Ground Camping and Villa Balebat 10 - Bogor Regency

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ground Camping and Villa Balebat 10

Address :

Cibodas, Jonggol, Bogor Regency, West Java 16830, Indonesia

Postal code : 16830
Categories :

Cibodas, Jonggol, Bogor Regency, West Java 16830, Indonesia
Emile Inkiriwang on Google

seni kreasi on Google

Suasananya indah
The atmosphere is beautiful
machlufi ali on Google

Tempat nya indah dan asri
The place is beautiful and beautiful
AW kerta on Google

Bisa santai sambil ngopi di warung sekitar.pemandangannya mantab
Can relax while drinking coffee in a nearby shop. The view is great
Ratna Suminar on Google

Suasananya adem pemandangannya indah banget cocok buat selfi dan refresing
The atmosphere is cool, the scenery is really beautiful for selfies and refreshing
Fauzi Kasimov on Google

Jadi gini nih ceritanya yakkk,,, Sabtu Tgl 1 Mei kemarin tuh saya, istri dan kawan" saya pergi kemari dalam rangka buka puasa bersama. Nah pada mulanya nih yaa pada mulanya saya kira ini tempat punya view yang biasa aja karena secara lokasinya baru berada diketinggian +/- 300mdpl. Tapi nih tapi yaa pas sampe sana, ekspektasi saya berubah seketika karena melihat pemandangan disana yang bener" manjain mata. Beeehhh sumpah bukan maen emang dah pemandangannya debest banget bosss,,, Cuma sayangnya saya gak sampe masuk ke lokasi camp ground balebat 10 ini karena emang gak ada niat buat ngecamp atau main" ketempat wisatanya. Jadi pada akhirnya saya cuma ngendog di saung" pinggir jalan aja. Mungkin lain kali saya bakal eksplore lebih intim dengan wisata ini. Jadi pada intinya mah yak,, Kalo makan jangan lupa minum takutnya keselek. Ehh maksudnya saya merekomendasikan banget buat ente" semua yang mau camping atau sekedar berlibur sejenak dari rutinitas kerja yang ngebosenin. Dan intinya mah, bales dong review saya ini dan jempolnya mana??? Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb. Salam olahraga
So this is the story ... Saturday, May 1 yesterday, my wife and friend "I went here in order to break the fast together. Well at first I thought this place had a normal view because the location was new. at an altitude of +/- 300m above sea level. But here but right when I got there, my expectations changed suddenly because I saw the real scenery there "spoiled the eye. Beeehhh I swear I don't play, the view is really debatable, boss ... But unfortunately I didn't get to the location of the Balebat 10 camp ground because I had no intention of camping or playing "at the tourist spot. So in the end I just hung out at the hut" on the roadside. Maybe next time I will explore more intimate with this tour. So in essence, it is, If you eat, don't forget to drink because you're afraid of choking. Ehh I mean I really recommend for you "all who want to camp or just take a short vacation from a boring work routine. And the point is, please reply to my review and where is the thumbs up ??? Wassalamualaikum wr. wb. Greetings sports
Dadi Kurniajaya on Google

Enak buat ngopi2.ngasuh bocah sama emanya....ya kalu buat camping lumayan dingin2 dikit kayanya..
Good for coffee. Take a kid with emanya ... yes if for camping it's pretty cold a little bit like ...
Dhino Sya on Google

Tempat yg assik untuk ngecamp komunitas ataupun keluarga. Udara yg cukup dingin, pengelola lokasi yg ramah, jalur yg aduhai sangat cocok untuk pesepeda yg suka akan tanjakan. Terimakasih untuk pak Ustad Drajat dan pak Herman atas pelayanannya.
A cool place for community or family camping. The air is quite cold, the location manager is friendly, the path is fantastic, very suitable for cyclists who like going uphill. Thank you Mr. Ustad Drajat and Mr. Herman for their service.

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