Iga Ndut Grand Wisata - Kabupaten Bekasi

4/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Iga Ndut Grand Wisata

Address :

Blok AA.16 No. 9 Ruko Festive Garden, Lambangsari, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +8899
Postal code : 17510
Opening hours :
Monday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Saturday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–9:30PM
Categories :

Blok AA.16 No. 9 Ruko Festive Garden, Lambangsari, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia
Joko Saputro on Google

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Gak sengaja lewat sini di minggu sore, dr luar terlihat sepi2 aja jd awalnya agak ragu mau coba. Dari luar ada banner makan rumahan bayar seiklasnya (kurang lebih kata2nya begini) dan didalem ada meja dgn lauk mirip warteg, lengkap dgn termos minum dan gelas, plus diujung ada wadah amplop nikahan, jadi tambah bingung. Semua baru jelas ketika pelayan datang dan nyodorin menu, oh oke, yg td nampak mungkin utk memfasilitasi mas/mbak ojeg online mgkn. Saya coba paket duo hemat ditambah dgn teh poci, dbutuhkan sedikit kesabaran untuk menunggu iga, ya wajar sih kan dibakar, tp overall masih wajar, dan di paket ini juga ada free camilan yg bisa kita tentukan sendiri, jamur goreng jd pilihan saya, jd ya sambil nunggu si mulut msh bisa olahraga. Dan kejutan tiba ketika pesanan datang, wow, iga nya gede juga, nampol. Nampak matang dengan sempurna, fresh dr panggangan, dan rasanya ito lohh, mantab, saya berani bilang ini sangat worthed dengan harganya. 10/10 saya bakal balik lagi kesini kapan2
I accidentally passed here on a Sunday afternoon, from the outside it looks lonely so at first I was a little hesitant to try. From the outside there is a banner for home-made meals that pay as little as possible (more or less the words like this) and inside there is a table with side dishes like a warteg, complete with drinking flasks and glasses, plus at the end there is a wedding envelope container, so it's even more confused. Everything just became clear when the waiter came and handed me the menu, oh okay, that didn't seem possible to facilitate Mr. Ojeg online maybe. I tried the frugal duo package plus teapot tea, it takes a little patience to wait for the ribs, it's natural, it's burnt, but overall it's still reasonable, and in this package there are also free snacks that we can set ourselves, fried mushrooms are my choice, so yes while waiting for the mouth still can exercise. And the surprise came when the order came, wow, the ribs were big too, tray. Looks perfectly cooked, fresh from the grill, and it tastes like that, awesome, I dare say this is really worth the price. 10/10 I will come back here sometime
Nia Dev on Google

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Iga bakar madunya lumayan ok, banyak pilihan menu lainnya seperti nasi goreng, ayam, sop.
The honey grilled ribs are ok, there are many other menu choices such as fried rice, chicken, soup.
Stefani Dian Cheri on Google

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Pesan menu paket iga bakar duo, dengan tulisan "ideal untuk berdua" datang dengan 1 porsi iga a little bit bigger dr yg size sedang 220gr. Kebetulan pesan yg size sedang juga, jadi bisa dibandingkan. Paket "ideal untuk berdua" disajikan di 1 piring, like seriously, you can say whatever the real weight before it cooked, but it's not proper to serve a one plate meal for a two person package meal without any information it will be sharing. Pelayan ada yang tidak pakai masker, perlu diingatkan untuk pakai masker. Pengetahuan tentang produk makanan sangat kurang, ditanya apa yg dihidangkan tidak bisa jawab. Proses masak sangat lama, ketika makanan datang pun pelayan tidak tahu apa orderan yg sudah datang, apa orderan yg belum datang. Listrik mati berulang kali, walopun listrik di lantai 2 sudah dinyalakan dengan minimalis. 2 AC, lampu hanya beberapa yg nyala. The good one from this place, iga empuk, rasa oke. Saran buat yang mau makan di sini, order ukuran sedang saja. Ukuran sedang dan jumbo tidak jauh berbeda. Lupa difoto, anak2 sudah keburu lapar krn lama menunggu. Sudah berbicara ke owner tentang komplain ini, dan katanya akan diberi info tambahan di menu kalau menu paket duo disajikan di piring sharing.
Order the duo roasted ribs package menu, with the words "ideal for two" comes with 1 portion of ribs a little bit bigger than the medium size 220gr. Incidentally the order is in the medium size too, so it can be compared The "ideal for two" package is served on 1 plate, like seriously, you can say whatever the real weight before it is cooked, but it's not proper to serve a one plate meal for a two person package meal without any information it will be sharing. There are servants who do not wear masks, need to be reminded to wear masks. Knowledge of food products is very lacking, when asked what was served could not be answered. The cooking process is very long, even when the food comes the waiter doesn't know what order has arrived, what order hasn't arrived. The electricity went out repeatedly, even though the electricity on the 2nd floor had been turned on in a minimalist manner. 2 AC, only a few lights are on. The good one from this place, the ribs are soft, taste okay. Suggestions for those who want to eat here, just order medium size. Medium and jumbo sizes are not much different. Forgot to be photographed, the children were already hungry because of the long wait. Already talked to the owner about this complaint, and he said he would be given additional information on the menu if the duo package menu was served on a sharing plate.
Zie Ayu on Google

