German course Inovedu Jogja - Sleman Regency

4.7/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact German course Inovedu Jogja

Address :

Jl. Kopen Utama No.16, Banteng, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +8777797
Postal code : 55581
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–4PM
Tuesday 9AM–4PM
Wednesday 9AM–4PM
Thursday 9AM–4PM
Friday 9AM–4PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Kopen Utama No.16, Banteng, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia
hd saraswati on Google

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Vielen Dank INOVEDU JOGJA!!! Dari awal aku udah yakin buat pilih kursus bahasa Jerman di Inovedu, karena disini spesial (pakai telor hehehehehe....). spesial karena berbeda dengan kursusan lain. Frau di Inovedu sudah terlatih, apalagi udah pernah kuliah hingga S2 di Aachen, jadiiiiii tau banget situasi kuliah dan situasi lingkungan di Jerman. Yang aku pelajari di Inovedu bukan cuma dari buku standar Jerman, tapi pengetahuan penting yang tidak dicantumkan di buku, yaitu cara bertahan hidup dan berjuang di Jerman :)
Vielen Dank INOVEDU JOGJA !!! From the start I was sure to choose a German course in Inovedu, because here it is special (use the egg hehehehehe ....). special because it's different from other chairs. Frau at Inovedu has been trained, especially since he had studied to graduate school in Aachen, so I know very well the situation of college and environmental situations in Germany. What I learned in Inovedu was not only from German standard books, but important knowledge that was not included in the book, namely how to survive and struggle in Germany :)
Baruna on Google

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selama aku belajar di tempat ini, aku tidak hanya belajar mengenai kebahasaan saja. aku juga mempelajari semua informasi yang berkaitan mengenai Jerman dan bagaimana hidup disana. selain itu, lingkungan sangat mendukung di tempat ini. Dengan tutor bahasa Jerman yang berkualitas (dengan latar belakang yang dipercaya), aku pun mendapat bimbingan mengenai tata bahasa dan pemahaman budaya dengan sangat baik. Inovedu tidak hanya menyediakan tempat bagiku belajar, akan tetapi berkembang, disini semua proses perihal keberangkatan, dan semua hall yang disiapkan, harus dilakukan sendiri, dan mereka (inovedu) hanya memfasilitas dan memediasi informasi yang dibutuhkan bagiku. Jadi tempat ini sangat berbeda dengan semua tempat kursus yang ada. Terlebih lagi, aku bisa mendapatkan banyak teman dan keluarga baru dengan bermacam background dan masalah yang di share di sini. waah, yang pasti dengan belajar disini, pasti kan bahawa para calon pelajar/ pekerja ke Jerman sudah sangat bisa dipastikan SIAP dan BERKUALITAS!
as long as I study in this place, I don't just learn about language. I also learned all relevant information about Germany and how to live there. besides, the environment is very supportive in this place. With a quality German tutor (with a trusted background), I also received guidance on grammar and cultural understanding very well. Not only does Inovedu provide a place for me to learn, but it develops, here all the processes regarding departure, and all the halls that are prepared, must be done by themselves, and they (inovedu) only facilitate and mediate the information needed for me. So this place is very different from all the existing courses. What's more, I was able to get many new friends and family with various backgrounds and problems shared here. waah, certainly by studying here, surely that prospective students / workers to Germany are very certain to be READY and QUALITY!
Endah Yanti on Google

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aku dr semarang jauh2 ke yogya hanya untuk kursus bhs Jerman di INOVEDU Yogyakarta, smp meninggalkan anak2ku demi mendapatkan ilmu supaya bisa ujian di Goethe dan mendapatkan sertifikatnya. Dannnnn ........ hasilnya aku lulus, ini berkat bimbingan guruku yg tdk akan kulupakan jasanya, jadi kalau kalian2 mau bisa bhs Jerman aku sarankan belajarlah di INOVEDU. Ini bukan promosi tapi FAKTA. Silahkan kalian2 yg ingin menambah ilmu dan belajar bahasa Jerman datang ke Inovedu.
I went from Semarang to Yogya only for German language courses at INOVEDU Yogyakarta, and left my children to get knowledge so they could take the exam in Goethe and get the certificate. Dannnnn ........ the result I graduated, this is thanks to the guidance of my teacher who I will not forget his services, so if you guys want to be able to German I suggest you study at INOVEDU. This is not a promotion but a FACT. Please those of you who want to increase your knowledge and learn German come to Inovedu.
Igede Astina on Google

