Graha Asri Residence Blok D, - Kabupaten Bekasi

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Graha Asri Residence Blok D,

Address :

Jl. Puri Asri Utama I, Telajung, Kec. Cikarang Bar., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530, Indonesia

Postal code : 17530
Categories :

Jl. Puri Asri Utama I, Telajung, Kec. Cikarang Bar., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530, Indonesia
Rudein Buster on Google

Perumahan bersejarah sejak zaman soeharto
Historical housing since the Suharto era
muhammad noval on Google

Bebas banjir
Free flood
Devi Ayu Jamieson on Google

Jalan utamanya rusak parah.perlu diperbaiki
The main road is badly damaged. It needs to be repaired
Boeds 1909 on Google

Suasana indah di sore hari...
Lovely atmosphere in the evening...
Bhalie Noe on Google

Bersih,tertata rapih,humanis,terdapat fasos dan fasum,tersedia sarana olahraga
Clean, neatly arranged, humane, there are social facilities and public facilities, sports facilities are available
Muhammad Farid on Google

perumahan yg ramah, bersih, dan nyaman
friendly, clean, and comfortable housing
Kumala Hayati on Google

- ada satpam yg berjaga di pintu masuk blok, jadi aman - penempatan rumah tertata - jalan menuju kesini perlu diperbaiki
- there is a security guard at the entrance of the block, so it's safe - orderly house placement - the road to get here needs to be repaired
Danny Widyantoro on Google

Good looking residence

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