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Bismillah Pertama kali dateng n makan d sini, sebelum k sini saya baca review orgΒ² yg sudah makan d sini, sempet agak khawatir Prokes nya ga berjalan baik, kt nya karyawan ga pake masker, waduuuhhh parno az kaan... klo ga salah hari kamis sudah d depan rukonya, tapi karna ada worry nya itu + pelayanan, ga jadi doong. Sabtu kemarin saya akhirnya k sini, Alhamdulillah mungkin rezeki saya n keluarga.. karyawan pake masker n pelayanan nya ramah karena baca review ada yg bilang pelayanan kurang ok. Apa kemarin karena ada owner nya? MudahΒ² an ga, tetap d pertahankan n d jaga keramahan pelayanan. Saya n keluarga merasa lumayan puas dengan Iga d sini, Asli empuk banget untuk iga bakar madu nya, untuk sop iga nya ga panas, daging tidak seempuk yg d bakar, harus nya kualitas d samakan jadi bisa Puas Banget. Harga x Iga nya masih d bilang sepadan, daging tebal ga tulangan, Jus nya pakai gelas gede biasanya d tempat lain sudah mahal tp gelas nya mini. worthed to buy. Bukti nyata itu Anak saya sampai nambah Iga Bakar Madu nya. InsyaAllah kemungkinan kami akan kembali lagi, semoga pelayanan n kualitas bisa d tingkatkan terutama d masa pandemi prokes harus berjalan. *Bagi saya pribadi seenak apapun makanan atau apapun yg d jual klo pelayanan nya buruk, ga akan pernah beli produk tersebut. Kalian meski coba Iga Ndut yang 1 ini, ga boong, ndut beneran ;) #reviewjujur
Bismillah The first time I came to eat here, before I came here I read the reviews of people who have eaten here, I was a little worried that the health plan was not going well, for example the employees didn't use masks, waduuuhhh Parno az right ... d in front of the shop, but because there is worry about it + service, it doesn't matter. Last Saturday I finally got here, Alhamdulillah maybe my family and my sustenance ... the employees use masks and the service is friendly because reading reviews some say the service is not ok. Was it yesterday because there was an owner? Easy or not, keep and maintain the friendliness of service. My family and I feel quite satisfied with the ribs here, the original is really soft for the honey roasted ribs, the rib soup is not hot, the meat is not as tender as the roasted ribs, the quality should be the same so you can be very satisfied. The price x ribs are still commensurate, the meat is thick with no reinforcement, the juice uses a big glass, usually in other places it's expensive but the glass is mini worthed to buy. The real proof is that my son added his Honey Grilled Ribs. God willing, we will probably come back again, hopefully service and quality can be improved, especially during the pandemic period, the program must run. * For me personally, no matter how good the food is or what is being sold, if the service is bad, I will never buy the product. You guys, even if you try this Iga Ndut 1, don't boong, it's really real;) # Honest review
Citra Saraswati on Google