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Tempat belajar yg seru dan kerasa lumayan private karena hanya beberapa murid (kelas A1 kemarin 6 org aja). Semua aspect diajarin dan diawasin 1-1, even Schreiben dan Sprechen pun kita diminta practice dan dievaluate terus. Suka dikasih PR juga jadi belajarnya makin efektif menurut gue karena kita bisa fokus tanya apa yg ga kita paham di kelas instead of ngerjain latihan di kelas. Tapi latihan di buku selalu di bahas, kok. Selain itu juga suka dpt info ttg Jerman dan budayanya dr Frau nya. Jd makin punya bayangan ttg Jerman. Overall sih ok bgt, tp ini untuk level A1 ya karena gue lesnya br A1 aja.
The place to study is fun and feels quite private because there are only a few students (class A1 was only 6 people yesterday). All aspects are taught and monitored 1-1, even Schreiben and Sprechen are asked to practice and evaluate continuously. Like giving homework too, so learning is more effective in my opinion because we can focus on asking what we don't understand in class instead of doing exercises in class. But training in books is always discussed, really. Besides that, I also like being informed about Germany and its culture from Frau. So, I have more visions of Germany. Overall, it's really ok, but this is for A1 level, because I only have A1 lessons.
Monika Bunga on Google

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I really enjoyed my time to learn Deutsch in Inovedu! disini pengajaran sangat berkualitas, tidak hanya belajar bahasa Jerman saja, disini juga diberikan berbagai pengetahuan mengenai Jerman bahkan bagaimana kehidupan di Jerman. Sangat membantu apalagi dari awal hingga bagaimana cara survive dan berhasil disana. Senang bisa belajar di Inovedu. Danke, Inovedu! :)
I really enjoyed my time to learn Deutsch in Inovedu! here teaching is very high quality, not only learning German, here is also given a variety of knowledge about Germany and even how to live in Germany. Very helpful especially from the beginning to how to survive and succeed there. Glad to be able to study at Inovedu. Danke, Inovedu! :)
Anggia Kinariana on Google

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Saya belajar di Inovedu mulai dari level A1-B1. Dari waktu saya belajar di sana, bisa saya simpulkan kalau Inovedu memang tempat kursus bahasa Jerman yang berkualitas. Pengajar-pengajar (Lehrerinen) di Inovedu sangat telaten dalam membimbing kami. Mereka juga sering sekali memberikan tips-tips yang sangat berguna dalam belajar bahasa Jerman. Selain belajar mengenai ilmu kebahasaan, para pengajar di Inovedu juga banyak berbagi mengenai hal-hal baru terutama yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan di Jerman. Vielen Dank, Inovedu! :D
I studied at Inovedu starting from level A1-B1. From the time I studied there, I can conclude that Inovedu is indeed a quality German language course. The instructors (Lehrerinen) at Inovedu are very patient in guiding us. They also often provide tips that are very useful in learning German. In addition to learning about linguistics, the teachers at Inovedu also share a lot about new things especially related to life in Germany. Vielen Dank, Inovedu! : D
Marie da Silva on Google

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Saya senang sekali bisa belajar di sini. Pengajarnya ramah dan sangat helpful, sabar dan benar-benar diajari dari 0. Setiap hari kami dimotivasi untuk belajar setiap hari. Dari yang semula tidak bisa sama sekali, jadi bisa berkomunikasi dengan native. Tempat belajar yang nyaman, karena lokasi yang tidak terlalu dekat dengan jalan raya sehingga memang tenang dan cocok untuk suasana belajar. Terima kasih Inovedu. Jaya selau.
I am very happy to be able to study here. The instructors are friendly and very helpful, patient and really taught from 0. Every day we are motivated to learn every day. From the beginning, I couldn't at all, so I can communicate natively. A comfortable place to study, because the location is not too close to the highway so it is indeed quiet and suitable for a learning atmosphere. Thank you Inovedu. Jaya always.
anifah heinzlmayer on Google

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Trima kasih bnyak untuk Inovedu.. Sya alhamdulilah lulus ujian A1 di Austria.. Dan trimakasih juga untuk guru pembimbing yg sangat baik dn sabar ngajar disaat pandemic.. All the best Inovedu
Thank you very much for Inovedu.. Alhamdulilah, I passed the A1 exam in Austria.. And thank you also to the supervising teacher who was very good and patient in teaching during the pandemic.. All the best Inovedu

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