Gedung Kaca - Kulon Progo Regency

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gedung Kaca

Address :

Ktr. Bupati Kulon Progo, Terbah, Wates, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55651, Indonesia

Postal code : 55651
Categories :

Ktr. Bupati Kulon Progo, Terbah, Wates, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55651, Indonesia
yanuarti gayani on Google

Bagus....gedung nya. KP berbenah... tingkatkan terus pelayanan kpd masyarakat
Good ... the building. KP to improve ... continue to improve services to the community
Syahrul K on Google

Lumayan / 10
Not bad / 10
Ayu Wulandari on Google

Ada yang tahu nggak harga sewa gedung kaca untuk pernikahan berapa?
Does anyone know how much the glass building rental price for a wedding is?
Aji Candra on Google

Salah satu gedung terbaik kulon progo
One of the best culon progo buildings
TRI PRAST on Google

Kantor nya nyaman pelayanan ramah
His office is comfortable, friendly service
Sugeng Riyanto on Google

Ada beberapa aula yang cukup luas di kompleks gedung kaca milik pemkab Kulon Progo ini dengan design interior dan fasilitasnya cukup representatif. Sangat berguna untuk berbagai kegiatan seperti sosialisasi, menerima kunjungan tamu dan tujuan kegiatan pemerintahan lainnya.
There are some quite large halls in the glass building complex owned by the Kulon Progo regency with a fairly representative interior design and facilities. Very useful for various activities such as outreach, receiving guest visits and other objectives of government activities.
Jumadi on Google

Gedung Kaca Wates. Hampir semua pintu / jendela depan bangunan terbuat dari Kaca Biasanya dipakai untuk Seminar, Pameran, Sarasehan, dll. Lokasi seputaran area parkir timur dekat Alun-Alun Wates. Tempat ini bisa berhenti parkir untuk banyak mobil dan motor, karena lokasi.Parkiran luas.
Wates Glass Building. Almost all the front doors / windows of buildings are made of glass Usually used for seminars, exhibitions, workshops, etc. Location around the east parking area near Wates Square. This place can stop parking for many cars and motorbikes, because of the location. Wide parking area.
anis sholikah on Google

Parkir luas. Ada akses untuk disabilitas. Toilet bersih dan ada pilihan toilet jongkok atau toilet duduk. Lantai 1 untuk pelayanan pajak dan kantor. Lantai 2 untuk ruang pertemuan. Ruangnya luas. Full ac, lcd, jmlh meja kursi bisa menyesuaikan. Sound system oke.
Parking area. There is access for disabilities. Toilets are clean and there is a choice of squat toilet or toilet seat. 1st floor for tax and office services. 2nd floor for meeting room. The space is wide. Full AC, LCD, the number of tables and chairs can be adjusted. Sound system okay.

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