IHATEC - Indonesia Halal Training & Education Center - Bogor City

5/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact IHATEC - Indonesia Halal Training & Education Center

Address :

Bogor Icon Central Office 3rd Floor, Jl. Bukit Cimanggu City Raya Jl. Sholeh Iskandar No.1, RT.01/RW.03, Kayu Manis, Tanah Sereal, Bogor City, West Java 16168, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +797777
Postal code : 16168
Website : http://ihatec.com/
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Bogor Icon Central Office 3rd Floor, Jl. Bukit Cimanggu City Raya Jl. Sholeh Iskandar No.1, RT.01/RW.03, Kayu Manis, Tanah Sereal, Bogor City, West Java 16168, Indonesia
ella Nurlailah on Google

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Review ku tentang IHATEC,,, Lembaga pelatihan Penyelia halal yg merupakan syarat mutlak harus ada untuk proses sertifikasi halal. Oh iyya prosesnya jg praktis , semua by online, ada aplikasi khusus yg bisa menyimpn history pelatihan kami. Jdi klo kamu mau liat liat lagi soal test sebelumnya kamu bisa pelajari lagi. sistemnya online dengan modul yg mudah di pelajari, ada sesi tanya jawab dan membahas kisi kisi seputar halal. Pemberi pelatihan nya pun di jamin semua kompeten.saat tes kamu juga bisa langsung tau nilai hasil tesnya saat itu juga. Klo mau ambil pelatihan sekaligus ikut kompetensi penyeli halal biasanya kamu akan dapet diskon potongan biaya ko.. jdi pasti lebih hemat. Ihatec juga baikkkkk bangett, saat launcing pelayanan baru banyak kasih hadiah, aku termasuk yg dapet LOgam Mulia??. Jadi..... untuk urusan cari lembaga pelatihan dan penyelia halal ga usah ragu kalian bisa menggunakan jasa IHATEC. Aku kasih Bintang 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ?????
My review of IHATEC,,, Halal supervisor training institute which is an absolute must for the halal certification process. Oh yes, the process is also practical, all online, there is a special application that can save our training history. So if you want to look again at the previous test questions, you can study them again. the system is online with modules that are easy to learn, there is a question and answer session and discusses the grid about halal. All of the training providers are guaranteed to be competent. During the test, you can also immediately know the value of the test results right away. If you want to take training as well as participate in the competence of a halal supervisor, you will usually get a discount on your fees... so it's definitely more economical. Ihatec is also very good, when the new service was launched, they gave a lot of gifts, I was among those who got the Noble Metal ??. So..... for the business of looking for halal training institutions and supervisors, don't hesitate, you can use the services of IHATEC. I give 5 Stars ️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ️
Erdina Ayu on Google

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IHATEC tempat yang aku rekomendasikan bagi kalian yang membutuhkan program pelatihan halal yang disampaikan langsung oleh trainer yang kompeten di bidang halal dan tersertifikasi oleh BNSP. Lebih utamanya IHATEC telah terakreditasi LA-LPK, materi pelatihan sesuai dengan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) dan HAS 23000, serta menjadi lembaga pelatihan dibidang halal terbesar dengan banyaknya alumni. Selain itu metode pelatihan nya beragam mulai dari diskusi interaktif, studi kasus dan praktek. Pokoknya pelatihan di IHATEC dijamin seru dan bermanfaat.
IHATEC is the place I recommend for those of you who need a halal training program delivered directly by a competent trainer in the halal field and certified by the BNSP. More importantly, IHATEC has been accredited by LA-LPK, the training materials are in accordance with the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) and HAS 23000, as well as being the largest halal training institution with many alumni. In addition, the training methods range from interactive discussions, case studies and practice. Anyway, training at IHATEC is guaranteed to be fun and useful.
Herman Rustandi on Google

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Saya Herman Rustandi dari STIE Hidayatullah Depok, beberapa hari yang lalu, kami minta inhouse training penyelia halal dan bundling uni kompetensi bersama IHATEC.. Luar biasa ilmu yang diterima dan peserta uji kompetensi Alhamdulillah, Kompeten Semua. Terima Kasih, IHATEC. Insya Allah, kami Alan daftarkan 3 orange lagi untuk mengikuti pelatihan Auditor Halal dan Uji Kompetensinya.
I'm Herman Rustandi from STIE Hidayatullah Depok, a few days ago, we asked for in-house training for halal supervisors and a competency union bundling with IHATEC.. The knowledge received is extraordinary and the participants in the competency test are Alhamdulillah, All Competent. Thank you, IHATEC. God willing, we will register 3 more oranges to take part in the Halal Auditor training and Competency Test.
Ruly Kurniawan on Google

