Gramedia noodle - Kota Jakarta Barat

4.4/5 β˜… based on 7 reviews

Contact Gramedia noodle

Address :

Jl. Pakis Raya No.33, RW.6, Rw. Buaya, Kecamatan Cengkareng, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11740, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +878788
Postal code : 11740
Categories :

Jl. Pakis Raya No.33, RW.6, Rw. Buaya, Kecamatan Cengkareng, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11740, Indonesia
taichan on Google

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Budi BM on Google

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iqbal aditya on Google

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Legend '80 an, Bojong indah
Legend of the '80s, Bojong is beautiful
ainilvina on Google

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Bakmi ayam kampung yang enak. Nasi timnya enak. Ada bubur ayam juga. Langganan nih. Tantenya juga ramah.
Delicious native chicken noodles. The team rice is delicious. There's chicken porridge too. Subscribe here. Her aunt is also friendly.
Hery Shietra, S.H. on Google

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Rumah makan SINTING khusus ORANG2 SOMBONG! (karena pemilik rumah makan Bakmi Gramedia ini adalah orang SOMBONG yang merasa berhak menghina dan melecehkan tamu (calon konsumen) yang hanya menggunakan haknya seperti bertanya menu masakan yang dijual serta harga disamping isi menu. Bagaimana mungkin, calon pembeli disuruh BELI KUCING DALAM KARUNG, dengan tidak boleh mengetahui isinya apa saja, dagingnya menggunakan daging apa, dsb? Bertanya harga, dimarahin oleh penjualnya / pemilik rumah makan Bakmi Gramedia. Bertanya menu seperti (menjual apa saja), dihina. Mengatakan "Jual gado-gado", namun ketika pembeli hendak mebeli, dijawab, "sudah habis". Sekadar informasi, harga masakan di rumah makan Bakmi Gramedia ini TIDAK MURAH, ALIAS MAHAL! Tapi soal pelayanan, lebih ramah Warung Tegal, padahal rumah makan Bakmi Gramedia tergolong SEPI PEMBELI MESKI DI JAM MAKAN SIANG MAUPUN JAM SARAPAN PAGI! Bagi para warga, janganlah bersikap seolah-olah tidak ada rumah bakan bakmie lain di wilayah ini. Dalam radius 200 meter dari rumah makan SOMBONG ini, berjejeran rumah makan bakmie lainnya yang lebih ramah juga lebih ekonomis. Lucu sekali, menu pun TIDAK PUNYA. Sungguh rumah makan yang TIDAK PROFESIONAL, AROGAN, DAN SOMBONG! Sang pemilik, seorang enci-enci TIonghua arogan, ketika saya tegur, "Bertanya harga saja, dimarahin!?" Ia menjawab, "Saya sedang cape memasak!" ITU BUKAN URUSAN KONSUMEN! JIKA TIDAK MAU REPOT, JANGAN BUKA TOKO DAN JANGAN JUALAN! Rumah makan Bakmi Gramedia tergolong SERAKAH. Betapa tidak, ingin buka warung gado-gado, ingin jual ini itu, jual nasi tim, jujul bubur, tapi TIDAK INGIN CAPE DAN TIDAK INGIN REPOT-REPOT? YA MATI DAN GULUNG TIKAR SAJA SANA, TIDAK REPOT-REPOT DAN TIDAK CAPE LAGI JADINYA! TIDAK PROFESIONAL, kepada tamu calon pembeli dimaki dengan alasan "SEDANG CAPE"? Itu resiko usaha pemilik rumah makan Bakmi Gramedia, bukan urusan pembeli ataupun tamu. Tidak heran rumah makannya SEPI PENGUNJUNG! Itulah sebabnya Bakmi Gramedia Bojong sepi pembeli! Apa pemilik Bakmi Gramedia mau tahu, betapa repot dan cape-nya pembeli cari uang untuk bisa beli masakan yang mereka jual? Per 24 Oktober 2021, saat ekonomi Indonesia dan global sedang tiarap akibat wabah, Bakmi Gramedia menjual bihun / bakmi Rp. 24.000 dan nasi tim Rp. 26.000. Harga MAHAL tapi pelayanan AROGAN dan dilengkapi bumbu hinaan dan makian yang melecehkan konsumen. Akhirnya, saya beli nasi tim, saya bayar, lalu pulang sembari berkata, "TANYA HARGA SAJA, DIMARAHIN! KAPOK SAYA BELI DI SINI!" Saking kikir dan serakahnya pemilik Bakmi Gramedia, tidak mau keluar biaya untuk sewa / gaji karyawan. Ingin jual ini itu, bahkan ingin pula dlayani oleh konsumen pembayar? CAPEK???? Konsumen pembayar BUKANLAH BABYSITTER ANDA, pemilik rumah makan Bakmi Gramedia! BAHKAN MENU MASAKAN DAN DAFTAR HARGA PUN TIDAK ADA, DIMANA TAMU CALON PEMBELI DIPERLAKUKAN BAK KASTA RENDAHAN! Saya tidak datang untuk mengemis, juga tidak meminta-minta, menawar harga pun tidak, hanya menggunakan HAK KONSUMEN UNTUK TAHU APA YANG DIBELI DAN DIMAKAN, SERTA SEKADAR BERTANYA MENU MASAKAN APA SAJA YANG TERSEDIA DAN DIJUAL, SERTA HARGA YANG HARUS DIBAYARKAN PEMBELI, APA SALAH? Jawabannya, "SALAH", itulah kata enci-enci pemilik rumah makan Bakmi Gramedia. JIka para pembaca tidak ingin menjadi konsumen yang bodoh, maka jadilah konsumen yang cerdas, dengan tidak bersikap seolah-olah tidak ada rumah makan bakmie lain yang lebih beradab dan lebih humanis ketimbang rumah makan AROGAN SOMBONG semacam Bakmi Gramedia. Rumah makannya saja sepi namun sudah demikian AROGAN. Mereka pikir siapa diri mereka? CUSTOMER IS THE KING, itulah prinsip dasar marketing penjual yang tahu cara berdagang, bukannya justru bersikap bak BOS BESAR terhadap konsumen dan pembeli diperlakukan seperti seorang pengemis! Demikian testimoni ini saya berikan, agar diketahui khalayak ramai, agar tidak menjadi korban PELECEHAN serupa sebagaimana yang saya pribadi alami selaku KORBAN AROGANSI rumah makan Bakmi Gramedia!