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Iga bakar madunya mantuulll dagingnya empuk beneran sampe lepas dari tulangΒ²nya ? sayang aq salah pilih menu, ku coba yg ala2 korea itu lupa namanya apa tp kurang cocok dilidahku? Pas icip yg suami iga bakar madu langsung sukaaa?? jadi mau lagiii
The honey grilled ribs are delicious, the meat is really soft until it comes off the bones unfortunately I chose the wrong menu, I tried the Korean style, I forgot what it was called but it didn't fit my tongue When my husband tasted the honey-grilled ribs, he immediately liked it ?? so I wanted more
Kimentari on Google

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Saya sengaja datang jam 5.20 dengan harapan saat buka puasa makanan sudah disajikan, pd saat saya disana juga resto masih kosong, mendekati jam buka puasa (5.40-5.59) resto mulai agak ramai, makanan saya belum kunjung datang, malah makanan orang2 yg baru datang yg duluan disajikan. Sampai jam 6.20 (sudah 1 jam saya tunggu) pelayan datang ke meja saya DAN BERTANYA "kak tadi pesanannya apa ya?" Wah ngamuk dong saya? Udah 1 jam nunggu mereka lupa pesanan saya apa? Saya tanya "baru mau dibuat mba?" Lalu pelayannya jawab "iya ini mau dibuat bu". Ga pikir panjang saya langsung ke kasir saya bayar minuman saya, gak jadi makan disitu. Gila 1 jam baru mau dibuat makanan saya. DAN TIDAK ADA PELAYAN YG MINTA MAAF! Sangat tidak profesional. Waktu saya di kasir sesama pelayan malah berantem saling menyalahkan, padahal harusnya hal spt itu ga perlu diketahui pembeli. Setelah struck keluar dr mesin, kartu debit + struck langsung dikasih ke saya TANPA ADA UCAPAN MAAF ATAU TERIMA KASIH. Tidak ada job desk masing2 staff, yg mencatat menu, yg masak semua sama. Jadi pada saat semua sibuk masak tidak ada yg berjaga di resto. Semua staff TIDAK MENGGUNAKAN MASKER, termasuk (sepertinya) owner nya tidak menggunakan masker. Saya pesan minum es jeruk peras dan es jeruk nipis, es jeruk nipis nya ternyata NUTRISARI jeruk nipis?? Maaf saya tidak menyertakan foto karna terlanjur emosi dengan pelayanannya. Saya bayar pakai kartu debit, jd masih ada bukti pembayaran MINUMAN saya disana.
I purposely came at 5.20 in the hope that when breaking the fast the food would have been served, when I was there the restaurant was still empty, approaching iftar time (5.40-5.59) the restaurant started to get a bit crowded, my food had not yet arrived, instead the food of the people who had just arrived served first. Until 6.20 (I've been waiting for 1 hour) the waiter came to my table AND ASKED "Sis, what was your order?" Wow, am I angry? It's been 1 hour they have forgotten what my order was? I asked "do you want to make it ma'am?" Then the waiter replied "yes this is going to be made ma'am". Without thinking, I went straight to the cashier to pay for my drink, so I didn't eat there. Crazy 1 hour just about to make my food. AND NO SERVICES TO SORRY! Very unprofessional. When I was at the cashier, my fellow waiters were fighting and blaming each other, even though the buyer shouldn't need to know something like that. After struck out of the machine, the debit card + struck was immediately given to me WITHOUT ANY SORRY OR THANK YOU. There is no job desk for each staff, who records the menu, everything cooks the same. So when everyone is busy cooking no one is on guard at the restaurant. All staff DO NOT USE MASK, including (it seems) the owner is not wearing a mask. I ordered a drink of squeezed orange juice and lime juice, the lime juice turned out to be a lime Nutrisari?? Sorry I didn't include a photo because I was already emotional with the service. I paid using a debit card, so there is still proof of my DRINK payment there.
Aditya Fajar Pratama on Google

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Bad service, slow service, unpleasant taste. Sorry ?
Rully S on Google

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Slow service, regular taste.

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