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Pandangan saya Warga Bogor, jelasnya keuntungan dan berbagai kelebihan yang diberikan oleh IHATEC menjadi salah satu bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa kualitas dan manfaatnya mampu menarik banyak orang untuk menjadikan IHATEC sebagai tempat pelatihan dan edukasi tentang Halal di Indonesia. Cara daftar yang cukup sederhana dan terpecaya memberi arti lebih untuk mereka yang ingin join didalamnya. Materi yang terus diperbarui, penyampaian dari trainer yang mudah dimengerti, serta dengan cepat mendapat relasi sesama pejuang sertifikasi halal pasti kan didapatkan setelah mengikuti pelatihan dari IHATEC ini. Cocok untuk anak muda ataupun orang tua di luar sana yang sedang butuh pengetahuan terkait Halal secara komprehensif untuk berbagai industri. Hanya ada satu kata yang mewakili keseluruhan dari pelatihan dan trainer yang disediakan IHATEC yaitu "BERKELAS". Banyak Webinar dengan Narasumber berkompeten, tersedia aplikasi khusus mengenai history pelatihan yang sudah dilaksanakan, dan adanya kesempatan untuk melihat soal yang ingin dipelajari lagi menjadi nilai plus sendiri ketimbang tempat pelatihan mengenai Halal manapun. Identitas IHATEC yang jelas sekaligus memperkuat branding dan kepercayaan agar kita dapat bergabung dengan IHATEC. Sharing antar peserta dan trainer selalu disediakan oleh IHATEC sehingga pengetahuan yang didapat akan semakin naik kelas lagi. IHATEC juga sangat reliable karena didukung oleh tenaga ahli yang berpengalaman dan mampu mengikuti era digital seiring perkembangan zaman yang mana itu adalah salah satu kunci dari segala proses penyelia halal. IHATEC bukan pelatihan pemuas gengsi, tetapi memberi edukasi untuk insan-insan agar berintelegensi tinggi. Sejauh mata memandang, Training yang disediakan IHATEC sudah lebih dari kata bagus. Panjang umur untuk IHATEC! Semoga seiring bertambahnya usia IHATEC, bertambah juga kesuksesannya!
In my view, Bogor residents, the clear advantages and various advantages provided by IHATEC is one of the evidences showing that the quality and benefits are able to attract many people to make IHATEC a place for training and education about Halal in Indonesia. How to register is quite simple and reliable gives more meaning to those who want to join in it. Materials that are continuously updated, delivery from trainers that are easy to understand, and quickly gain relationships with fellow halal certification fighters will certainly be obtained after participating in this training from IHATEC. Suitable for young people or parents out there who are in need of comprehensive Halal-related knowledge for various industries. There is only one word that represents the entirety of the training and trainers provided by IHATEC, namely "BERKLAS". There are many webinars with competent resource persons, special applications are available regarding the history of the training that has been carried out, and the opportunity to see questions that you want to learn again is a plus in itself compared to any training place on Halal. A clear IHATEC identity while strengthening branding and trust so that we can join IHATEC. Sharing between participants and trainers is always provided by IHATEC so that the knowledge gained will be further graded. IHATEC is also very reliable because it is supported by experienced experts and is able to keep up with the digital era along with the times which is one of the keys to all halal supervisory processes. IHATEC is not training to satisfy prestige, but provides education for highly intelligent people. As far as the eye can see, the training provided by IHATEC is more than good. Long live IHATEC! I hope that as IHATEC grows older, it will have more success!
Putri Novitasari on Google

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Pernah diberikan kesempatan untuk bergabung menjadi calon kandidat karyawan IHATEC, saya sangat tertarik dengan lembaga perusahaan education ihatec, karena pelatihan-pelatihan education mengenai Halal yang terpercaya, terbaik, dan tersertifikasi. Selain itu, pelatihan IHATEC tidak hanya di indonesia ihatecpun mampu mengepakan sayap pelatihan hingga luar negeri. Informasi ini saya dapat di web dan social media IHATEC yang menurut saya sangat jelas dan informatif. Jadi, sudah tidak diragukan lagi bukan, untuk temen-temen industri mempercayakan proses pengclaim halal+sertifikasi halal pada produk temen temen. Suksess IHATEC?
Having been given the opportunity to join as a candidate for IHATEC's employees, I am very interested in the ihatec education company, because of the trusted, best, and certified Halal education trainings. In addition, IHATEC training is not only in Indonesia, it is also able to spread its training wings to overseas. I got this information on the IHATEC web and social media which I think is very clear and informative. So, there's no doubt about it, my industry friends entrust the process of claiming halal + halal certification on your products. Success IHATEC?
Muhammad Deo Fiko on Google

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Assalamualaikum , pertama kali ikut training bersama IHATEC 3 tahun yang lalu ( 2019) sangat menyenangkan , bnyak sekali bertemu teman2 baru dan bisa saling berkoneksi bahkan sampai sekarang . Trainer nya sangat berkualitas mampu berinteraksi dengan peserta bahkan sekalipun dari negara tetangga ( malaysia ) . Semoga kedepan nya makin sukses dan dapat mengedukasi masyarakat indonesia khusus nya dalam produk produk Halal.
Assalamualaikum, for the first time participating in training with IHATEC 3 years ago (2019) it was very fun, meeting a lot of new friends and being able to connect with each other even now. The trainers are very qualified and able to interact with participants even from neighboring countries ( malaysia ) . Hopefully in the future it will be more successful and can educate the Indonesian people, especially in Halal products.

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Very comfortable place Very easy to understand training and add insight ❀️
daru kaloka on Google

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Excelenc3 #Halal is My Life #PracticeMakePerfect

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