A SINTING restaurant for arrogant PEOPLE! (because the owner of this Bakmi Gramedia restaurant is an arrogant person who feels entitled to insult and harass guests (prospective consumers) who only use their rights such as asking for the menu of dishes that are sold and the price in addition to the contents of the menu. How is it possible that prospective buyers are told to BUY A CAT IN A SACK, by not knowing what is in it, what meat to use, etc.? Asking the price, the seller / owner of the Bakmi Gramedia restaurant gets scolded. Asked the menu like (sell anything), insulted. Saying "Selling gado-gado", but when the buyer wants to buy it, the answer is, "it's sold out". For your information, the price of food at the Bakmi Gramedia restaurant is NOT CHEAP, AKA EXPENSIVE! But in terms of service, Warung Tegal is more friendly, even though Bakmi Gramedia restaurants are classified as LONE BUYERS EVEN AT LUNCH OR BREAKFAST HOURS! For the residents, don't act as if there are no other noodle-like houses in this area. Within a radius of 200 meters from this SOMBONG restaurant, there are other noodle restaurants that are friendlier and more economical. It's funny, the menu doesn't even have it. What an UNPROFESSIONAL, AROGANT, AND PRIVATE restaurant! The owner, an arrogant Chinese gentleman, when I rebuked, "Just ask the price, get scolded!?" He replied, "I'm tired of cooking!" IT'S NOT A CONSUMER BUSINESS! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HURRY, DON'T OPEN A STORE AND DON'T SELL! The Bakmi Gramedia restaurant is GREEDY. Why not, want to open a gado-gado shop, want to sell this and that, sell team rice, jujul porridge, but DON'T WANT TO BE CAPE AND DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING? YES JUST OFF AND ROLL THE MAT THERE, DON'T HESITATE AND DON'T GET TIRED AGAIN! NOT PROFESSIONAL, to guests who are potential buyers being scolded with the excuse of "CARE CAPE"? That's the business risk of the owner of the Bakmi Gramedia restaurant, not the business of the buyer or the guest. It's no wonder the restaurant is LIGHT OF VISITORS! That's why Bakmi Gramedia Bojong is empty of buyers! Do the owners of Bakmi Gramedia want to know how difficult and tired it is for buyers to find money to be able to buy the food they sell? As of October 24, 2021, when the Indonesian and global economies are slumping due to the epidemic, Bakmi Gramedia sells vermicelli / noodles for Rp. 24,000 and team rice Rp. 26,000. The price is EXPENSIVE but the service is AROGANT and equipped with insults and insults that harass consumers. Finally, I bought the team's rice, I paid for it, then went home saying, "JUST ASK THE PRICE, BE REDUCED! I KNOW I BUY HERE!" Because of the miserly and greedy owner of Bakmi Gramedia, he doesn't want to spend money on rent/employee salaries. Do you want to sell this, and even want to be served by paying consumers? TIRED???? The paying customer is NOT YOUR BABYSITTER, the owner of the Bakmi Gramedia restaurant! EVEN THE CUISINE MENU AND THE PRICE LIST DOESN'T EXIST, WHERE GUESTS OF PROSPECTIVE BUYERS are TREATED LIKE LOW CASTES! I did not come to beg, nor did I beg, nor did I bid on prices, I only used CONSUMER RIGHTS TO KNOW WHAT TO BUY AND EAT, AND JUST ASKING WHAT CUISINE MENU AVAILABLE AND SOLD, AND THE PRICE BUYER MUST PAY, WHAT'S WRONG ? The answer, "WRONG", is the words of the owner of the Bakmi Gramedia restaurant. If readers don't want to be stupid consumers, then be smart consumers, by not acting as if there is no other bakmie restaurant that is more civilized and more humane than AROGAN SOMBONG restaurants like Bakmi Gramedia. The restaurant is quiet, but it's already AROGANT. Who do they think they are? CUSTOMER IS THE KING, that's the basic principle of marketing a seller who knows how to trade, instead of acting like a BIG BOSS to consumers and buyers being treated like beggars! Thus, I give this testimony, so that the general public knows, so as not to become a victim of HARASSMENT similar to what I personally experienced as a VICTIM OF AROGANCY at Bakmi Gramedia restaurant!
Theodorus Tjatradiningrat on Google

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Satu lagi bakmi yg enak di Bojong Indah. Mie kecil yg pas teksturnya, kuah kaldunya dipisah. Ayam jamur kecap tapi gak terlalu manis pas di lidah, pangsit rebusnya mantep. Saya pikir ini bakmi Bangka, ternyata bukan, kata si ibu penjualnya bakminya disebut aja "Bakmi Jakarta" karena ibu tsb orang Tionghoa Jakarta.
Another delicious noodle at Bojong Indah. Small noodles that are just right in texture, the broth is separated. Mushroom chicken with soy sauce but not too sweet to fit on the tongue, the dumplings boiled nicely. I thought this was Bangka noodle, it wasn't, the mother said, the noodle was just called "Bakmi Jakarta" because the woman was a Chinese Jakarta.

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