baik lewat WA, IG, Twitter, email, satupun ga ada jawaban dari kalian yang bisa ngasih solusi. Waktu saya habis hanya untuk mengurusi masalah ini saja. J&T benerΒ² sangat buruk pelayanannya. Cukup kejadian ini yang terakhir kali saya pakai jasa kirim kalian.
The status of the package when it was tracked was received on my own behalf, even though I didn't receive the package. How can your courier do this kind of fraud. My package contains important documents, and I really need those documents. I've contacted CS either via WA, IG, Twitter, email, none of you have an answer that can provide a solution. I've just run out of time to deal with this problem only. J&T is really really bad service. This is the last time I use your delivery service.
ucok kamilus on Google

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Kecewa berat dgn J&T, terutama dgn J&T di karawang, barang saya sudah nyampe di J&T karawang tgl. 5 Maret 22, tp sampe skrg belum ada nyampe le saya, semua no telp kantor J&T karawang tidak ada yg bisa dihubungi.. Dan telp ke kantor pusat J&T jakarta, selama 3 hari dihubungi selalu jawaban nya akan di follow up Dan maaf atas keterlambatan... Pelayanan apa seperti ini
Very disappointed with J&T, especially with J&T in karawang, my goods have arrived at J&T karawang on the date. March 5, 22, but until now no one has arrived to me, all the phone numbers for the J&T Karawang office can't be contacted.. And phone calls to the J&T Jakarta head office, for 3 days always contacted the answer will be followed up And sorry for the delay. .. What kind of service is this
Siapa Aja on Google

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Kurir malas, beberapa kali pake J&T cuma 1x d anterin k alamat itu juga harus komplain dl sisa pasti ambil sendiri d kantornya, SANGAT TIDAK DIREKOMENDASIKAN, mending pake expedisi lain
Courier is lazy, several times used J&T only 1 time and delivered to the address, you also have to complain, the rest must be picked up by yourself at the office, HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED, better use another expedition
sandy suhansyah on Google

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Masa paket sy sdh tiba dikendari. Ternyata dari pihak J&T mengatakan, paket tersubut tercecer entah kemana. Sy mohon dari pihak J&T pusat mengambil langkah/jalan keluar untuk menegur para karnyawan atau kurir J&T cab.kendari - sulawesi tengaara. Sy sangat kecewa dgn pelanyanan J&T cab. Kendar. ( mohon ditindak lanjuti secepatnya. Sy tdk mau tau, pihak J&T kendari harus bertanggung jawab atas tercecernya paket sy.
My package has arrived at the driver. It turned out that J&T said the package was scattered somewhere. I request from the central J&T to take steps/way out to reprimand the employees or J&T courier cab.kendari - sulawesi tengaara. I'm very disappointed with the J&T cab service. Kendar. (Please follow up as soon as possible. I don't want to know, J&T Kendari must be responsible for my package being scattered.
Rizky Chasan on Google

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My work
Carlie Masen on Google

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5th day of my package hasn't been delivered by the South Cikarang drop point while it's only a few minutes from my address. Have asked the contact person of mentioned drop point, but he/she doesn't even bothered to give any explaination. Not so professional in handling customer and deliveries. Not recommended for those who need reliable delivery courier.

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