Griya Pratama Asri 2 - Kabupaten Klaten

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Griya Pratama Asri 2

Address :

Dk Sidodadi, Plambon, Randusari, Kec. Prambanan, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah 57454, Indonesia

Postal code : 57454
Categories :

Dk Sidodadi, Plambon, Randusari, Kec. Prambanan, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah 57454, Indonesia
Azhar Jangli on Google

perlu penyesuaian karena jauh dari jalan besar prambanan
need adjustments because it's far from the Prambanan road
novita sari on Google

Bos developernya ramah, fast respons dan hasilnya lumayan rapi
The developer boss is friendly, fast response and the results are pretty neat
Tessa Olivia on Google

developerenya baik, banyak bonusnya. pengerjaan sangat rapih walau tidak ditungguin. amanah.
good developer, lots of bonuses. workmanship is very neat even though not waiting. trust.
ithut triwahyu on Google

Meski susah sinyal tapi nyaman hidup disini...jauh dari kebisingan kota Masyarakat ramah,suasana asri, lingkungan aman ... terimakasih kepada developernya....
Even though the signal is difficult, it is comfortable to live here ... far from the city noise Friendly community, beautiful atmosphere, safe environment ... thanks to the developer ....
E. Santoso on Google

Berapa harga perumahan disini ya? Berapa kamar tidur? Bisakah minta tlg info marketing nya? Mksh
How much is the housing price here? How many bedrooms? Can I have some marketing info? Mksh
Lisa on Google

Perumahan yang di pasarkan oleh WASTU PROPERTY yg beralamat di jln. Beo no 59 Sorogenen 2, Purwomartani, Kalasan Sleman DI Yogyakarta ini merupakan hunian baru bagian dari KOTA CANDI konsep hunian baru yang berkonsep sederhana dan ramah.. pembeli bisa mendesign sendiri bentuk interior rumah dengan terlebih dulu berkonsultasi dengan agent property . Perumahan yang layak anda miliki dengan harga sangat murah dan anda memiliki SHM untuk itu . Didaerah yang masih asri ..
Housing that is marketed by WASTU PROPERTY which is located at Jl. Beo no 59 Sorogenen 2, Purwomartani, Kalasan Sleman DI Yogyakarta is a new residential part of the CANDI CITY, a new residential concept with a simple and friendly concept. Buyers can design their own interior form by consulting with the property agent. Housing that you deserve at a very cheap price and you have the SHM for it . In an area that is still beautiful ..
Handryx Indra Pradja on Google

Pertama tinggal di perumahan yang warga kampung nya sangat bersahabat, penuh toleransi dan mudah menjalin persaudaraan. Tak terasa sudah empat tahun tinggal di sini meskipun lokasinya di desa namun tetap nyaman dan aman, tidak ada kekisruhan, udaranya sejuk, tidak ada polusi, masyarakat nya baik-baik jadi mudah utk adaptasi, suasananya tenang jauh dr hiruk pikuk dan kebisingan kota, harganya pun juga terjangkau dan pas di kantong. . .
First, live in housing where the villagers are very friendly, tolerant and easy to establish brotherhood. It doesn't feel like I've lived here for four years, even though the location is in the village but it's still comfortable and safe, there is no chaos, the air is cool, there is no pollution, the people are good so it's easy to adapt, the atmosphere is calm away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the price It is also affordable and fits in the pocket. . .
Radhitya Anugraha on Google

Very good developer & build quality

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