Gedung Kesenian - Gunung Kidul Regency

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gedung Kesenian

Address :

Jl. Pemuda No.227, Rejosari, Baleharjo, Wonosari, Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55851, Indonesia

Postal code : 55851
Categories :

Jl. Pemuda No.227, Rejosari, Baleharjo, Wonosari, Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55851, Indonesia
Haidar Ali on Google

Tempat pertandingan bulutangkis,, tp mungkin beberapa fasilitas bisa diperbaharui ?
Badminton match venue, but maybe some facilities can be renewed ?
Agus “CKJ” Skn on Google

Lahan luas sangat presentatif untuk sebuah gedung pertunjukan seni jawa, baik tari, kethoprak, wayang wong dan lainnya. Karena bangunan sudah tua maka perawatan haruz dimaksimalkan.
The large area is very presentative for a Javanese art performance building, both dance, kethoprak, wayang wong and others. Because the building is old, maintenance must be maximized.
Bella Amelia on Google

Tempatnyaa luas dan bersih Untuk acara-acara juga nyaman Letaknya strategis.
The place is spacious and clean It is also convenient for occasions Strategic location.
OKA OKE on Google

Gedung olahraga di Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Gedung nyaman digunakan. Semoga ada perbaikan dari segi lampu supaya setiap yg berolahraga disini lebih nyaman lagi.
Sports hall in Gunungkidul Regency. The building is comfortable to use. Hopefully there will be improvements in terms of lights so that everyone who works here is more comfortable.
reno wikandaru on Google

Di tiap kabupaten di Yogyakarta, biasanya terdapat gedung kesenian, salah satunya gedung kesenian Gunung Kidul ini. Dilihat dari bangunannya, terlihat kalau gedung ini memang tidak lagi muda (if you know what i mean). Terlihat bahwa gedung ini dibangun tahun 1990an dan kurang mendapat perawatan. Waktu saya berkunjung ke sini (tahun 2018) kondisinya memprihatinkan. Chat tembok kelihatan usang. Debu di segala tempat. Atapnya juga bocor di beberapa titik. Semoga lekas ada perhatian dari pihak yang terkait mengingat eksistensi gedung ini cukup penting bagi perkembangan kesenian di Gunung Kidul. Mengapa demikian? Iya, karena meski kondisinya seperti yang saya tuliskan di atas, tempat ini menjadi lokasi lomba langen carita tingkat kabupaten Gunung Kidul.
In each district in Yogyakarta, there are usually art buildings, one of which is the Gunung Kidul art building. Judging from the building, it can be seen that this building is no longer young (if you know what i mean). It can be seen that this building was built in the 1990s and lacks maintenance. When I visited here (in 2018) the conditions were poor. Wall chat looks worn. Dust all over the place. The roof also leaked at some point. Hopefully there will soon be attention from related parties considering the existence of this building is quite important for the development of arts in Gunung Kidul. Why is that? Yes, because despite the conditions as I wrote above, this place is the location for the Langen Carita competition at the Gunung Kidul district level.
Arief Jauhari on Google

Mungkin karena anggaran pemeliharaan gedung kurang, sehingga bangunan terlihat kurang terawat terlebih di bagian belakang yang merupakan bagian kamar mandi. Namanya gedung kesenian, tapi fungsinya bisa untuk pergelaran pesta pernikahan, pertemuan, olah raga indoor, dan lain-lain. Sewaktu saya ke sini, di siang hari, ada event turnamen catur tingkat pelajar. Acara tidak terlalu dipadati pengunjung, tetapi suhu di dalam sudah terasa pengap dan panas karena kurangnya pendingin ruangan, meski ventilasi udara cukup.
Maybe because the building maintenance budget is lacking, so the building looks less well maintained, especially at the back which is part of the bathroom. The name is an art building, but its function can be used for weddings, meetings, indoor sports, and so on. When I came here, in the afternoon, there was a student level chess tournament event. The event was not too crowded with visitors, but the temperature inside was already feeling stuffy and hot due to the lack of air conditioning, even though the air ventilation was sufficient.
Mas Sahid on Google

D-SIX Prod. on Google

Anniv WBI

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